DragonbornVampireWerewolf Confliction?

Post » Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:36 am

So having just become a werewolf I am a little conflicted as to my characters motivations for becoming one. (Admittedly it had alot to due with gaining the favor of Aela) but I mean if you were the first dragonborn in a thousand+ years what reason or interest would you have for becoming a werewolf/vampire? Wouldn't the blood lines conflict with one another?

I am also finding it very difficult to justify killing werewolf/vampire hunters. Perhaps I need to read more of the books within their forts to determine their motivations but to me it seems like they genuinely just hate lycans/vampire due to losing friends/family. Which seems perfectly reasonable, as anyone in their circumstance would.

While lycans/vampire possess great power & are fun to play, I feel as if my character is slowly becoming a monstrosity. I feel as though if the people of Skyrim knew their beloved dragonborn was a abomination everything would change.

I am heavily considering seeking a cure. How do you perceive these mutations?

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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:55 pm

My Nord hero became a Vampire Lord because he felt it was necessary to assist his cause. He is, after all, primarily a dragonslayer and he needs all the help he can get to defeat Alduin. He knows that vampirism is evil and that it denies him the joys of Sovngarde, but he was ready to make that sacrifice for the greater good.

My Altmer werewolf had similar motivations, though she was always aware that the condition is reversible.

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Joe Bonney
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