Dragonborn Mention I just discovered

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:47 am

I finished the MQ in Oblivion and headed back to Cloud Ruler Temple. When discussing Rumors with any of the Blades, except Jauffre, who will speak to you --Roliand for instance--I got the following statement:

"WIth no Emperor to serve the Blades now return to their ancient role. We will bide our time until the next Dragonborn arises."

Which appears to show that somebody at Bethesda knew that there were others who were called "Dragonborn" who were not Septims.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:22 pm

That is interesting. Does this also imply that the Blades will be at your service once you are revealed to be Dragonborn?
I guess we'll find out. Good find! A lot of us who haven't played the Oblivion MQ since the news about Skyrim probably missed this, myself included.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:17 am

Except, IIRC it was only dragonborn that could light the dragon fires. Now forgive me on this, as my lore is... lacking, but aren't all (or most) dragonborn descendants of Akatosh, which the Septim line was?
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 1:58 pm

I finished the MQ in Oblivion and headed back to Cloud Ruler Temple. When discussing Rumors with any of the Blades, except Jauffre, who will speak to you --Roliand for instance--I got the following statement:

Which appears to show that somebody at Bethesda knew that there were others who were called "Dragonborn" who were not Septims.

Umm...Bethesda and everybody else. This is nothing new.

And Septims are not descendants of Akatosh. They are descendants of...you guessed it...Tiber Septim.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:40 pm

I don't really think that's what it means at all actually. :confused:
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:38 am

Dragon borns aren't Just those of Alessia's line, and as my Siggy suggests about Dragons, this is an aspect we where not informed or aware of Pre Skyrim announcement.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:00 pm

That is interesting. Does this also imply that the Blades will be at your service once you are revealed to be Dragonborn?
I guess we'll find out. Good find! A lot of us who haven't played the Oblivion MQ since the news about Skyrim probably missed this, myself included.

Yes. We were already told that the Blades were originally formed to aid the dragonborn in fighting dragons and then all of them rallied together to defend a specific family of dragonborn (the septims). In Skyrim, the Blades are all but extinct and Esbern is a blade that helps your character throughout the game and teaches you how to be a dragonborn.

About the Dragons..I was right!

But most of that post was wrong though :tongue: You were right about the war with dragons in the past before though.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:12 pm

That is interesting. Does this also imply that the Blades will be at your service once you are revealed to be Dragonborn?

Esbern is a Blade (as stated by Mike Lampert in the Sounds of Skyrim update on GI) and the blades are portrayed on Alduin's wall kneeling (with swords raised above them) behind Dovahkiin as part of the prophecy. So it's pretty much old news.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:12 pm

But most of that post was wrong though :tongue: You were right about the war with dragons in the past before though.

lolol I know :D but im going to stress that until kingdom falls
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:21 am

I hope Esbern will be a mentor as cool as Caius cosades...
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:08 pm

I hope Esbern will be a mentor as cool as Caius cosades...

I doubt anyone can live up to that. That man is a legend.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:53 am

Umm...Bethesda and everybody else. This is nothing new.

And Septims are not descendants of Akatosh. They are descendants of...you guessed it...Tiber Septim.

my lore is way off then XD disregard me.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:11 pm

Except, IIRC it was only dragonborn that could light the dragon fires. Now forgive me on this, as my lore is... lacking, but aren't all (or most) dragonborn descendants of Akatosh, which the Septim line was?

Akatosh doesn't have any Descendants, he mixed his blood with Alessia to create the first Dragon Born, the Septim line were as already mentioned, descendants of Talos from when he was a mere Nord called Tiber Septim. I know this cas I got corrected on this one recently too heh ^^;;. All that said, there are a couple of lines the Dragon Born could be from but the player is suppose to be the last. However the Amulet of Kings is gone and without that it's impossible to relight the dragon fires, then again I don't think it matters since Martin brought the power of Akatosh out by summoning his Avatar and thus Akatosh banished Mehrunes Dagon for a second time... and I thought Aedra are suppose to be weaker then Deadra XD.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:42 pm

That is interesting. Does this also imply that the Blades will be at your service once you are revealed to be Dragonborn?
I guess we'll find out. Good find! A lot of us who haven't played the Oblivion MQ since the news about Skyrim probably missed this, myself included.

Blades being at your command? Probly not, since, if I remember correctly, the last of the Blades is supposedly going to be the one to rescue you from prison/death. Thus the blades are no more unless you have the option later on to rebuild them.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:00 pm

An interesting, but unrelated thing I heard for the first time today is the Dunmer pirate in the IC Waterfront singing a jaunty little tune about Cyrus from TESA: Redguard. It was cool, in my 5 years of playing I had never heard it before.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 1:01 pm

Sorry, my husband was dragging me out the door to dinner so I didn't have a chance to add all I wanted at the time. It's just that I've seen a lot of discussion on this board that the idea of the player being a Dragonborn and NOT a Septim is against the known Lore and must have been a new idea by the developers.

I suspect that this has always been in what amounts to the "Bible" for the game and this is just the first time the game has hinged on it the player knowing about it. I think all the "unknown heroes" of the TES Games have been Dragonborn. For one thing the Nerevarine gets called that at some point late in the endgame--either by Vivec or Azura--in Morrowind, and this one in Oblivion is an even bigger hint.

As for the Septims being the only ones to light the Dragonfires, doesn't anyone read the "Brief History of the Empire" everyone in Cyrodiil is required to have at least one volume of in their desk? It makes it clear that the Septims are/were only the latest dynasty since Alessia. The Amulet of Kings was given to Alessia specifically for the purpose of lighting the Dragonfires and keeping Mehunes Dagon from being able to enter Mundus. So, any Imperial Heir, until Martin sacrificed himself, could light the Dragonfires. Heck even the current Septim Line wasn't actually descended from Tiber Septim. And the Dragonfires are neither necessary nor possible since the end of Oblivion.

Anyway, I was floored when I read that statement, and went to a couple of other surviving Blades -- Captain Steffan and the female Blade who guards the doors into Cloud Ruler--and they all said exactly the same speech. So it seems that it was something most Blades knew but didn't talk about. (I wish I could have asked Baurus, but he bit it in the IC getting Martin to the Temple.)
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