» Mon May 06, 2013 8:51 pm
Miraak is stuck taking all my dragon souls. Period, every time. I hate to curse, as I find it unbecoming, but let me just say that when I say that this is unacceptably [censored], I mean it. I literally cannot only continue my Dragonborn DLC quests, but any other quest in Skyrim requiring me to learn a new shout is now inaccessible, as well as the entire shout abilities that I have yet to unlock
A big of background:
I started the Dragonborn DLC by travelling to Solstheim early on, and scouring the island almost entirely: all before doing the Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller quest, which starts the cultist attacks, and therefore starts the real story DLC quest. I did the mining quest in which you get the Bloodskal Blade, the quest in which you retrieve the pick axe for Glover Mallorey, and the quest in which you find the undead commander who sends ash spawn to Raven's Rock. After doing all this, I built myself a set of Nordic Armor, a Nordic Greatsword, improved it, and went about my way to do the Wincaller Horn quest to initiate the DLC quest. At this point, I had no companions (having sent away Serana after the Ash Spawn quest), and was approximately level 24ish.
After doing the Dragonborn DLC quest, I unlocked the first word of power for bend will. Having one saved Dragon Soul, I spent it on this, and went on my way. The second word of power, Bend Will, in Ncharsomething, was learned by defeating the dragon that was automatically summoned outside the Dwemer ruin, a named one that if I remember correctly starts with a K.
Past this point, I went on until after Hermaus Mora killed the Skaal leader, I learned the third word of power. This, I thought, should be simple. I went and slayed a Dragon in Solstheim, after remembering how killing one earlier got me a soul. Nope. Miraak appeared, said not this time, swiped it.
Dismayed, I thought to myself, "Surely he has no power in Skyrim!"
Apparently at no point did anyone realize that he should not have reach over all of Tamriel. I have now killed approximately 10 dragons across Solstheim and Skyrim, and had every single soul stolen. Some of these Dragons were from random encounter, some were from Lairs.
I understand that with the problems the PS3 has been having, that the DLC might have had it's issues: a freeze here, a glitch here. I would not have expected it to be able to do something so utterly destructive to a game. I am no longer able to access any of the unlocked shouts due to this glitch, because the developers wanted to be annoying past anything and didn't realize that by programming something that could steal from you, if it were to go haywire it might seep into the rest of the game.
I do not personally know how the patching system works with DLC; having seen other forums, some saying it can and some saying it cannot be patched. I hope, to whatever god be out there should there be one, that it may be.
I currently am level 28, and about to quit the game for good until the next game in the series releases. I am absolutely fed up at this point: not to blame the developers or anyone particularly; but so utterly frustrated that the continuance (god forbid the restarting) of this game absolutely infuriates me.
If ANYONE has encountered this problem and surpassed it, please let me know. If anyone has any tips that might help, aside from reloading a ancient save state (that does not exist on my system anymore), I will try them to the best of my capability. I do not wish to give up this game, but I will not be told that my hard work has to be thrown away and done from scratch in order to fix something that should have been thought of and prevented in the first place.