[WIPz/RELz] Drake's Anthro-Dragon Race (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:26 pm

In light of all of the problems, I took a peek at the scripts in the latest esp. Some of what is there doesn't really seem to line up with what changes you said you've made, so I thought I'd throw up the main control script from the latest esp for you to look at.

scn DrakeDragonRaceQuestScriptlong adaptedItemsArraylong itemsDCpartcArraylong itemsDCpartfArraylong itemsDCpartcfArraylong itemsDCpartArraylong itemsDCpartfoArraylong itemsDCpartfcArrayshort showclawsshort showfeetshort showtailshort showwingsshort showhelmetshort forcehelmetshort forceuppershort forcelowershort forcehandsshort forcefeetshort forcetailshort forcecombinedshort initshort debugshort debugShowRaceTokenshort debugShowRevTokenshort doConfigshort choicearray_var confArrayarray_var itemArrayarray_var defaultItemArrayarray_var replacerTemplateArrayarray_var tempArrayarray_var itemstring_var raceIdlong framesToSkiplong itemsRevertPerFrameref sourceref actorRacefloat timerfloat playerXfloat playerYfloat playerZfloat fQuestDelayTimebegin gameMode	set fQuestDelayTime to 0.5		if(init == 0)		if(getOBSEVersion < 17)			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race:%rCurrent release requires OBSE v0017 or higher to run.%rYou don't have a proper version of OBSE!"			set init to -1			return		endif		set showhelmet to 1		set showclaws to 1		set showfeet to 1		set showtail to 1		set showwings to 1		set forcehelmet to 0		set forceupper to 0		set forcelower to 1		set forcehands to 1		set forcefeet to 1		set forcetail to 1		set forcecombined to 0		let confArray := ar_Construct StringMap		let confArray["races"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let confArray["races"]["dragon"] := DrakeDragon		let confArray["races"]["dragonblack"] := DrakeDragonBlack		let confArray["races"]["dragonredgold"] := DrakeDragonRedGold				foreach item <- confArray["races"]			let raceId := item["key"]						let confArray[raceId] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["hair"] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["hair"]["slotmask"] := 2			let confArray[raceId]["hair"]["combinations"] := ar_Construct Array			let confArray[raceId]["hair"]["combinations"][0] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["hair"]["combinations"][0]["tag"] := "dcpart"			let confArray[raceId]["hair"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := showhelmet			let confArray[raceId]["hair"]["forced"] := forcehelmet			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["slotmask"] := 4			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"] := ar_Construct Array			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][0] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][0]["tag"] := "dcpartc"			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := eval (showclaws == 1 && showfeet == 0)			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][1] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][1]["tag"] := "dcpartf"			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][1]["req"] := eval (showclaws == 0 && showfeet == 1)			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][2] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][2]["tag"] := "dcpartcf"			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][2]["req"] := eval (showclaws == 1 && showfeet == 1)			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][3] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][3]["tag"] := "dcpart"			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][3]["req"] := showclaws			let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["forced"] := forceupper			let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"]["slotmask"] := 8			let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"]["combinations"] := ar_Construct Array			let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"]["combinations"][0] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"]["combinations"][0]["tag"] := "dcpart"			let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := showfeet			let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"]["forced"] := forcelower			let confArray[raceId]["hands"] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["hands"]["slotmask"] := 16			let confArray[raceId]["hands"]["combinations"] := ar_Construct Array			let confArray[raceId]["hands"]["combinations"][0] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["hands"]["combinations"][0]["tag"] := "dcpart"			let confArray[raceId]["hands"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := showclaws			let confArray[raceId]["hands"]["forced"] := forcehands			let confArray[raceId]["feet"] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["feet"]["slotmask"] := 32			let confArray[raceId]["feet"]["combinations"] := ar_Construct Array			let confArray[raceId]["feet"]["combinations"][0] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["feet"]["combinations"][0]["tag"] := "dcpart"			let confArray[raceId]["feet"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := showfeet			let confArray[raceId]["feet"]["forced"] := forcefeet			let confArray[raceId]["tail"] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["slotmask"] := 32768			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"] := ar_Construct Array			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][0] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][0]["tag"] := "dcpartt"			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := eval (showtail == 1 && showwings == 0)			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][1] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][1]["tag"] := "dcpartw"			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][1]["req"] := eval (showtail == 0 && showwings == 1)			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][2] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][2]["tag"] := "dcpartwt"			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][2]["req"] := eval (showtail == 1 && showwings == 1)			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][3] := ar_Construct StringMap			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][3]["tag"] := "dcpart"			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][3]["req"] := eval (showtail == 1 && showwings == 1)			let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["forced"] := forcetail		Loop			let itemArray := ar_Construct StringMap		let itemArray["original"] := ar_Construct StringMap	;let itemArray["original"][x] := original_BaseId		let itemArray["dcpartc"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let itemArray["dcpartf"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let itemArray["dcpartcf"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let itemArray["dcpartw"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let itemArray["dcpartt"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let itemArray["dcpartwt"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let itemArray["dcpart"] := ar_Construct StringMap	;let itemArray[tagCode][x] := adapted_BaseId	;matching indices "x"!			