[WIPz/RELz] Drake's Anthro-Dragon Race (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:58 pm

Ehm, no, not yet... nothing like this actually.

I was thinking about registering for one a while ago, as it was the "only" way to pay the monthly fee for an online RPG that really caught my interest... however, I didn't know what exactly PayPal does, how it works and all the legal implications... plus I didn't have 1 single cent to spend on things like this, with a bank account balance close to "0" at this time.
Now it's better. I'm getting paid well for my job more or less regularly, but still a monthly fee for a game I won't even get time to play regularly (regardless of how much I'd want to) is out of the question.
Then a couple days ago one of the sources to acquire a replacement fan from required this method of payment, but we found another way to manage this, so again I didn't sign up at PayPal in the end.

But just out of curiosity (yeah, I know, "curiosity killed the cat"... but I never read of it happening to dragons as well)... why you're asking? :shrug:

id be willing to toss 10 bucks your way for the computer repair fund. I got one of your guys waiting to be played. And for some reason I cant get his wings to appear lol .What were the links for the stuff again?

I know how much it svcks to not have much money and not to have a computer.

O and drake. right now its 12;30 in New york lol.

Ya I lost the link you sent me. What do I need for the dragon form and wings and all that?
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:44 am

id be willing to toss 10 bucks your way for the computer repair fund. I got one of your guys waiting to be played. And for some reason I cant get his wings to appear lol .What were the links for the stuff again?

I know how much it svcks to not have much money and not to have a computer.

O and drake. right now its 12;30 in New york lol.

Well, while I appreciate the offer, I could never accept this, so you better forget about sending any money into my direction right away or you make me feel uneasy... :o

I very well have all the money I'd need to afford the necessary repairs and replacements.
The only payment I "can't" afford would be the 3000? I'd have to pay for "a new laptop" (round-about, if I want something "good" that is... and I usually don't even consider buying anything less than that).

As for all the links, they are always right here on the 1st page in the opening post, quite down at the end of it.
Talking of the wings not "appearing" you should especially mind the updated ESP with a fix for just this issue.

If you're already using this one and they're still not appearing, could you elaborate a bit what exactly is happening or not, what you did ingame and how you installed the mod... some more details? As then you'd have found just another bug I'd have to put on my list to fix as soon as I can do that again. -_-

P.S.: That is 6:30AM where I live. :embarrass: It's exactly 1/4 of the world between us. B)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 am

Well, while I appreciate the offer, I could never accept this, so you better forget about sending any money into my direction right away or you make me feel uneasy... :o

I very well have all the money I'd need to afford the necessary repairs and replacements.
The only payment I "can't" afford would be the 3000€ I'd have to pay for "a new laptop" (round-about, if I want something "good" that is... and I usually don't even consider buying anything less than that).

As for all the links, they are always right here on the 1st page in the opening post, quite down at the end of it.
Talking of the wings not "appearing" you should especially mind the updated ESP with a fix for just this issue.

If you're already using this one and they're still not appearing, could you elaborate a bit what exactly is happening or not, what you did ingame and how you installed the mod... some more details? As then you'd have found just another bug I'd have to put on my list to fix as soon as I can do that again. -_-

P.S.: That is 6:30AM where I live. :embarrass: It's exactly 1/4 of the world between us. B)

I said it all wrong.* rubs eyes* I should sleep more

I fixed most of that.

Out of sewer. Only issues are by my own stupidity (used dragon eye to many times)

And what meshes do I need so stock armor fits? (I also need SI if its available)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:23 am

Glad to hear it's working now.

The Eye of the Dragon power is to handle with caution. It's totally work-in-progress still and not at all like I intended it to be.
I just couldn't remove it from the plugin quickly, so I simply left it in for the emergency release.

The links to Fearil's collections of adapted items are all listed in the 1st post here as well.
They're not yet containing the latest version of my meshes, so there may be some visual issues, especially around the claws, spikes and blades, but still they should be useable with this race as well.
The only "technical" difference, which needs changing for them to be useable, would be the fact that I dismissed the system of 2 different versions of feet clothing adaptations ("dcpartfo" and "dcpartfc"; "feet only" and "for (non-adapted lowerbody) clothing") and reduced it to 1 ("dcpart"). This of course makes it necessary to rename all "dcpartfo" files into "dcpart" and, if you want, also delete the "dcpartfc" ones (They were the same all the time anyways).

