I haven't seen a Dragon for 24 days.
I love fighting Dragons and never find them annoying. I wish they spawned more when I'm playing as the Dragonborn.
Agreed, they are annoying. Cool, but annoying. I solved the random spawn issue of them by marking all the word walls and when I am done exploring or questing or whatever I will fast travel to a word wall where a dragon is and fight it. They pose basically no threat to me and just waste time, I still like them I just wish they were actually a threat.
The only times I loath dragon attacks are in towns. Trying to navigate the buildings and kill the dragon before it kills NPCs is a pain.
Yes. I try to keep dragon fights out of towns. Usually I can get them to follow me or at least draw their attention to me to save the NPCs. That never seems to work in Winterhold, though.
I can never hold their attention. They seem to get easily distracted, and it doesn't help that half of the townspeople charge in like they're dragon slayers. I wish I could order everyone to get inside and let me deal with it.
That should be a Shout!
I've thought that an Unrelenting Force or Fire Breath shout at the dragon should certainly draw their attention. It would makes sense to me. Like a challenge, if you will. Dragons are too prideful to resist a challenge and you know they know the voice of one of their own.
Doing the Bleak Falls Barrow quest is the last thing on my mind always. After Riverwood i always go to a random direction and usually end up in the Thief's Guild or Dark Brotherhood.
So i don't actually see a single dragon untill i am 50 + level.
That's what I thought until I got the deadly dragons mod. They aren't too much harder, but enough where I have to try.
Oh my Talos.... if frost dragons annoy you that much, just wait until the Aincent Dragons come by.
just fast travel, and you'll see them all the time. But having them spawn frequently as you grow your character is a good thing cause it lets you save up for all those shout words, right now I'm level 36 on PC and have like 40 unused souls, though I haven't gotten too many word walls yet, either way, I'll have plenty of souls to activate every shout.
Heck, last nite at Dawnstar, I had a blood dragon and an elder dragon to deal with at the same time, it was fun !!
Them Vampires are more annoying. At least Dragons give you souls
They don't 100 percent of the time, most of the time, but not always. you still raise a point though.
If your on PC there is a mod that makes villages (not guards) run away/indoors: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23906/?
I'm not a fan of dragons attacks.
Stop fast traveling so much and you'll have a dragon drought
I think they are the best, most dynamic creatures in the game. Soaring around, shooting fire from the sky, landing on buildings. Only one of my characters is fit for both initiating and dealing with them though. Even then, she has little health so needs to be very wary at the first sign of a dragon.
I'm on PC with the unofficial patches so I've never really experienced those bugs. I do have the mods that also makes NPCS run into their homes when vampires and dragons attack too.
With Vampires they immediately go attacking NPCs and sometimes after wiping a group out you might find another in the same city (happens a lot in Solitude) At least Dragons make their presence very clear and usually fly around for a bit before starting their raid.
Thank you. I added that to my list of mods to try.
In my game, I found traveling by foot attracts the dynamic Dragon event (not the scripted ones at certain locations).
The most annoying thing I find with dragons is sometimes I can't tell whether or not they are aggressive. They might attack upon sight, they might fly around for a bit before attacking or they might not attack at all. Regardless of what they do NPCs like guards will always be drawing their weapons and stay in a combat stance until the Dragon disappears.
Alduin has been teaching the art of trolling I see.....
Same, also sometimes when you are in an area for a while nothing happens. Then as soon as you go inside an interior and exit the interior BAM in your face...
To my knowledge the only way a dragon doesn't give you it's soul is if it's a word wall dragon and you've already killed the dragon there and claimed it's soul or if Miraak steals the soul.
Vampires are much more of a menace as they attack in packs and are out for NPC blood as soon as you enter a town...dragons at least have audible warnings and are slow to attack.
Maybe it's mods or 1 of those strange differences between games? I've had vamps attack in daylight several times and have visited areas that were massacred when I wasn't in the cell....both of which should be impossible yet they've happened.
they spawn the most for me in dawnstar, almost everytime i go there, fast travel, carriage or walking. a dragon appears