Either they have a 'featherlight' enchantment in their basic physiology, Eat primarily foods that contain that effect... or have very very hollow bones.
I mean, seriously.
The weight of a chicken thigh is 30% bone. A 100 lb leg would have a 30lb thigh bone.
(I'm going with experience de-boning chickens to use their meat after skinning. The weight includes water and marrow that dries up when the bone has been left to sit. Dry bones you find outside are super light compared to the ones fresh out of an animal)
To gather what looks three or four good-sized bones from this dragon -fresh from the corpse... And have the total only weigh 15 lbs?
The bones must be hella-filled-with-air.
A very intense inner lattice? -hollow like bird bones-
Anyway, it does seem brittle enough to be hollow, since you can apparently slice through the skull (finishing move) with an axe.
It doesn't seem that impressive, since you can see axes slicing through people's heads whenever. But even just an elephant's skull has nearly a foot of bone to go through. Hunters have Special bullets are made to punch through that.
If we assume the bones are all super-low-density, the rest of the body must be fairly lightweight as well, to avoid breaking the bones while doing anything involving motion.
So all the armor and scales must be of a similar lightweight but sturdy material.
(So you can shoot an arrow and it will actually stick, instead of bouncing off like a rock wall)
So the scales would be something like hardened chitin or ivory. Enough to defend one's soft bits, but not hard enough to deflect determined swords.
Dragons also don't seem to be very adept at flying.
They can flap up into the air, but it seems very tiresome and time-consuming. They tend to swoop by with minimal wing-beats to breath fire, or just land and bite at the person.
Very rarely will a dragon pick up someone to fling them and kill them. (So aerial acrobatics are difficult)
Their wings look more like bat wings, which requires a lot of flapping to keep aloft, but they tend to glide more than anything.
It reminds me of a turkey getting into a tree. They can't REALLY fly, but they can glide and use wings to get places a normal jump cant.
So it appears that -although biologically they could be super-light and therefore more attuned toward flight than they first appear- they still have to keep themselves aloft with magic.
Since their shouts are attacks that summon huge destructive magics, and their power is called 'The Voice'
couldn't their magic be imbued into their entire language?
I read in one of the tablets on the way to... that one place where the four greybeards? teach you words of power and how to Whirlwind sprint.... that either dragons or a dragonkiin could not tell lies in the language of dragons, because the words would only speak of what is true - what would happen.
Perhaps a dragon is singing itself aloft? Or whispering. Or maybe the loud cries that you hear while they circle is just a re-application of their flight magic?