I wanted to quickly update these files right after the beta release... but as you know, I didn't even manage to get this one done! :shakehead:
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

Hey Drake, I love how this race has progressed, but I have an issue with using it. I'm pretty sure I've installed it correctly, and am using the most recent .esp, but for some reason, my dragon is wingless, tail-less, and has human hands and feet. Checking the console shows http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z238/Silvonomon/Oblivion%20shots/Other/Oblivion2009-07-2618-38-06-15.jpg. But when I load the save, it says the arrays initialized successfully, just none of the dragon parts will show. Also, my game won't recognize your console commands at all. Would skipping the tutorial dungeon have affected it in any way? I'm running fully patched Oblivion with SI, OBSE 17a, and Pluggy 1.22. Any help will be greatly appreciated, because the amount of work put into this is quite impressive.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 am

Hmm, that's not looking good. From the small picture I can clearly see there are no draconic traits applied at all. Only the head is right, but the head is not scripted, so that's to be expected.
I have a list right in front of me at the moment with most of my scripts' Form IDs (yeah, I got this runtime-error quite often in the beginning), but this one I've never seen yet.
I would go and have a look into my ESP to find out which script it could be, but my files are inaccessible at the moment.

You not being able to use the console commands (only setting variables of quest scripts mostly) is something I don't have any possible explanation for. What exactly does the console tell you? Does it really not recognize the quest "DrakeDragonRaceQuest"?
Skipping the tutorial dungeon should not affect it at all. My main char Drake was of this race right from the start, but at this time of course all these scripts didn't even exist! He started using them at level 28 or something, not at game start.
But you mentioning the one pop-up "Arrays have been initialized successfully" makes me question if you also got the other pop-ups, the initial configuration setup?

You shouldn't need any Pluggy any longer to use my scripts, as I intentionally made them independent. I needed Pluggy only for the arrays, but now that OBSE itself comes with native array support I don't need another dependance anymore.

What is really driving me crazy though is the question why for most of you the new approach is far less performant than the old one and even causes stutter!
I mean, the old one was everything hard-coded, each slot had its own controlling section in the really very lengthy script due to that... how can possibly a "foreach" over 4 slots, each time executing the same lines of code, be way much slower than handling each slot in succession with 4 times the amount of lines of code?! A cause for this is just beyond me I'm afraid...
I mean, it's much less lines of code executed than before, after all, so could it really be that "foreach" or loops in general cause such bad performance issues just by using them?
Or is it maybe one or more of the cool array functions I'm using which causes the stutter?... I'm clueless. :blink:
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:03 pm

You not being able to use the console commands (only setting variables of quest scripts mostly) is something I don't have any possible explanation for. What exactly does the console tell you? Does it really not recognize the quest "DrakeDragonRaceQuest"?
Skipping the tutorial dungeon should not affect it at all. My main char Drake was of this race right from the start, but at this time of course all these scripts didn't even exist! He started using them at level 28 or something, not at game start.
But you mentioning the one pop-up "Arrays have been initialized successfully" makes me question if you also got the other pop-ups, the initial configuration setup?

The only pop-up I got was the Arrays pop-up, no config pop-ups, and the console tells me the commands are invalid, but it seems to recognize the quest somewhat. If you need a shot of what it says specifically, let me know and I'll get you one. As of now, I can force the wings/tail on using the CS, and they use the correct animations, but I cannot force the hands or feet.
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gary lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 pm

What is really driving me crazy though is the question why for most of you the new approach is far less performant than the old one and even causes stutter!
I mean, the old one was everything hard-coded, each slot had its own controlling section in the really very lengthy script due to that... how can possibly a "foreach" over 4 slots, each time executing the same lines of code, be way much slower than handling each slot in succession with 4 times the amount of lines of code?! A cause for this is just beyond me I'm afraid...
I mean, it's much less lines of code executed than before, after all, so could it really be that "foreach" or loops in general cause such bad performance issues just by using them?
Or is it maybe one or more of the cool array functions I'm using which causes the stutter?... I'm clueless. :blink:

I could (read as: 50/50 chance) be wrong, but could it be that the new script has more checks? Since Obliv runs scripts the full between frames, the more checks a script has, the more time it takes. From what you said, I take it that you combined all of the checks into one script. This means that the same number of checks are being performed, but the separate scripts (this is where I'm not sure) could possibly run between different frames. Therefore, the new script uses the same number of checks, but between one frame as opposed to the possibility of them instead running between sets of frames. PLEASE note that I am only drawing conclusions from what I know, and therefore could be completely wrong. But I think that would explain the stuttering... Does my logic have any supporters?
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:13 am

