No. I'd rather have a fast travel system that automatically applies services depending on options (speed, cost, risk etc etc) you set in the fast travel dialog. You pay in money or time to fast travel safe, or you manually use services (like in MW) to travel safe, but no more exploitable teleportation at no cost. What you do is up to player, but as we all know, "there is no such thing as a free ride"

So why the hell should the be one in the game? You might not be able to afford it sometimes, but that is still the result of player mismanagement. Do the mistakes, pay the prize. Isn't this roleplaying after all? Why this is unacceptable for the fast travel fans who can't say more than "if you don't like it, don't use it", I will truly never understand. Never have I played a game with such a silly system. How would GTA San Andreas be if we could just click on the map where we wanted to instantly be?
Remove the "free feel" of it, and provide decent alternatives, and I won't complain.