Dragonborn DLC is now live. Report all bugs and glitches *HE

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:55 am

lol i was wondering what was hearthfire stuff doing here.... nice long post, too
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 8:30 pm

Very minor:

2 ice wraith piles in the north, with a dead Reaver in bonemold armor nearby: can't search the ice piles.

Actually I don't even know if I killed the teeth or the Reaver, as I had a small army with me at the time (6 flame cloak spiders & a follower that summons flame atronach).

Also, and this one's annoying:

height in 3rd person v. 1st person:
While in Severin Manor near the alchemy table....in 1st person it seemed like my nose was level with the tops of barrels!!!
Switching to 3rd person my head was well above the barrels and height looked normal.

I know Bretons are short but I'm not that short!!
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:23 am

Here's a minor bug, not too serious and mostly funny. Since Dragonborn apparently NPCs can now use the new Nordic weapons. Well, I stumbled across a bandit who was wielding a really nice Nordic Greatsword. Well, sort of wielding it (and this is the bug -->) it appeared as though it was sheathed like a normal one handed sword, but he was moving and swinging his arms (visually holding nothing) just as if he was indeed wielding the sword. And it hurt too...
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:12 pm

yeah i had Delphine holding an invisible torch in her hand too just an hour ago during Alduin's wall quest
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patricia kris
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:04 am

Before knowing that I needed dragon souls to learn the Bend Will shout, I had spent all of mine on other shouts. I was able to scrounge up 2 souls for most of the shout, but now I am barred from completing the DLC, since I have killed dragons across Skyrim in a desperate attempt to get a soul, but dragons just stopped yielding souls altogether, whether they are fresh spawns or respawns. Doesn't seem to matter. I don't understand why there isn't a guaranteed way to gather the necessary souls in order to avoid this scenario; it feels like I'm completely screwed unless I either start over completely or load a much earlier save and hoard souls, either way using up a huge amount of time that shouldn't have to be wasted.

That's my two cents. I hope this can be fixed, because I'd prefer that I and players like me not just end up screwed because they wanted to play the DLC trying to figure things out for themselves only to find out that we were supposed to be saving up dragon souls the entire time.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:02 pm

hi, i have the same problem. What's the solution?
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Joie Perez
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:38 pm

After I defeated Haknir, I lost the ability to cast Dead Thrall. I'd push the buttons but my character doesn't go through the motions to cast it. I could summon a Dremora Lord still though; it was just Dead Thrall. I even exited the game and re-entered it. The old save works though.
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:48 pm

this bug is generally caused if you drain Miraak's health too fast, so load an earlier save (preferreably before mounting that dragon), during fight avoid using overpowered weapons, fight him slowly, dont use too strong attacks when his health is getting low, and also avoid using weapons with any poison damage effects n you should be fine
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:12 am

I have found a problem. I get to the battle with Miriak I've killed him before he absorbed the last dragon soul and the game didn't register that he was defeated. I went back to a previous save and waited until he got the last dragon soul and then finished him off and i'm still stuck there.In the quest menu it still shows defeat Miriak but now he doesnt have the icon over him. I'm an 81 level warrior using a sword rated at 162 and using call of valor to kill him.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:36 am

Thanks Litter1. Lucky I picked up a non upgraded weapon while working my way to Miraak. Otherwise I would of be screwed. Tried it last night with a regular mace took alot longer but finally completed the quest. I liked it the way i was doing it at least my way and my weapons I got to deal the death blow to Miraak
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 8:51 pm


Miraak is stuck taking all my dragon souls. Period, every time. I hate to curse, as I find it unbecoming, but let me just say that when I say that this is unacceptably [censored], I mean it. I literally cannot only continue my Dragonborn DLC quests, but any other quest in Skyrim requiring me to learn a new shout is now inaccessible, as well as the entire shout abilities that I have yet to unlock

A big of background:

I started the Dragonborn DLC by travelling to Solstheim early on, and scouring the island almost entirely: all before doing the Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller quest, which starts the cultist attacks, and therefore starts the real story DLC quest. I did the mining quest in which you get the Bloodskal Blade, the quest in which you retrieve the pick axe for Glover Mallorey, and the quest in which you find the undead commander who sends ash spawn to Raven's Rock. After doing all this, I built myself a set of Nordic Armor, a Nordic Greatsword, improved it, and went about my way to do the Wincaller Horn quest to initiate the DLC quest. At this point, I had no companions (having sent away Serana after the Ash Spawn quest), and was approximately level 24ish.
After doing the Dragonborn DLC quest, I unlocked the first word of power for bend will. Having one saved Dragon Soul, I spent it on this, and went on my way. The second word of power, Bend Will, in Ncharsomething, was learned by defeating the dragon that was automatically summoned outside the Dwemer ruin, a named one that if I remember correctly starts with a K.

Past this point, I went on until after Hermaus Mora killed the Skaal leader, I learned the third word of power. This, I thought, should be simple. I went and slayed a Dragon in Solstheim, after remembering how killing one earlier got me a soul. Nope. Miraak appeared, said not this time, swiped it.

Dismayed, I thought to myself, "Surely he has no power in Skyrim!"

Apparently at no point did anyone realize that he should not have reach over all of Tamriel. I have now killed approximately 10 dragons across Solstheim and Skyrim, and had every single soul stolen. Some of these Dragons were from random encounter, some were from Lairs.

I understand that with the problems the PS3 has been having, that the DLC might have had it's issues: a freeze here, a glitch here. I would not have expected it to be able to do something so utterly destructive to a game. I am no longer able to access any of the unlocked shouts due to this glitch, because the developers wanted to be annoying past anything and didn't realize that by programming something that could steal from you, if it were to go haywire it might seep into the rest of the game.

I do not personally know how the patching system works with DLC; having seen other forums, some saying it can and some saying it cannot be patched. I hope, to whatever god be out there should there be one, that it may be.

I currently am level 28, and about to quit the game for good until the next game in the series releases. I am absolutely fed up at this point: not to blame the developers or anyone particularly; but so utterly frustrated that the continuance (god forbid the restarting) of this game absolutely infuriates me.

If ANYONE has encountered this problem and surpassed it, please let me know. If anyone has any tips that might help, aside from reloading a ancient save state (that does not exist on my system anymore), I will try them to the best of my capability. I do not wish to give up this game, but I will not be told that my hard work has to be thrown away and done from scratch in order to fix something that should have been thought of and prevented in the first place.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:09 pm

...it is not a glitch, actually... Miraak stealing your killed dragon's souls is a randomized feature, and will happen anywhere.. (although i dont know if THAT was also intended thatway or not) ...so, just keep hunting dragons til you get a soul, then finish the DB MQ asap. him stealing the souls will only happen between first meeting him, and the final fight and is actually a random event (so you have just been very unlucky ), so if you dont feel like dragonhunting no more just load a save before first meeting Miraak, and stock up on about 10 or more dragon souls to be safe
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Rodney C
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 8:44 pm

I see you understand the happening: but not the severity.
This has happened 10+ times in a row. I would like to say this is random, but I can't get the soul to finish it because he literally won't let me.

I also can't load a previous save due to the fact that on the PS3 I do not have one. I keep one Save State per character, and I save at all times should I die, or should the game freeze.

Thanks for replying though. I can see that the last post was in April 2012, and I honestly thought I wouldn't get a response so soon. The only reason I am treating this like a glitch is because I know the mechanic behind it, and I am just wondering if there is a common occurance of where that mechanic gets stuck, as it has in my case; if there is any way to fix it, or if I just need to start over.