let defaultItemArray := ar_Construct StringMap		let defaultItemArray["hair"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let defaultItemArray["hair"]["dcpart"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let defaultItemArray["upperbody"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let defaultItemArray["upperbody"]["dcpartc"] := DrakeDragonUpperbody		let defaultItemArray["upperbody"]["dcpartf"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let defaultItemArray["upperbody"]["dcpartcf"] := DrakeDragonUpperbody		let defaultItemArray["upperbody"]["dcpart"] := DrakeDragonUpperbody		let defaultItemArray["lowerbody"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let defaultItemArray["lowerbody"]["dcpart"] := DrakeDragonLegs		let defaultItemArray["hands"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let defaultItemArray["hands"]["dcpart"] := DrakeDragonClaws		let defaultItemArray["feet"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let defaultItemArray["feet"]["dcpart"] := DrakeDragonFeet		let defaultItemArray["tail"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let defaultItemArray["tail"]["dcpartt"] := DrakeDragonTail		let defaultItemArray["tail"]["dcpartw"] := DrakeDragonWings		let defaultItemArray["tail"]["dcpartwt"] := DrakeDragonWingsTail		let defaultItemArray["tail"]["dcpart"] := DrakeEmptyItem	;replacer templates		let replacerTemplateArray := ar_Construct StringMap		let replacerTemplateArray["hair"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let replacerTemplateArray["hair"]["dcpart"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let replacerTemplateArray["upperbody"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let replacerTemplateArray["upperbody"]["dcpartc"] := DrakeEmptyItem;no replacer templates needed for upperbody		let replacerTemplateArray["upperbody"]["dcpartf"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let replacerTemplateArray["upperbody"]["dcpartcf"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let replacerTemplateArray["upperbody"]["dcpart"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let replacerTemplateArray["lowerbody"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let replacerTemplateArray["lowerbody"]["dcpart"] := DrakeDragonLegWraps		let replacerTemplateArray["hands"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let replacerTemplateArray["hands"]["dcpart"] := DrakeDragonHandWraps		let replacerTemplateArray["feet"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let replacerTemplateArray["feet"]["dcpart"] := DrakeDragonFootWraps		let replacerTemplateArray["tail"] := ar_Construct StringMap		let replacerTemplateArray["tail"]["dcpartt"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let replacerTemplateArray["tail"]["dcpartw"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let replacerTemplateArray["tail"]["dcpartwt"] := DrakeEmptyItem		let replacerTemplateArray["tail"]["dcpart"] := DrakeEmptyItem				let tempArray := ar_Construct StringMap				set framesToSkip to 10		set itemsRevertPerFrame to 100		MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race:%rAll requirements met. Arrays initialized successfully."		set doConfig to -1		set init to 1	endif	if(doConfig == 1)		MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Do You want to keep all default settings?|Yes|No"		set doConfig to -2		return	elseif(doConfig == -2)		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice == 0);stick to defaults			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rBy default this will also affect items%rcovering more than 1 slot at once,%r(e.g. The Arena Raiments or DB Armor)%rleaving actors running around naked,%rif they weren't adapted yet.%rDo You wish to make an exception%rto allow non-fitting combined-slot items?|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 12		elseif(choice == 1);customize			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Select Your shape:%rDo You want to be Full-Dragon shape?|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 2		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 2);full-dragon or custom?		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice == 0);stay full-dragon			set showclaws to 1			set showfeet to 1			set showtail to 1			set showwings to 1			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Select Your shape:%rDo You want controlled helmet slot,%rnot actually force-equipping anything%rbut keeping non-fitting helmets unequipped?|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 5		elseif(choice == 1);further customize			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Select Your shape:%rWhich wings & tail combination do You prefer?|Wings and tail|Only wings|Only tail|None at all"			set doConfig to 3		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 3);tail & wings options		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);both				set showtail to 1				set showwings to 1			elseif(choice == 1);only wings				set showtail to 0				set showwings to 1			elseif(choice == 2);only tail				set showtail to 1				set showwings to 0			elseif(choice == 3);neither wings nor tail				set showtail to 0				set showwings to 0			endif			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Select Your shape:%rWhich hands & feet/legs combination do You prefer?|Dragon hands and feet/legs|Dragon hands but human feet/legs|Human hands but dragon feet/legs|Human hands and human feet/legs"			set doConfig to 4		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 4);hands & feet options		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);both				set showclaws to 1				set showfeet to 1			elseif(choice == 1);dragon hands, human feet				set showclaws to 1				set showfeet to 0			elseif(choice == 2);humand hands, dragon feet				set showclaws to 0				set showfeet to 1			elseif(choice == 3);all human				set showclaws to 0				set showfeet to 0			endif			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Select Your shape:%rDo You want controlled helmet slot,%rnot actually force-equipping anything%rbut keeping non-fitting helmets unequipped?|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 5		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 5);helmet options		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);controlled helmet				set showhelmet to 1			elseif(choice == 1);keep hairstyles				set showhelmet to 0			endif			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rBy default unequipping of non-fitting items%ris forced for all slots but upperbody.