Very impressive screenshots. I'll be watching this...
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:04 pm

I could (read as: 50/50 chance) be wrong, but could it be that the new script has more checks? Since Obliv runs scripts the full between frames, the more checks a script has, the more time it takes. From what you said, I take it that you combined all of the checks into one script. This means that the same number of checks are being performed, but the separate scripts (this is where I'm not sure) could possibly run between different frames. Therefore, the new script uses the same number of checks, but between one frame as opposed to the possibility of them instead running between sets of frames. PLEASE note that I am only drawing conclusions from what I know, and therefore could be completely wrong. But I think that would explain the stuttering... Does my logic have any supporters?

It does.
However, it is not fully applicable to my scripts. The checks before were all like
begin gamemodeif upperbody slot contains something like...  then do following actionsif hand slot contains something like...  then do thisif lowerbody slot contains...  then this...if feet slot...  then...end

In a worst case scenario all 4 slots' checks were executed and, when also all conditions met, even all 4 result blocks inside.

Now it is like
begin gamemodefor each slot of upper, hands, lower, feet do  if it contains something like...	then do following thingsloopend

But thanks to you making me recall the structure of my code, I think I got an idea now.
I ran into similar trouble before with the old approach. Checking 3 slots in succession didn't lead to any slowdowns or even stutter, but as soon as I added the check for the 4th, the script suddenly apparently was too long or whatever and it started to actually "hang" for quite noticable timespans until the checks were performed... even when nothing was changed in the slots or no other condition was met to make them actually "do" something. (I quite early added a condition to only perform checks and react accordingly when the slot's content has changed, to reduce impact on FPS yet more.)

That was also when I found out, a well-placed "return" instead of a simple "else" can in some situations triple your script's execution speed, by simply "skipping" the whole rest of the script. Even when it is only "if"-checks which ideally only rarely met, for the sake of example none of them do for this execution, so practically no code actually "doing" something gets executed, still the mere "presence" of those non-executed lines drastically slows down your script (guess because they're still all "processed").

I think I added in "return"-statements whenever the condition for 1 slot was met, to avoid this severe slowdown from processing all 4 slots each time.
However, now with the new approach I didn't do that, as it was now a "loop" structure and no longer a hard-coded monster of several checks and reactions, deadly close to script-size-limit already.
But of course it now still processes all 4 slots even when 1 slot already had its condition met!
It won't rid me of all troubles, but at least re-incorporating these breaks in case of the first met condition might speed it up a little bit. Maybe I missed more such performance-enhancing changes on rewriting my scripts from scratch? :shrug:

The only pop-up I got was the Arrays pop-up, no config pop-ups, and the console tells me the commands are invalid, but it seems to recognize the quest somewhat. If you need a shot of what it says specifically, let me know and I'll get you one. As of now, I can force the wings/tail on using the CS, and they use the correct animations, but I cannot force the hands or feet.

Alright, that's definitely not acting correctly. The initial config popup is not optional, it's mandatory.
What could help is the exact wording of the error message it gives you, be it via screenshots or simply writing it down on paper then reading it up while posting, really doesn't matter.
Maybe also the actual commands you tried to issue might be of interest here.
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Baby K(:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 pm

Drake; It seems that many of these problems could be somewhat easily resolved if you had access to the code. If you want, I could copy and upload the various scripts in text documents so you could look them over without having to run the construction set.

Also, from the way you have described your scripts to work, I'm thinking that multislot items get 'okayed' once, but then removed when the script loops to check the next slot.

EDIT: If you do want to try to fix your scrips now, I could also test them for you if you wanted me to.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:26 pm

Found a strange bug. Tried playing. I got that sound when you get a spell added to your list. Like a sort of" kapow " or what ever. But it kept going and would not stop. And even kept up on another saved game till I disabled the mod. I also ran into the bug were his wings would not retract and just stayed open.
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

Try script effect silencer or something like that
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:48 pm

Alright, that's definitely not acting correctly. The initial config popup is not optional, it's mandatory.
What could help is the exact wording of the error message it gives you, be it via screenshots or simply writing it down on paper then reading it up while posting, really doesn't matter.
Maybe also the actual commands you tried to issue might be of interest here.