Because no offense, but I was not BSing you when I said I have killed approximately 10+ dragons, EVERY ONE OF WHOMS souls have been stolen. If I could just get one, I could unlock that last shout, kill him and be done with it, but I can't, and that's why I consider it a glitch.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:00 am

The problem just resolved itself, actually. I used the second Bend Will shout against Miraaks temple statue (tree I think?) and though it did nothing, the next dragon I slayed gave me a soul. Hope this helps anyone who gets stuck. Also, thank you again Litter1!
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:28 pm

lol no need to thank me as i couldnt help you any further as it is but i guess it does make some sense as like that skaal guy said, cleansing the stones will weaken miraak's power... so this actually makes a perfect sense in a way.. as on my characters ive always saved up souls before the DB questline, and as a completionist as i am i always cleanse the stones asap before advancing in DB MQ... so yeah, maybe the "randomness" of miraak stealing dragonsouls depends on how many stones youve cleaned..but the fact miraak can steal souls also in skyrim is prolly an unintended feature by beth anyways as lore wise he has influence in solstheim only whilst being stuck in apocrypha
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:38 am

Unique item disappeared from my inventory! How to get it back??

I just finished Unearthed quest and something strange and extremely annoying happened. I`ve been waiting for some time to get my Ahzidal set together. Carrying my Ahzidal boots and gloves in my inventory, I went to do last part of the quest and finally got Ahzidal armor and helm. I was just about to equip my full set of armor but I noticed that my boots were gone! I am sure I didn`t drop or sell them. They just disappeared. I searched whole Kolbjorn barrow but they were not there.

Now it seems I cannot have the full set anymore and it is quite annoying and frustrating. What is the use of unique armor if it just mysteriously disappears. I am playing ps3 version of the game so cannot use console command. Any fix to this or is it permanent??
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:04 pm

Never mind about that... it seems my memory is doing tricks on me... just found them in my chest. Game is just fine, it was my mistake.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 7:45 pm

are you absolutely sure that you didnt drop or sell them by accident? cause i havent heared of items disappearing from the inventory like that.. usually the items tend to get stuck in there instead (quest-items)

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:50 am

I cant play the dlc I downloaded and installed this piece of [censored] 3 times ,then bought dawnguard and did the same and I cant play it!it says no downloadable content found and the cultists and ship dont appear EVEN THOUGH IT SHOWS THE DLC IN MY PS3 SAVES!
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:30 am

you already created a topic of this issue, you should not keep posting the same text into other threads as well... get acquintaned with the forum rules please

edit: since youre a new member, welcome to the forums, have a fishy stick: http://images.uesp.net/c/c4/Fishystick.jpg
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:51 am

I'm having trouble getting this one started, and I suspect I've been glitched. I was attacked by three Cultists on the road south of Winterhold, and killed all three of them, taking their possessions. I then went off to do the Hearthfire DLC stuff, and when I went back to Dragonborn, the Journal is saying that I need to find out why the Cultists attacked me. The map pointer for this quest is pointing to where I was originally attacked, and when I travel back there, there is an arrow pointing to the only remaining Cultist body, with the (Empty) tag underneath the description. So the Cultist does not have any Cultist Orders, I don't have them in my inventory, and it seems I have no way to proceed. I've been to Solshteim and done a bunch of side quests, but I can't ask the councilor about Miraak, and nothing happens when I go to the Earth Stone. I don't want to go back to the last save, as I've done the entire Hearthfire DLC and a bunch of side quests. Is there any way to fix this, or should I dump this one and go play another game?
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:34 pm

You can try going to Saering's Watch on Solstheim to learn the Bend Will shout, then use it on the earth stone and proceed from there.

As mentioned here: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1450817-going-to-solstheim-at-level-1/page__view__findpost__p__22422778
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Angel Torres
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:05 am

I don't if it's a bug or simply a minor oversight, but Frea doesn't have any dialogue when you cast spells like Courage or Heal Other on her. Just thought I'd point that out.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:04 am

I am pissed as I just bought Dragonborn DLC for the PS3. Just started it....went to Dawnstar, near the secret entrance to the Darkbrotherhood.

I just got out when 3 cultist approach me and seconds after that an elderdragon. I kill the dragon and my companions kill the cultists. I found only 2 cultists. The 3th one is just floating marker. Can this be fixed or do I have to ask my money back ?

Restarted Skyrim hoping their would be a patch, but there is no patch.

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Abi Emily
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:27 am

He probably clipped through something. Just reload from the nearest save and kiil them again.

(Alternatively, you can try crouching at the spot to see if the body is still close enough to activate the search prompt.)
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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