%rThis includes visual replacement while keeping stats.%rWhich settings do You prefer?|Keep default (All)|None at all|Customize..."			set doConfig to 6		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 6)		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0); all slots				set forcehelmet to 1				set forceupper to 0				set forcehands to 1				set forcelower to 1				set forcefeet to 1				set forcetail to 1				MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rBy default this will also affect items%rcovering more than 1 slot at once,%r(e.g. The Arena Raiments or DB Armor)%rleaving actors running around naked,%rif they weren't adapted yet.%rDo You wish to make an exception%rto allow non-fitting combined-slot items?|Yes|No"				set doConfig to 12			elseif(choice == 1);none at all				set forcehelmet to 0				set forceupper to 0				set forcehands to 0				set forcelower to 0				set forcefeet to 0				set forcetail to 0				MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rBy default this will also affect items%rcovering more than 1 slot at once,%r(e.g. The Arena Raiments or DB Armor)%rleaving actors running around naked,%rif they weren't adapted yet.%rDo You wish to make an exception%rto allow non-fitting combined-slot items?|Yes|No"				set doConfig to 12			elseif(choice == 2);customize				MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rDo You want the helmet/hair slot to be forced?%r(Only relevant, if it is controlled.)|Yes|No"				set doConfig to 7			endif		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 7)		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);yes				set forcehelmet to 1			elseif(choice == 1);no				set forcehelmet to 0			endif			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rDo You want the lowerbody/legs slot to be forced?%r(Only relevant, if it is in Dragon shape.)|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 8		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 8);lowerbody		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);yes				set forcelower to 1			elseif(choice == 1);no				set forcelower to 0			endif			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rDo You want the hands slot to be forced?%r(Only relevant, if it is in Dragon shape.)|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 9		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 9);hands		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);yes				set forcehands to 1			elseif(choice == 1);no				set forcehands to 0			endif			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rDo You want the feet slot to be forced?%r(Only relevant, if it is in Dragon shape.)|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 10		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 10);feet		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);yes				set forcefeet to 1			elseif(choice == 1);no				set forcefeet to 0			endif			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rDo You want the tail slot to be forced?%r(Only relevant, if tail or wings were selected.)|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 11		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 11);tail		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);yes				set forcetail to 1			elseif(choice == 1);no				set forcetail to 0			endif			MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race > Forced unequipping:%rBy default this will also affect items%rcovering more than 1 slot at once,%r(e.g. The Arena Raiments or DB Armor)%rleaving actors running around naked,%rif they weren't adapted yet.%rDo You wish to make an exception%rto allow non-fitting combined-slot items?|Yes|No"			set doConfig to 12		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 12);combined-slot items exception		set choice to getButtonPressed		if(choice > -1)			if(choice == 0);yes				set forcecombined to 0			elseif(choice == 1);no				set forcecombined to 1			endif			set doConfig to 13		endif		return	elseif(doConfig == 13);finish		MessageBoxEX "Dragon Race: Thank You for your time.%rYour Dragon race should now be successfully configured.%rIf You wish to do this again, just type%r'set DragonStartQuest.doConfig to 1'%rinto the console.%rIf You called this in the middle of a game,%rYou might need to reequip your clothing,%rfor the changes to take effect!"		set doConfig to 0	elseif(doConfig == -1);prepare for next frame		set doConfig to 1		return	endif		foreach item <- confArray["races"]		let raceId := item["key"]			;update shape shift settings, just in case		let confArray[raceId]["hair"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := showhelmet		let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := eval (showclaws == 1 && showfeet == 0)		let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][1]["req"] := eval (showclaws == 0 && showfeet == 1)		let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][2]["req"] := eval (showclaws == 1 && showfeet == 1)		let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["combinations"][3]["req"] := showclaws		let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := showfeet		let confArray[raceId]["hands"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := showclaws		let confArray[raceId]["feet"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := showfeet		let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][0]["req"] := eval (showtail == 1 && showwings == 0)		let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][1]["req"] := eval (showtail == 0 && showwings == 1)		let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["combinations"][2]["req"] := eval (showtail == 1 && showwings == 1)			;update forced unequipping, just in case		let confArray[raceId]["hair"]["forced"] := forcehelmet		let confArray[raceId]["upperbody"]["forced"] := forceupper		let confArray[raceId]["lowerbody"]["forced"] := forcelower		let confArray[raceId]["hands"]["forced"] := forcehands		let confArray[raceId]["feet"]["forced"] := forcefeet		let confArray[raceId]["tail"]["forced"] := forcetail	Loop		if(actorRace != player.getRace)		set actorRace to player.getRace		let raceId := ar_Find actorRace confArray["races"]		if eval (raceId != "")			if(player.getItemCount DrakeDragonRaceToken < 1)				player.addItemNS DrakeDragonRaceToken 1			endif		else			if(player.getItemCount DrakeDragonRaceReverterToken < 1)				player.addItemNS DrakeDragonRaceReverterToken 1			endif		endif	endif		set source to DrakeDragonRaceScanner;move into new cell with player and reset count so spell is cast immediately	if(source.getInSameCell player != 1)		source.moveTo player		set timer to 0	endif		if(timer <= 0)		set playerX to player.getPos X		source.setPos X playerX		set playerY to player.getPos Y		source.setPos Y playerY		set playerZ to player.getPos Z		source.setPos Z playerZ		source.cast DrakeDragonRaceScannerAura player		set timer to 1	else		set timer to (timer - getSecondsPassed)	endif

