? I though the Dragons were bound in service to the dragon bloodline that Akatosh gifted to the mortals.
Do you have a source for that? Otherwise it would be best to assume someone made that up. There are a lot of theories or self justifications for Elder Scrolls lore floating around the internet like that. Sorry just a pet peeve of mine when things are assumed corretn when they aren't a first hand source.

Weren't there baby dragons as enemies in Daggerfall?
Yes I found that too when searching. They were "dragonlings' and are mentioned at the very top of this page. http://www.uesp.net/dagger/dfdragon.shtml
It says on that page "Bethesda eventually stated that there are no real dragons in the game (unofficially that is)".
I'm not sure where/when/if they said that though. Perhaps Bethesda started their stance of no dragons when they said that?