It's better than all of them. It's hard to explain how much detail it contains. If you're worried, I always tell people that I was skeptical when they announced it, as I thought that they were just remaking an older DLC. Oh, but was I wrong.
Logical conclusion: You will think Dragonborn is awesome.
Though the Dawnguard armor is still my favorite.
Main quest kind of svcks, but the pure content you get out of it is great. It isn't as big as Shivering Isles, or as well done, but it's heads and tails better than Dawnguard (save for the main quest)
If you enjoyed DG, then it's likely you'll enjoy DB.
I didn't enjoy it as others did. I found the expansion to be a bit short, since I didn't get fooled with the "solve this puzzle to continue this maze" formula abused to expand game time. The additional side quests also felt short to me, but this is probably more due to Skyrim's number of them (after a while, they all seem quick).
Aside from a few small challenges here and there, I believe the best selling point of this add-on is the final fight with Miraak. This comes with a heavy string attached, though: If you're an OP player, this fight is going to svck because it'll be over in 6 shots. If you're a balance player, this will be one of the best fights in the entire series, as its mechanics make the fight with Alduin seem tame in comparison.
I won't spoil the fight for you, but you had best come prepared if you're a balanced player. Playing on Legendary will also enhance the fight, and I loved every reload screen I received because the fight was truly well designed.
I know some will say the Ebony Warrior was better, but I can't agree to that. Fighting a bullet sponge that can heal itself means the player will ultimately have to be OP to overcome the EW's healing replenishment.
Miraak will test your character.
A well deserved kudos goes to the developers for this fight, that's for sure. I wish Alduin did this, honestly. It would have made more sense.
Oh, and when you're done with the DLC, and return to Skyrim, you can play Merry-Go-Round with roost dragons with your new shout. I always enjoy viewing Skyrim's landscape from the air, and this option was really nice.
Dragonborn is great. Memorable characters, memorable art direction, a load of new places to explore...I really like Solstheim a lot, the place seemed to have something that the entire region of Skyrim lacked.
Yes, yes, yes.
I preferred this by far to Dawnguard - it may not have a follower with the depth of Serana, but it has new areas, plenty of more interesting supporting characters than Dawnguard, loads of new quests, items, and most importantly - that "Morrowind" feeling.
Lots of new quests, powers, enemies. A significantly sized island to explore which is geographically distinct from Skyrim (well, except for the snowy parts). Yep, it's worth it.
Let's see, there's new quests, powers, shouts, magic, vendors, potions, runes, spells, monsters, armor, weapons.... so yeah, definitely worth it. I'm just sorry have to start the MQ and confirm your Dragonborn powers before getting access to Solstheim. There's tons of stuff there that isn't related to being the Dragonborn but is inaccessible until the MQ is under way in Skyrim.
It is worth getting, Solstheim is an awesome addition to the game, as there are many lessons to be learned not only from the main storyline, but it has a Morrowind feel to it, and one of the Daedra's are one of the main characters also, in my opinion, the dlc is well worth the money, because even if you do not finish the main quest, there are the main enemies that spawn up everywhere in the game, it makes having only one certain type of enemy out in the wild nice to look forward to in a fight, I try to make the game as peaceful as possible; however it is nice to know who your enemies are, for me that is invaluable, because I know who I will be fighting in the near future, some like to fight random people, for me, I like to experience the same enemies.
The best word to describe getting Dragonborn.
I have had it for 3 months and i haven't even tried it once now there is your answer.
Possibly the best loot in the game but otherwise i dont think its anything to lose sleep over.