Dragons are pathetic

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:51 pm

Like everyone i was super excited about the addition of dragons this time around. But if you have fought more than 1 of them you can already see the problem. THEY ALL ACT THE SAME, i mean every one of them. Not only that.. could they be any more less creative than just having Frost and fire? come on... no lighting...poison...water... you could go on and on with different variations and we got Frost and Fire , and why dont they use shouts? after all it is there language i mean there's alot of different shouts in the game and dragons use 0 of these unless of course you include frost and fire. No idea what they were thinking, for something that was supposed to be a major part of the game is just not fun after you kill a few. And on that note, why is it we now limit 1 monster upgrade a game? think about it, all we been hearing about before release is WE HAVE DRAGONS! .. and what else? Why no hydra's or cyclops's .. again you could go on and on with more monster types and we get poorly made dragons. Skyrim needed to take not of a game called "Monster Tri Hunter" dragons/monster's were done perfectly. in skyrim.. not so much.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:05 am

Yeah, this is the main problem with Dragons. They all act the same, as you say. The only difference between a normal dragon and an Ancient one is hp/damage. This happens mainly cause they don't use any shout beside the breath and the fire/frost ball one. Which is silly cause they're DRAGONS and shouts are words of power in DRACONIC language...
Make dragons use more shouts and they suddenly become more varied/powerful.
Anyway, someone said that checking through the dragon gamefiles shows that they know shouts, but they don't use them for some reason...so MAYBE the problem lies in some sort of AI bug/glitch
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:22 pm

Well, traditionally, there aren't a HUGE variety of dragons, generally in fantasy your base metal coloured ones, ragning up to your silver and gold, which are very powerful, but yes, dragons in general are a bit weak, but in this game, you have to harvest dragon souls, and you ARE the Dragonborn.

I feel it's more a quest progression issue. Having said that, without roflstomp armour/weps, I see an ancient dragon and start looking for things to hide behind....
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:48 pm

Try on master, but you can only use your fists.
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daniel royle
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:43 pm

Been playinig on master. The dragons will disappoint no matter what difficulty lv. it really has nothing to do with how easy/hard they are. just the way they act
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:55 pm

I think the Dragons behave just fine. This is a videogame where the AI has limitations, and to be honest, I think Skyrim Dragons make other rpg dragons look like clumsy carnival rides.

Like posters have said above, adding varied shouts depending on the level of dragon would be appropriate.

My only major issue with dragons thus far, is that the weaker dragons can be killed by trolls, giants, and other low level phenomenon. Including yourself, damn it.

This is a serious design flaw. In a game where dragons are part of the plot, they shouldn't arrive until late in the main quest. Bethesda over-did it by thrusting dragons at us at level 5+ every 10 to 20 minutes. Later stages of the main quest should always be locked out until the character is a higher level (and dragons should have been something to run away from until level 30+). This is my opinion anyway, and the major reason I will never give Skyrim a 10 out of 10.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:39 am

Funny i had one dragon that used animal allegiance and one that used the fusrohdah doesnt happen often though ... and it seems to depend on the battle length. Maybe and thats a wild guess it has something to do with the recharge time of shouts and the effect ... its better to have a dragon use fire/frost every 20 seconds then let him use lets say thunderstorm every 60 secods
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Brian Newman
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:00 pm

I don't think they're dissapointing. I just think the base is good even if it's repetitive, like everyone said the thing they lack is more shouts. Not always the same by the way.

I hope it's possible to mod that, it would be awesome if dragons had access to different shouts. A list of shouts, level 1 for normal dragons, 2 for blood and ice and 3 for the two most powerful types. Maybe each dragon could have a random shout on a list (because not every shout seems to correspond with the "dragon archetype") or simply having all the list but not using the same everytime (but that seems to complex)... That would be a awesome mod.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:30 pm

"Oh [censored], the dragon got me down to 10 HP! Wait... now he's flying away... and my health regenerated... oh, and now he came back after my health was full..."
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:51 am

I recently turned my difficulty up and the game evolved. Now I'm terrified of Dragons
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:39 pm

Dragons are way too easy. Its like cliffracers v2. And I hate waiting for them to land, and sometimes they even cant land at all unless you move somewhere else. That said its always cool to fight them with the badass music and atmosphere with ecchoing dragon screaming in the sky.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:24 pm

I think the Dragons behave just fine. This is a videogame where the AI has limitations, and to be honest, I think Skyrim Dragons make other rpg dragons look like clumsy carnival rides.

Like posters have said above, adding varied shouts depending on the level of dragon would be appropriate.

My only major issue with dragons thus far, is that the weaker dragons can be killed by trolls, giants, and other low level phenomenon. Including yourself, damn it.

This is a serious design flaw. In a game where dragons are part of the plot, they shouldn't arrive until late in the main quest. Bethesda over-did it by thrusting dragons at us at level 5+ every 10 to 20 minutes. Later stages of the main quest should always be locked out until the character is a higher level (and dragons should have been something to run away from until level 30+). This is my opinion anyway, and the major reason I will never give Skyrim a 10 out of 10.

