Now doing a nord based heavily off the Green Arrow and imo I've been pulling it off so well. Lvl 21 and I've never been happier to play this. Of course I'm not purely RPing the emerald archer, but my own TES version.
Now I have 2 questions. I don't plan on doing the main quest for a long time, as I want Arjen to be well established into his new life in skyrim, and also be deep into my build. Playing the main quest at an early level was terrible my first time around and I didn't care for it at all at a low level, but when I eventually start it I don't want to accept my role as a kills the point of my Green Arrow inspired character (I dont want to use shouts at all) How would you all RP that situation? I just don't see it as realistic to reject using shouts since they are so killer in this world. Plus I know shouts are key to the main not creative enough to headcanon around that.
2nd I don't own any dlcs and will probably get Dragonborn first. Reasoning? My guy fell in love with Jenassa very early on and married her. Eventually he will want to take her over to Morrowind to visit when life for them gets better. (They both still live off bounty hunts which I like to RP are more than 100 coins) but the title of the DLC much like my first problem makes me think I'll have to accept my role as the DB to start that DLC. Without dlc spoilers, can anyone confirm that? Can I run that DLC and enjoy majority of its content without that worry?
And since I'm here bonus question. Why is Jenassa running out of orcish arrows? Previously I remember hearing 3 was enough for followers to have an infinite amount. I remmeber giving Stenvar only 3 and he was good. Yet giving Jen 20-25 and she will eventually run out, and I'll know cuz she won't use her dwarven bow after. (Or any bow) She's been bow heavy with me until the enemy is close enough.