I kill a dragon and it just lies there.
I am using the unofficial patch, immersive armors, weapons and creatures, dimonized UNP, climates of skyrim, improved dragon shouts and improved destruction.
I kill a dragon and it just lies there.
I am using the unofficial patch, immersive armors, weapons and creatures, dimonized UNP, climates of skyrim, improved dragon shouts and improved destruction.
It's a common problem on all platforms, even on PC with or without mods.
If you have reason to believe it may be a mod problem, ask this to be moved to be Mod Forum, because it really isn't a Hardware/Software problem.... It's just a glitch we all deal with occasionally.
Does it usually go away? I am specifically RPing this character as The Draqgonborn - a little hard when I can't collect dragon souls.
If it keeps recurring over and over, it may be a mod problem.
In my experience, it would rarely happen twice in a row. Reloading a save and killing it again also seems to correct the problem.
Reloading a dozen times did nothing. And both dragons I have fought so far have done this. Damn.
From over 400 hours of gameplay, I only had it happen to me once and that was my first few hours in the Dragonborn DLC
I disabled the USKP as a test to see if it was that, and it sure was! I just waited until it got fixed since I had enough souls already As a matter of fact, I am not sure if it got fixed yet.
Are you running the USKP/UDBP mods by any chance, Skooma?
Did you unpack the Unoffical patch's .bsa? If so... there's your problem.
The USKP has a specific script- DragonActorScript.psc/.pex that WILL cause issues if it's unpacked from the BSA. This only occurs if you have downloaded Dragonborn. It doesn't matter if it's currently active or not, downloading Dragonborn updates the script.
All you have to do is go to the file's location under Data/Scripts (or maybe Data/Scripts/Source) and delete it. That will clear up the problem immedately.
This is good to know if I run into the problem, as well. Thanks!