If you played Monster tri hunter for wii, you would not say that at all. That game makes skyrim dragons look incomplete . Tri had alot of different type's of dragons that moved and flew around very differently. with tons of different combat moves. They needed to take a page from Monster tri Hunter.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:36 pm

I wish dragons used more shouts, there were more types of dragons, and I wish they co-operated more.

For example, there could spawn a standard ancient dragon, and a more defensive type that uses animal allegiance, marked for death, and unrelenting force to put the player off balance, and pressure them while the other dragon goes full offensive.

Or, there could be a dragon type that is powerful against melee attacks, but more susceptible to magic. But this type of dragon could be like a brute, that uses powerful melee attacks, along with whirlwind sprint and elemental fury, which would constantly try and speed blitz the player down...making us have to take a more defensive approach against that sort of dragon.

Aside from that:

Roars don't do anything. Roars should stagger and interrupt the player for several seconds if you are between mid and close range from a dragon when it roars, and send weaker npcs/creatures running. It should be a powerful defensive/offensive ability.

Also, there seems to be no effect from wind pressure, from them taking off, or landing near you, or slapping you with their wings. Stuff like that ought to send the player off balance.

Staggering. Dragons are too easy to stagger with our attacks, and their stagger animation is way too long, and leaves them defenseless.

Resistances overall. Dragons really need to have better resistance to all damage, and be more resistant to critical and sneak attacks.

Their damage, also either needs to be increased, or a portion of it needs to be made unresistable, so that it is impossible to reduce dragon damage by more than a certain amount.

Speed. Dragons are pretty quick while flying, but on the ground they are very weak. They kind of just stay stationary, instead of trying to leap backwards, or away, and the long range breath projectile is way too slow as well.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:31 pm

Actually they use three shouts, fire, frost and unrelenting force.
But that's it, even a draugr overlord knows more about Thu'um than a dragon does.

And I don't understand why there's a shout for disarming. It's not like the dragons have to disarm each other while debating(dragon version of fighting).
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:01 pm

A dragon used a shout that made a spider attack me, i think.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:04 am

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patricia kris
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:00 pm

no storm dragons we have storm atronachs?

i agree with the above dragons can be trouble in the air...on the grounds,,,fail

more variation in shouts and more frequently using rare shouts.....ist this their language? :intergalactic:
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Alister Scott
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:41 pm

This is why we play on the PC, mods :D
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Jon O
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:33 pm

This is why we play on the PC, mods :D

i hate you.....but cicero always ...listens.....sigh :intergalactic:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:23 pm

i dont think theyre disappointing at all.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:50 pm

the best part about dragons is how they are the most agile creature to ever exist!

they fly ..then change to a spiral then land in a split second!

then turn around and fly thru a mountain!

these dragons seem to defy gravity and all natural physics..

i think bethesda did a great job making them seem realistic!

they seem to fit into the game flawlessly..

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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:28 pm

i wish dragons hp/damg etc was mainquest linked instead of scaleing with your level -> so you were forced to run away from them until you became more powerful after geting a certain distance in the main quest. the problem with this is that main quest railroaders would complain the game is to hard because they didn't do any side quests on the way to level outside the main.

that said i was disapointed a "blood" dragon wasn't unique in some way ie like a poison blood attack possibly

hell "how to train your dragon" animated film has more variety in dragon abilities becuase they don't use enough shouts dragons should scale with your shouts -> anything you have they have + they always have a few more

how awsome would it be if your fighting a dragon and he suddently uses this new shout you had never heard of until it hit you especialy if the shout it has which you don't is randomised.
-> dragons using time slow shout sending you into slowmo while they moved at full speed would be a combination of painfull and challenging due to the fact that if you know the dragon can do that to you the "potential for self death" jumps up massively.#

give dragons more shouts and in perticular give them ones we don't have yet.
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:58 pm

I had a first random encounter with one just the other day. It landed practically right next to me, but I couldn't see it, just the dust it kicked up and camera shake, so I started swinging at thin air like an insane person, then it breathed on me, and I couldn't see a thing - and by this point I was pretty close to death. But cool I thought, after being cooked for a bit atlast I could see it.

So I chugged some potions and decided that now I could actually see the thing, I was gonna handle it, so I raced round the backside of it and started to swing, but unfortunately my sprinting wore me out and my arm waving and sword slashing just didn't connect with the tail end of the beastie, and I ended up dragon din-dins.

Has anyone else noticed the connection boxes to allow you to hit something seem to be all over the place a bit?
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:13 pm

the best part about dragons is how they are the most agile creature to ever exist!

they fly ..then change to a spiral then land in a split second!

then turn around and fly thru a mountain!

these dragons seem to defy gravity and all natural physics..

i think bethesda did a great job making them seem realistic!

they seem to fit into the game flawlessly..


Alot of sarcasm lol, there just awful
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:16 pm

After observing Dragons, i've noticed that they have a bit of trouble in a city, and they tend to have safeguards in their AI that prevent poor flying from being an issue as they defy gravity and just zoom in another direction if they come within 1 inch of the ground. They also tend to get their asses handed to them by Giants, Mammoths, and a few other creatures. I also think a Dragon should not give a melee only character the chance to strike, by landing before it gets hurt. Why deliberately give the enemy the chance to strike and negate a Dragon's great strength?
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