Don't know if this hasn't been talked to death about, but do you think there will be dragons in the next elder scrolls?
Don't know if this hasn't been talked to death about, but do you think there will be dragons in the next elder scrolls?
Doubt it, the same way there aren't corpus Beasts since Morrowind, nor Oblivion gates in Skyrim......each game just gets it's own special things.
Possibly, it would be nice to see the dragons weren't wiped out by the blades again
Nope. They will probably make it take place many years later to where there were no more dragons left and that the events of Skyrim are no longer relevant.
if we do see them it will not be anything more then a single boss-fight IMO.
But you have to remember, Dragons are immortal, unless a Dragonborn devours their soul, they will just be Resurrected.
So I am sure there will be Dragons in existence (Unless The Last Dragonborn gos out and kills every single Dragon himself), although we probably will not see them
Depends on where the game is set. In any event, Dragons wouldn't be a common (or as common as Skyrim) occurrence but Daggerfall rare instead (there was only one Dragon in Daggerfall that I can remember off the top of my head - named at least)
I think so. Though, I highly doubt that they will be anywhere near as common as they are in Skyrim.
Dragonborn story is over. as well as the dragons, they were an exclusive one time thing. Bethesda said it themselves. if its a boss fight then the questline must be about dragons, and we already had enough of that in Skyrim. there is a lot of other new ideas to be implanted in the next game that doesnt circle around dragons.
just because we have a boss does not mean we need a questline focused on it.
It can just be a hidden boss/easter egg, Like the Giant Slaughterfish from Oblivion
I think we've had enough dragons in RPG's lately, maybe it's time to move on to something different?
And where did that dragon come from? doubt will happen.
Had enough of dragons, time for someting new.
Maybe, but he'd be a unique npc if anything.
Maybe Nafaalilagus has taken refuge somewhere else.
But it's highly unlikely we'll be seeing any more dragons.