Things that I found odd;
-Unlike the slots that had alternate nvde meshes that were controlled by script (Hands, legs, wings, tail, and feet), there is no variable for the upper body. Not sure if it's supposed to be like that, just seems not quite right.
-Force upper is set to zero.
-Not with the main control script; but The animation quest is still hanging about. I think this is what is causing the "locked in combat error". Whenever an animation is playing other than running or jumping or whatever, the game counts you as being in combat and doesn't let you change weapons or armour (I think, not sure).
-It might just be me, But I'm still getting the problem where it thinks there's a female altered mesh if there's a male one; regardless of whether there is one or not.
-Oh, and the OBSE check is still wrong.

In any event, Me thinks that this isn't the esp (or versions of the scripts) that you had mean to upload.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:34 am

Thanks for bringing it all up again in a list, but unfortunately it "is".

The improvements I mentioned above, a few weeks ago I think, were only done in a TXT document due to my laptop being dead already by then.
Later when I got access to my files again these of course were the "old" files, as I don't have a way to put those changes I told about into the ESP at the moment.

The animation quest of course is still there, as I'm also using it to manually trigger the flight motions and all that experimental stuff.
However, the initializing idle animation that was causing the issues shouldn't be triggered anymore inside of it. Please correct me, if it still is.
The ultimately latest version of the ESP had the offending animation itself been removed from the idles as well.

Most of those points have of course been taken care of already, but only in this text file unfortunately.
From the script you posted the plugin seems to be up-to-date with the last version I was able to test-run.
I'm sorry.

edit: I should stop making those buggy test-releases every time my laptop dies.
...of course on the other hand my laptop could simply stop dying either, but I fear this is something outside of my control. Oh, well...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:38 pm

Oh, I was under the impression that the various fixes were in this esp. My bad.

As for the animation/combat issues; I was fairly sure that your scripts were causing it because I was getting a similar problem from the older versions. Never got stuck in combat mode, but for the first couple of seconds after loading I couldn't change what I had equipped or raise my hands/weapon to fight. I haven't checked it out in this version though.

In any event; If the scripts you have in text format are done enough to be put into the CS, I could slap together an esp with your most recent changes if you wanted me to.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:40 am

Hey drake, I was wondering if you could in the future add an albino dragon race.
I`m trying to create one, but I can't get rid of these weird colors in the face no matter how much I try:

- http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/104/albin.png

I was also wondering if it would be possible to let the dragon race share the same eyes and horn options as argonians, because it has been released many cool cosmetic mods for argonians.
My cool looking argonian:

- http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7383/arg.png

Scanti is working on implementing directx 11 type tessellation for directx 9:

- http://developer.amd.com/gpu_assets/Real-Time_Tessellation_on_GPU.pdf
- http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1050580&st=80

I think it would look really good if the dragon scales on the body where bumpy and pointy.
Look at the cool dragon 0.46-0.55

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkKtY2G3FbU&feature=related
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keri seymour
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:12 am

The "albino" or simply put a white dragon race would just be a matter of another recolor or retex.
Creating extreme colors by CharGen settings alone is almost never going to work unfortunately. The blending method used to blend texture colors (obviously the original colors in the texture) and material colors (that's what you're defining in CharGen) sadly isn't the best one and often yields quite unsatisfying results, as you can see at the white of your albino dragon.
The only way to get really proper white color would be to alter the textures themselves, thus a retex.

