It's not worth 20€ but it is better than 99% of the main game.
I'd say it's better than Dawnguard, however it pulls a reverse on it. Where as Dawnguard was mostly the MQ, Dragonborn is more about exploring and doing sidequests on Solstheim. Also, if you have played Bloodmoon, you may recognize some areas, and also notice that Solstheim is smaller than before.
Disappointed there was 0 mention of Aesliip, the exiled Skaal lich, who protected his people from daedric invasion for centuries, even after they dismissed and threw him out again when he went to warn them.
Not sure what you are considering the definition of "beaten" is to be, but there is no reason why anyone shouldn't have all 3 DLCs.
yeah I'd buy it, I enjoyed it quite a bit and I'm still doing side quests. It's better then Dawnguard IMO.
I wasn't trying ti sound snooty at all. I just wanted to get a visual of your accomplishments with vanilla game as a level 37 character could easily just do a small amount.
However, your accomplishments aside, a character that is level 15 can initiate the MQ of Dragonborn. Enemies, while they are tougher than normal, will still scale with the player. I don't understand why people think the need to "wait" before doing anything.
I mean you can go to the island at level 1.Like the vanilla game there is of course content that is level dependent but at level 37, you have met that.
On the side of quests, the main quest feels severely rushed in comparison to older games' expansions but with all of the content combined I'd say it's worth its weight in money.
I'm sure he's kidding. Solstheim will hand you your a** if you're not prepared. Much much tougher than Skyrim. I'd wait until at least level 30 before attempting it. I'm sure most others would agree.
I got my butt handed to me at level 47 but like senor said it's level dependent so always a challenge and what a challenge it is! but totally worth the money lots to do and great amount nostalgia for those who played morrowind.
It's the most worthwhile piece of content in the game.
That's true the MQ is triggered after the Graybeadrs, but I just threw 15 out there as a lowball figure. I ran a test with a level 12 character and had a hard time on Novice.
I've went there at level 1, just to see if I could, but didn't do anything. I was too afraid I'd g....
I think a level 1 for any type of character even on novice level would be a challenge.
I've been enjoying it a lot. Hell, still have yet to progress much in the main quest with all you can do on Solstheim. I'd recommend it, even more if you've played Bloodmoon.