I've tried startquest drakedragonraceupdatequest, and it accepts it, but nothing happens after exiting the console. I tried the other command known to make the config menu popup appear, set drakedragonrace.doconfig to 1, and got http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z238/Silvonomon/Oblivion%20shots/Other/Oblivion2009-07-2715-26-17-15.jpg. Says something about "doconfig" being unknown, and that a variable name is missing in the "set" command. Also tried set drakedragonrace.framestoskip to 500, and it said that "framestoskip" was also unknown, along with again missing a variable name in the "set" command. I might be putting them in wrong, but I'm checking them in the readme, and that's how it says to enter them.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 am

The UpdateQuest is to update your existing already adapted items in case you added some new files which weren't present before and thus the replacer templates got used instead. If in your case the main script was never working, there never were any adapted items to update, thus the quest will do just nothing. It should have popped up a message notifying you of its successful termination, but I can very well imagine this won't happen when there isn't any item in the arrays at all. Also I took special care no scripts depending on the main arrays will run, when those main arrays weren't properly initialized and the whole initialization phase was not successful.

Judging by your pic you actually did use the wrong quest name. It's not "DrakeDragonRace", it's "DrakeDragonRaceQuest". Using the wrong one makes it apply to the race itself "DrakeDragonRace" and then it tries to use a function "doconfig" on the race as reference, which neither exists nor could be applied to a race record. That's the meaning of the error message you get.

I'm still quite clueless about why it isn't working, but at least it's now likely you just messed up the names you used in console why it didn't recognize the quests.

Did I perhaps mistype it in my readme?

Fearil's right, CyberZeroX, you most likely need a proper script effect silencer. I don't actually know which one I'm using. Maybe there was one inside the UOP, or it is the one from Supreme Magicka. If Midas Magic had its own, it could be this one as well. I only know I won't attempt adding an own one into my mod, as it is known that more than one script effect silencers working at once can easily nullify each other's effect, and in the end nothing will be silenced.
The wings staying open could possibly happen when some other mechanisms are overriding my admittedly humble effort of an animation control system. If something changes some conditions right after my script's first initialization of animation type right after game load or restart, a different animation will play and the wing-pose-neutralizing one will never apply.
You might be able to fix this by simple reloading, but if there's really something "constantly" interfering, there's not much hope.

That's an interesting idea, RatherInconsiderateFellow. I couldn't test any functionality of course, but at least I could have a look into the scripts and attempt to fix the most obvious flaws, if I realize any.
It just came over me that I actually don't even have access to the text documents I wrote my scripts in before copy&pasting them over into TES CS!
As for the multi-slot items issue, that's exactly what I figured out a few posts back, so you're right. Now I just have to fix it somehow.
I cannot really guarantee having time to work on something, but at least I would have the opportunity to try.
It seems fixing my laptop takes way longer than originally expected. :(
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 am

You didn't mistype. I tried to do this at 11 PM, so I missed the "quest" on the end of it >.> I'm still confused as to why it won't give me the config menu on startup though, I've been looking forward to this race since I saw it on the Argonian Beautification threads.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:17 am

i just tried it now (i have been busy) and I'm getting the feet but no tail or wings just letting you know of this error.
i cant figure out why its doing that.


yes i downloaded the fixed ESP and it didnt work

it was a bad install. i reinstalled oblivion and its working fine. the stutter glitch isn't even there.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:17 pm

I just forced the config menu to show up, went through configuration, and still my character looks like a tail-less Vanilla Argonian -.O This really confuses me.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:29 am

Glad you got it working, monkeybtm6. I was about to ask about usage of the fixed ESP, but this time reading again you answered it already.

That's some really weird thing going on for you, silvonomon. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience it causes you.
Could you post me the output of a "sqv DrakeDragonRaceQuest" call in the console? (showing all quest script variables' values)

You should be able to use "set DrakeDragonRaceQuest.debug to 1" and then "set DrakeDragonRaceQuest.debugShowRaceTokens to 1" to have everybody visually light up who's in possession of a race token.
This lighting up in magic shaders will only take place when the initial phase of the tokens got passed, so if you do light up, we could quite safely assume the token's script is running properly.

Maybe the results of these will lead to some clues as to what might be going wrong.

