» Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:36 pm
I wish dragons used more shouts, there were more types of dragons, and I wish they co-operated more.
For example, there could spawn a standard ancient dragon, and a more defensive type that uses animal allegiance, marked for death, and unrelenting force to put the player off balance, and pressure them while the other dragon goes full offensive.
Or, there could be a dragon type that is powerful against melee attacks, but more susceptible to magic. But this type of dragon could be like a brute, that uses powerful melee attacks, along with whirlwind sprint and elemental fury, which would constantly try and speed blitz the player down...making us have to take a more defensive approach against that sort of dragon.
Aside from that:
Roars don't do anything. Roars should stagger and interrupt the player for several seconds if you are between mid and close range from a dragon when it roars, and send weaker npcs/creatures running. It should be a powerful defensive/offensive ability.
Also, there seems to be no effect from wind pressure, from them taking off, or landing near you, or slapping you with their wings. Stuff like that ought to send the player off balance.
Staggering. Dragons are too easy to stagger with our attacks, and their stagger animation is way too long, and leaves them defenseless.
Resistances overall. Dragons really need to have better resistance to all damage, and be more resistant to critical and sneak attacks.
Their damage, also either needs to be increased, or a portion of it needs to be made unresistable, so that it is impossible to reduce dragon damage by more than a certain amount.
Speed. Dragons are pretty quick while flying, but on the ground they are very weak. They kind of just stay stationary, instead of trying to leap backwards, or away, and the long range breath projectile is way too slow as well.