Dragonborn - What makes more sense?

Post » Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:08 pm

I just had a thought to myself about how the Dovahkiin is portrayed in the game. Sure it's set in Skyrim, the home of the Nords, and the return of the Dragonborn is a nordic legend. However weren't the previous dragonborn's mostly Imperial, like Tiber Septim? The dragonfires, Akatosh, etc.

I know any person of any race could potentially be Dragonborn. What i'm speaking of is more-so the origin.

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Post » Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:19 pm

Nobody knows for sure what race Tiber Septim is.

As for origins, the first Dragonborn is Miraak, a Nord. The Septim's seem to be of various races, and Reman Cyrodiil was likely an Imperial.

However, I find that point is moot. If you're Dovahkiin, it doesn't matter if you're Altmer, Argonian, Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Orsimer, Nord, or Redguard. You aren't one of the Joor. You're one of the Dov.

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