As for "sharing the same eyes and horns options as Argonians" there unfortunately is nothing I could do about that.
Of course I could give the races the same options "I" have for "my" Argonians on "my" side, but this wouldn't match your's the slightest.
You cannot simply tell one race to use everything from another race which "might be" affected by countless cosmetic mods and such, I'm sorry.
And of course said cosmetic mods simply don't cover any of my dragon races either. After all, I haven't even officially released anything of them yet.

Apart from that my dragon head's shape is too different to the Argonian's. Mine doesn't have this pointy "egg head" backside the Argonians have.
So even if it was possible to let it automatically use any and all options mods on your side might add to your Argonians, they simply won't fit. Clipping and floating issues would be something you'd have to expect.

On the other hand I was already planning the creation of further "hairstyles" to give you a broader variety to choose from.
But don't get me wrong, this adding of details is only of little priority to me before I finally get a complete and working beta release done. I apologize.

This tesselation thing might really be a valid addition to the game. My best wishes of success go to Scanti and the other masterminds working on OBGE and such additions.
Once this comes into fruition and becomes a useable expansion to Oblivion I could as well create proper displacement maps for my dragon textures. Then you would certainly get what you wished for.

Oh, and to close this post, some good news for a change.
They didn't do it yesterday, as they told me, but at least this morning Dell's parcel service partner fetched my laptop. It's now on its way to Dell or even at their repair labs already.
We'll see when I will get it back this time.
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:52 pm

Here is some further inspiration of more re-textures. I know the wing membrane is still red. I was just doing a quick edit for an albino look.





Is this type of retex you were looking for strupekutter?
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:30 am

Nice looking color combination there lordsoulstrike, but I was looking for something more along the lines like this (without the weird colors in the face):

- http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/2901/albin2.png

It would look nice (my opinion) if the highlighted areas on this image was black:
All pointy things like claws, the "horns" on the back .........

- http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/8664/albin3.png

All so good, if the eyes was dark/black:

- http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/2472/dwsp15sm.jpg
- http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7383/arg.png

At sunset my albino dragon wings got this "holy" glowing effect, I thought it looked cool:

- http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/936/albin4.png
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 am

I have made the textures a bit lighter, however I really cannot go any lighter without just having a plain white texture with the normal texture. I cannot add any eye textures without editing the esp to the dragon race, unless you replace the existing eye textures.



Forgive for the face. I really just poped the edited textures into my current game so the head may look a bit off.

I'll look into the horns ect.....

To fix the textures for the face:

You need to go to tone: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/lordsoulstrike/Drake%20Dragon/a.jpg

Then to Beard and edit the values there to reduce the colors on the face to get what you want: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/lordsoulstrike/Drake%20Dragon/b.jpg, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/lordsoulstrike/Drake%20Dragon/c.jpg, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/lordsoulstrike/Drake%20Dragon/d.jpg,

Then back out to the Lips option: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/lordsoulstrike/Drake%20Dragon/e.jpg

Mess with the sliders in there to further edit out those imperfections: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/lordsoulstrike/Drake%20Dragon/f.jpg

This is not 100% guarantee, it will however get rid of those facial mistakes to some degree. It has to do with the texture itself and the face mesh and how its stretched over the mesh. That however is pretty much all I can really help ya with.

Let me know and I can post up those re-textures if ya want.
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:38 pm

To get the appearance yet more white you could still use the several different tone and color sliders, just as, if I'm guessing correctly, strupekutter did to achieve this whiteness from the default textures in the first place.

The colored blotches in the face though are part of the EGT from the Argonian race, if I'm not mistaken. This is what gives the Argonians their different colorings in the face, depending on gender, age and complexion. If I'd have the proper tools, I could try and remove these coloring effects from the EGT completely, but to be honest I somehow like it how it is now, with all those different possible colorings.

I remember though, there were slider settings for age and complexion with which you could get rid of them. But I haven't yet done it on a complete-white texture to be sure.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:46 pm

To get the appearance yet more white you could still use the several different tone and color sliders, just as, if I'm guessing correctly, strupekutter did to achieve this whiteness from the default textures in the first place.

