If Bethesda had added a dragonborn perk tree in a dlc or even in the vanilla game, what would you have wanted it to look like? For me the tree would be something like this...
The first tier would consist of a 5 point perk that would reduce the cooldown for all shouts, maxing out at 50%. The next perk in the line would be branching: on the left would be a perk that would increase the damage of breath attacks by 25% and would contain two ranks (total bonus 50%). The right would be a unique perk that grants a lesser power, essentially making Dragon Aspect a toggleable ability, similar to vampire lord form. Continuing on the left, the next perk would modify Storm Call to do extra damage to dragons in flight and avoid doing damage to friendly or neutral targets. The right would branch again. The right-left perk would be a perk that increased your unarmed damage by a level-scaled amount and would contain two points. The perk would also cause the dragon aspect armor to take on an additional claw-like appearance and might even give access to unique kill cam moves. The right-right perk would give you 10% increases in fire and frost resistance, 25 armor, and 5% magic resist per point spent and would also consist of two points. The final perk on the left would be a perk that allows you to channel breath shouts for 6 seconds, at reduced damage. It would also decrease the cooldown time of breath shouts by 10%. The perk lines on the right would converge on a final perk that reduces the damage you take from dragons by 25% and increases the damage you do to dragons by 25% while the aspect is active.
How this would be leveled is up in the air. I suppose they could give skill point experience gains from shouting, and make it like a regular tree, but I think I would prefer having to trade in dragon souls to upgrade this perk tree. The amount of souls required could increase slightly as the upper tier perks were reached. It might be a little overpowered, but I think if you make the player feed dragon souls into this tree to be effective, it would take long enough that it shouldn't be game breaking. Thoughts, suggestions, improvements, whatever?