On a different topic, I will now send in my laptop to Dell so they can replace the graphics card primarily, but secondarily they should ideally also take care the thing works again afterwards, regardless of what the issue really was. However, this means I have to make a backup of my drive's contents and then erase it all. And when I finally get it back, I'll have to make a complete reinstall of course. That's the first since I bought it, about 4 years ago now, so I guess it's really about time anyways.

I'm just telling this so you get an idea about how long this delay will probably last. I hope to be back in action soon. I already miss scripting and things.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:14 am

Okay, copied the scripts and uploaded them http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CWFIQSO0

You will not miss scripting on my watch.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 am

Here's the results of the http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z238/Silvonomon/Oblivion%20shots/Other/Oblivion2009-07-2822-43-20-57.jpg
I used "set drakedragonracequest.debug to 1", but it wouldn't recognize "set drakedragonracequest.debugshowracetokens to 1", because you added an "s" to tokens. I put in the correct command (from your readme) and Koushirou was resolutely red. No green glow on him at all. I'm assuming that this is a bad thing?
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:52 am

Thanks, RatherInconsiderateFellow. I grabbed them right away. Now I can at least be sitting over them each night and try to fix some things blindly.

Well, I can't remember what I wrote in the readme anymore, not even if I mentioned it at all... should dragons light up green or red now?...
However, as long as you didn't also set the "showRevToken" to "1" you should be able to see only one type of tokens anyways.
Now if you also set this to "1", you should easily be able to distinguish between dragons and non-dragons (green and red aura, not necessarily in this order). If all have the same color, then definitely something is wrong with the providing code section, as dragons shouldn't get the reverter tokens and vice versa.
Also there are quite some variables "0" which probably shouldn't be... but that's not the whole output unfortunately. In the console you can scroll up and down with the "PageUp" and "PageDown" keys respectively. I also altered a few settings in my ini to make it display lines over more than half of my screen, which really comes in handy when reading a lot of debug spam.
This is only about half or even 1/3 of the variables this quest script has.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:30 pm

Ah, ok, I'll get you the full sqv tomorrow. And by red, well, Koushirou was a red-gold dragon to start with, and no glowing of any color happened when I used showracetoken. I'm assuming this is worse than him glowing red?
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Kim Kay
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:00 am

Ah, ok, I'll get you the full sqv tomorrow. And by red, well, Koushirou was a red-gold dragon to start with, and no glowing of any color happened when I used showracetoken. I'm assuming this is worse than him glowing red?

Well, him not getting a very obviously glowing aura means either the token's script is not getting past the initialization phase or there was no token provided to him in the first place.
Both would lead us back to the main quest script, where necessary variables need to be initialized for the tokens' scripts to pass initialization phase and where the providing of actors with these tokens takes place.
The latter will only happen, if the actor is one of my 3 dragon races. Maybe something went wrong when/if you changed the race of an existing char of your's, but when creating a new one, starting as a dragon, there shouldn't be any issues like this... so we need to figure that one out. The full SQV output will show us more though, so I'll wait for this to think on.

I'm getting really curious to find out what the cause could be... maybe there's some weakness I forgot to cover? Activities one shouldn't do or I need to invent some safety preventions? Maybe it's even something really stupid, simple and obvious, but I just can't see it right now?... this is so puzzling! :lmao:

edit: http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/9779/drakedebugshaders.jpg
Red shaders on non-dragons, green ones on dragons. The shader design was changed, as these depicted were stolen from another mod and I of course didn't want to keep them, but the overall appearance should be close to this.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:02 pm

Here's the full sqv: http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z238/Silvonomon/Oblivion%20shots/Other/Oblivion2009-07-2909-59-16-07.jpg http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z238/Silvonomon/Oblivion%20shots/Other/Oblivion2009-07-2909-59-19-96.jpg http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z238/Silvonomon/Oblivion%20shots/Other/Oblivion2009-07-2909-59-24-76.jpg http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z238/Silvonomon/Oblivion%20shots/Other/Oblivion2009-07-2909-59-27-03.jpg. These are from before using any commands to force the config menu. If you need me to post an sqv after forcing the config, let me know. And Koushirou started as a dragon, the only thing I did was change him from a red dragon to a red-gold dragon, which, theoretically, shouldn't cause any problems with the scripts.
Edit: I went to IC Market to see if I got any shaders with the showracetoken, and no one lit up any color at all. No red, no green.
Edit once more XD: I got it! I accidently had two conflicting alternate start mods that screwed with your scripts. Took one off, and now it works fine.
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