The colored blotches in the face though are part of the EGT from the Argonian race, if I'm not mistaken. This is what gives the Argonians their different colorings in the face, depending on gender, age and complexion. If I'd have the proper tools, I could try and remove these coloring effects from the EGT completely, but to be honest I somehow like it how it is now, with all those different possible colorings.

I remember though, there were slider settings for age and complexion with which you could get rid of them. But I haven't yet done it on a complete-white texture to be sure.

This is why I don't do many re-textures. :biglaugh:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:36 am

Well, I decided to fiddle around with a white texture for the hell of it.

These are with the tone "dark/light" bar at about 60%.
TFF Dragon White: http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/Oblivion_TFF_Dragon_white60_front.jpg http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/Oblivion_TFF_Dragon_white60_back.jpg

RM Dragon White: http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/Oblivion_RM_Dragon_white_front.jpg http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/Oblivion_RM_Dragon_white_back.jpg

This one's with the bar at about 70%. Things quickly get ridiculously bright with HDR active, but it gives some idea of the range of how "white" this one can be.
70% "dark/light": http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/Oblivion_TFF_Dragon_white70_front.jpg http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/Oblivion_TFF_Dragon_white70_back.jpg

Also, when I was going to test it out on the males, I noticed http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/Oblivion_RM_Dragon_error.jpg with the "starting gear". Seems to be the same deal with anything where the body is exposed for the males. It sounds like you're already aware of the upper body issue, considering you're trying to decide about how to control what can and can't be equipped.

I did notice that some of the skins weren't set in the esp (which I figure is the reason why the upper body looks screwy in the first place) when I started digging around in the race settings. But that won't matter if you can restrict the items. Personally, I don't think I'd mind if all of the visible slots were controlled, but that's with the understanding that everything will be selectable options later. The reason I was digging around in the esp though is something else I'd like to ask about--if I wanted to add extra dragon colors as races, is it possible to do it as an additional esp? Or is it something that has to be added into the original? I tried duplicating an existing version of the race, editing mainly names and such, saving it to another esp and everything came out really bizarre. (messed up eyes, mismatched hair, etc) I just don't know if it's something I didn't do right.

Modifying existing meshes and textures is all I've really gotten any experience with (and in time I may be making some converted meshes for at least the TFF version) so I really don't know too much about what is and isn't possible with the Construction Set. If I could make an additional race without modifying the esp that'd be great--I don't really want to modify an ESP that's part of a mod package to prevent it from being accidentally overwritten.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:30 am

Ahkmos, the problems you're having are fairly simple to fix. The purple, messed up male footwraps are because Drake uploaded a broken version by accident. You can fix that by downloading the second-most-recent set of files and replacing the current footwrap Nif with the older one. I think the path for the file is something along the lines of;

Oblivion -> Data -> Meshes -> Clothes -> DrakeDragon

The file you're looking for would be "DragonFootWraps_dcpart", minus the quotes.

As for the funky human skin you're getting on the arms; That's most likely happening because you haven't downloaded a set of meshes modified for robert's male body. You see, with Robert's male(and most other body replacers) all of the body parts except for the head pull textures from one file; the foot textures. So when you're using a chestpeice modified for roberts, the game looks to the foot texture to colour the arms(or whatever) and all is well. However, when you're using an unmodified chestpeice, the mesh tells the game to use the chest textures, which as you have noticed, are just the generic imperial ones. You don't notice the problem on the default races because the default textures and the robert ones are more or less the same.

Long story short, you need to download a set of modified armour and clothing for robert's. I would recommend you download the following;
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20328 for default Oblivion stuff, and
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21055 if you have Shivering Isles

EDIT; Oh, And I had an idea for you, Drake.

I'm still working slowly of my own modification of this, And I thought of something that may or may not help at this point. The idea was to include the feet meshes in the tailslot and have the normal feet get swapped out for an empty mesh.

It would have a whole bunch of upsides, mainly being that different dragon races would be able to have different feet, but use the same modified boot meshes. It would reduce the size of the modified feet meshes by a significant amount, as the dragon feet would be excluded from all of the files. And, if you have two different types of dragon feet, both would use the same modified mesh, so you wouldn't need more than one set of modified meshes. Of course; trying to get different feet would have all sorts of problems with the current system for forcing/ controlling the tailslot. Not to mention the fun of trying to figure out how to fix using human legs and feet instead of the dragon ones when the dragon feet are part of the tail.

In any event, I think it'll probably be the system I end up using in my mod because I'm not bothering to give players the option to play without a tail.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:06 am

Actually, I doubt downloading modified meshes for Robyrt's male body replacer would make any difference. To my knowledge it's the race's settings in the esp that govern what texture is used where, and dragon race's foot texture hasn't been set in all texture locations in the race's configuration. (Thus, whatever the Upper Body's texture is set to in the ESP is applied to the region in the NIF that has "skin" as its material--IF I understand it correctly) But, if Drake intends to forcibly replace any mesh that hasn't been explicitly converted, then it'll hardly matter.

