» Tue May 07, 2013 10:13 am
I bought both child beds and child chests before adopting my children. Sophie uses the right chest but sleeps in the opposite bed. Blaise uses the dresser upstairs and sleeps in the bed with Sophie's chest.
My stewards and bards all either insult me or ask me if I'm lost every time I enter my house.
I find it very awkward getting the lovers comfort boost when my kids sleep in the same room as me and my wife, an optional thin wall between our side of the room would be much appreciated and there are already two doors so it shouldn't be a problem.
Also it's been well over a month and they haven't given me any gifts, brought home any animals, and my wife has yet to be kidnapped.
The giant that attacks my house appears in my animal pen and kills my cow and chickens before I even know he's there. Please make him spawn far enough away from the animal pen that I have a chance to notice he's there.
A dragon attacked my manor and I used bend will on him so I could fight him without putting my family in danger and I killed him and got his soul and everything seemed fine but when i fast traveled back to my house its body appeared (body as in scales and everything) in my yard and will not go away.
The necromancer behind Lake-view Manor won't stop harassing my children when we play hide and seek. I really don't appreciate fireballs being thrown at my children.
I shot the hawk flying around my house and its body won't go away.
All the items in my house respawned and messed up my self placed decorations. (this took me hours to do and now it's all messed up)
The Slaughterfish that you can have in your fish breeding pool are extremely difficult to kill without the use of shouts, please make is to that there is a command to kill them when you swim up to them.
The cow and chickens also keep leaving their pen and can't seem to find their way back.
My wife's day consists of waking up, going outside, standing in the same spot, and looking at the wall all day until she goes to bed.
I find it kind of odd that my bard never sleeps, and that when I ask for a specific song he gets up, looks at the wall, and then starts playing like a reluctant five year old in time out.
The chicken takes a month to lay an egg (This has been an ongoing issue for every chicken in skyrim)
The butter churner also takes a month to produce one butter.
Also I'm really getting tired of my wife wearing that patched together blouse. We live in a manor and have multiple servants. I should be able to give her clothes as good as mine.
Why are we not able to adopt the Aretino child?
I enjoy the bards and their music, but please add a bit more variation to the songs that they sing.
I think it would be nice if we could remove furniture that we don't want anymore or accidentally placed.
There are not enough chairs at the dining room table to accommodate my family and my servants. I would also appreciate a throne like chair at the end of the table for the man/woman of the house. (preferably in front of the fireplace)
It would be nice if my wife cooked dinner and the whole family sat down to eat each night. Maybe have her walk outside with a pot in her hands and call the children ("It's time for dinner children!")
Please add some more taxidermy creatures for the trophy room and allow us to switch them out. I would suggest Ash Spawn, Netch, Mammoth Skull with giants club leaning on it, Ice Wraith, Atronachs, Boars, Dwemer Ballista, werewolves and werebears, Hulking Draugr, and maybe a dragon priest that we could put a mask on.
Make the balconies connect better.