Imperial or stormcloak, it's pretty obvious that another war with the thalmor will be coming. Whether it will be the stormcloaks or imperials facing them in battle is another matter(which is not to be discussed here!).
However, consider that the dragonborn joined one of these sides. He/she won them the civil war and brought a short peace to skyrim. He/she has also defeated Alduin the world eater and gained the respect of potentially hundreds of dragons.
Could the dragonborn convince the dragons to fight for him in a war against the thalmor? Similar to how tiber septim did? Imagine dragons unleashing flames upon aldmeri legions and roasting thalmor encampments. They could very well win the war and also the respect of mortal races (whether they want that or not is another matter).
Or would parthy object (I presume he is still alive)? Would he say that it is not the way forward for the dragons? Will the dragons themselves object, saying they do not want to be the playthings of mortals? Or will they gladly accept, willing to taste battle?
Discuss! I need ideas