Edit: By the way, I loaded the skeleton and the wings into Blender, but it seems that mesh joints and skeleton bones don't line up, causing some http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/DR_Anim_Skel_1.jpg when I used an animation included in the mod. Seems like things are fine in-game, but I'm wondering if there's another skeleton that would be better to use with Blender's pose tool or if there's something else going on that I'm not aware of.

My guess is that things are working in-game because the skeleton in skeleton.nif bends the wings, as opposed to being animated. I did find an older version of skeleton.nif where the wings are extended, but http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/DR_Anim_Skel_2.jpg is basically what happens. So unless there's a way to have Blender automatically correct the mesh's rest position according to the skeleton in the way that Oblivion seems to do, I'm not really sure what to do about this.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 am

Thank you for your texture offer lordsoulstrike, I really appreciate it. I was wondering if you could somehow make the claws and spikes black?

My almost perfect white dragon (missing black claws and spikes) :

- http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4113/29bch.png

- http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/56/12va.png
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 am

Wow, that dragon looks awesome with that armor. :o

Awesome mod overall! :D
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Janette Segura
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 am

What armor is that, anyway? I've never seen it before.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:18 am

Great work on the white dragon textures! I really like it.

Actually, I doubt downloading modified meshes for Robyrt's male body replacer would make any difference. To my knowledge it's the race's settings in the esp that govern what texture is used where, and dragon race's foot texture hasn't been set in all texture locations in the race's configuration. (Thus, whatever the Upper Body's texture is set to in the ESP is applied to the region in the NIF that has "skin" as its material--IF I understand it correctly) But, if Drake intends to forcibly replace any mesh that hasn't been explicitly converted, then it'll hardly matter.

Edit: By the way, I loaded the skeleton and the wings into Blender, but it seems that mesh joints and skeleton bones don't line up, causing some http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/DR_Anim_Skel_1.jpg when I used an animation included in the mod. Seems like things are fine in-game, but I'm wondering if there's another skeleton that would be better to use with Blender's pose tool or if there's something else going on that I'm not aware of.

My guess is that things are working in-game because the skeleton in skeleton.nif bends the wings, as opposed to being animated. I did find an older version of skeleton.nif where the wings are extended, but http://www.nothingmachine.com/screenshots/DR_Anim_Skel_2.jpg is basically what happens. So unless there's a way to have Blender automatically correct the mesh's rest position according to the skeleton in the way that Oblivion seems to do, I'm not really sure what to do about this.

I hate to correct you, but actually that's exactly how it is.
I found that out the hard way but never since forgot it anymore and still keep telling it every place it could be of use.

Which texture a body part uses depends on the actual "name" of the NiTriShape/Strips. The material of course has to be "skin" to begin with, but when it is then the engine will search for certain "keywords" inside the names of the parts in the NIF.
Keywords I found so far are "upperbody"("arms" is the same), "hand", "legs"(or "lowerbody", can't remember anymore), "foot" and also "tail"(though this one seems not to work in clothing items).
Case doesn't matter and ":" can be used as a type of "remark" indication. So namings like "foot:upperbody" or "foot:mylegs" will still be treated as "foot".

That's why most body replacers, like Robert's, have all their meshes named "foot" in the body NIFs as well as in armor/clothing items.
Those keywords now directly map to the texture slots of the race in use. So for Robert's bodies you actually really only need to assign the full-body texture to the "foot"-slot.

Now using meshes from/for other bodies (like Vanilla as done in your pic) will use the textures assigned in their proper slots according to the names of their parts in the NIF. That's why you get imperial textures on dragons when wearing Vanilla (or not uncommonly disappearing bodies when using Robert's body mod in general without also using a proper armor and clothing replacer).
And to further complicate things, the texture layout (UV-map) of those Vanilla meshes (or other non-Robert's) doesn't even remotely fit the Robert's full-body textures. So even if I "had" (uselessly and pointlessly) assigned my texture to all slots in the race settings, you still would receive unfitting-texture issues a-plenty while wearing Vanilla clothing or armor.

On the other hand I even "need" one or more of those slots for other things. (For example you won't have wing membranes if I wouldn't be abusing the "hand"-slot for their seperate textures. Ever wondered why my wings' membrane meshes are all named "hand"? That's why.) So assigning the same texture to all of them is already out of the question by design requirements.

