» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:22 am
I've not even rescued Esbern yet, and I've already downed 50'ish dragons so far.. and I've never really gotten tired of them. My favorite ones though are the random encounters out in the wild. Not a word-wall dragon.. But actual random encounters..
One complaint I do have; All these dragon-bones & scales.. I've got two sets each of Dragonplate & Dragonscale armor both upgraded, sitting in my stash... And about 40 scales & bones sitting in my house. There needs to be a use for the darned things, or the drop rates need to be nerfed for them.
I'd imagine tho, that after downing Alduin it would take some of the thunder away from dragon encounters... My problem will probably be that I'm way to high-level by the time I get to him, and he'll be easy as hell to kill... I refuse to progress too deeply into the main quest until I have the majority of the dragon shouts & have completed ALL of the factions... Mostly for Role-playing reasons.. I'd like to be the uber- warrior/theif/assassin/Arcmage of Skyrim before taking on a Deity.