As for those bone issues, simply ignore them. Don't even bother thinking about it. Those animations you found are out-of-date left-overs under a death sentence so to say. They were created for a different skeletal layout and it seems to be the nature of animations that they also store the "location" of the bones and not only their "rotation". So those out-of-date animations are capable of "destroying" the new skeletal structure I designed for the latest wings. Did you notice that the wing-thumbs were way too low in your pic where they were folded-in? The new wings idle way higher above your shoulders now that I stretched certain bone sections.
Didn't I show some pics of the new wing-structure as well around here? I remember I bent them to their extremes without getting such issues.

The skeletons' wings being folded already now only made it safer for them to be used without the need to "initialize" their pose at the start of every game. The rigging pose is still when spread apart to the extreme, so I can easily mod themselves or armor items for them or some such. And everything will start in this folded-in pose due to the very comfortable "pre-posed" skeletons.

I haven't heard anything from Dell yet, but I'm confident I'll get my laptop back just in time to be a christmas gift... or maybe next eastern?... who knows :shrug:
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:07 am

Which texture a body part uses depends on the actual "name" of the NiTriShape/Strips. The material of course has to be "skin" to begin with, but when it is then the engine will search for certain "keywords" inside the names of the parts in the NIF.


On the other hand I even "need" one or more of those slots for other things. (For example you won't have wing membranes if I wouldn't be abusing the "hand"-slot for their seperate textures. Ever wondered why my wings' membrane meshes are all named "hand"? That's why.) So assigning the same texture to all of them is already out of the question by design requirements.

I think I get what you mean, and it sounds like I'm lucky to have not wasted a humongous amount of time trying to figure it out. (Although I might've tripped over that at one time or another and not really understood what was going on... hrm...) The vanilla model that I still have in my Data folder for that particular shirt has "arms" as its tri-shape name which is why it still works for any of the vanilla races. And the only reason it still works at all is because of the way Robert did the UV-maps and the fact that the "foot" texture was redundantly assigned to the upperbody/lowerbody/hands/feet slots.

I think you've saved me a lot of trouble in the future if I can get the time to get back to mesh modifications again. And I have to admit, the way you're using the slots is genius.

As for those bone issues, simply ignore them. Don't even bother thinking about it.


The skeletons' wings being folded already now only made it safer for them to be used without the need to "initialize" their pose at the start of every game. The rigging pose is still when spread apart to the extreme, so I can easily mod themselves or armor items for them or some such. And everything will start in this folded-in pose due to the very comfortable "pre-posed" skeletons.

It's entirely possible you showed and documented all of this, but I've had a lot going on so remembering everything I've read over the past few months can be a little difficult. (What with studying for a degree in engineering and all) I DO remember you documenting further modifications to the wings, but even though I've been following your work I hadn't gotten into using the mod until very recently, so changes between versions haven't been quite so tangible until now. Either way, I thought I'd ask just in case there was something I missed in all the different files that would've made it possible to experiment with animating the wings. But it sounds like that's part of the visual resources that are currently off to see Dell.

Either way, hopefully you get your good computer back much sooner than Christmas. I'd go nuts if I couldn't use mine for days or weeks on end.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:35 am

The armor I got form "Apachii Heroes Store" and the toolbelt I believe is from "AlexScorpions Sneaking Gear" , but I`m not quite sure.

Going texture bananas :ahhh: , trying to get black and yellow, but ends up with black and green :banghead:

- http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/7968/14cw.png

Finally! Almost there.

- http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/8349/by2.png
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Elena Alina
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:09 pm

Thank you for your texture offer lordsoulstrike, I really appreciate it. I was wondering if you could somehow make the claws and spikes black?

My almost perfect white dragon (missing black claws and spikes) :

- http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4113/29bch.png

- http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/56/12va.png

I'll look into it soon. Been playing Dragon Age Origins.


Is this good enough?



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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 am

Exactly what I was looking for, nicly done lordsoulstrike :icecream: .
Can you upload it on a fileshare ?
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 pm

Exactly what I was looking for, nicly done lordsoulstrike :icecream: .
Can you upload it on a fileshare ?

I can do better then that! I opened a 4shared account and have started to upload everything that I've done for Drake's Dragon race. Megaupload has in the past deleted some of the optional files fearil and others have made so I thought mine should be backed up onto one central location. :bigsmile:

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Justin Hankins
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:10 am

Thanks lordsoulstrike :foodndrink:
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u gone see
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:11 pm

Nice work on those albino textures. Really well done.
And thanks for backing up my backup on your 4shared account. It's really appreciated. Feel free to include everything that was ever linked around here how ever you please.

Due to this thread reaching the post-limit I opened up a new one already http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1056082.

Please continue all discussions over there now.
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:37 pm

If i download this and make a character now and then new versions are released will i be able to keep my character but still get the patch/newversion/release ?
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