Some might already know it, following my WIP threads about Argonian Beautification, that there's a personal side-project of mine I regularly talk about over there.
I have this one special Dragon (and the world he's living in, that is) in my mind since I first dreamed of him (yep, that's right, I dream of a world full of dragons... well, actually sleeping is just the phase my mind is most creative in, I admit) and am constantly developing his/this story in my imagination for quite some years now. (Yes I admit, I could've written a whole book already now after years of ongoing stories, continuing each time I go to bed, before I finally fall to sleep. I already started writing down the first chapters from memory and filling some gaps where necessary, but university is keeping me from seriously taking time for such a large scale undertaking.)
Anyways, this little dragon, Drake, was the first character I created in Oblivion and am since then working to make him "him", with all his abilities, unique features, looks, everything.
First I started with a simple recolored Argonian. That didn't look that "unique" though, neither very "dragon"-ish. So I gave him a complete texture overhaul to make him differ in appearance from Argonians, used jdayT's feet meshes, the spiked tail from Slof's Better Beasts, the wings from Chingari's and Ismelda's Demon Race, some claws and some spikes cut away from Slof's Giger Armor for his armblades/legblades and a rather unique scissor-like construction on the tip of his tail from the same Armor to form his tailblades.
Ready was
It was even working quite well, because
(don't mind the armor, it was a first-timer to create something fitting for him.)
I used Wrye Morph to switch between full-dragon and full/half-human shape, as I don't know of a way to get an exchangeable but still animated head working.
That's why in the next step I dropped the idea of full-transforming and concentrated on the half-human shape first from then on.
Drake's being a Shape Shifter, an art the ancient dragons refined in their thrive for real contact to other races for studying purposes or simply to make friends. It came very handy when they first invented the ability to shift into human shape and visit the first human settlements without causing panic and terror everywhere by their appearance. Over the millenia this ability somehow got merged into genetic knowledge, inherited information passed on to the offspring on birth. (It's a myth beyond my dragons that the complete knowledge of their ancestors sleeps deep inside their subconscious, sometimes even becoming active knowledge if need be.) That's why nowadays (the time my story's playing in) all dragons can shift into human shape at will, although nobody really knows how shape shifting in general works anymore. Each dragon has an own unique human appearance, somehow derived from their soul/mind/personality and can't take on another form, because they simply forgot how to achieve that. However, they still can control it to a degree they can transform only parts of their body, limbs, as well. It's quite handy to walk around in human shape, but when a bandit of sorts attacks you from behind he runs into your quick and agile defending dragon tail shooting out from under your robes, disarming him immediately with your tail blade. Or if you need a quick travel upwards, a steep slope for example, simply extend your dragon wings, fly up, and let them disappear again, continue wandering around as a human. Using your sturdy dragon claws as tools instead of requiring a certain tool hold in human hands, giving "unarmed" hand-to-hand combat a new definition with your sharp and almost indistructible claws, or simply using them in combination with your strong clawed dragon feet to quickly climb up a rock might come in handy as well some days.
(I'm still working out a system to "reward" for using dragon bodyparts instead of human, or maybe a "penalty" for NOT using dragon bodyparts would be better?)
This partial shape shifting I achieved by using my own "body part and adapted clothing equipment control" scripts resource, in use by Scripted Argonian Feet, to a rather extreme extent, enabling you to swap body parts at will by altering a variable's value (this will later be bound to some key-presses or spells or something). You can show/hide your dragon feet (legs will react if adapted clothing is available, but will keep human shape if not. This might change now that I use my own feet meshes.), show hide your claws (upperbody will react the same way the legs do), show/hide your tail and show/hide your wings, at will and independently from each other.
I used this setting myself for quite a while, everytime I played with my main character,
made some clothing items (re-texes, re-meshes),,,,,,
adapted some armor (thanks again, Nivea, for this conversion),,,,
Then I tried making my own feet from scratch, loosely sticking to design.
But I went too far with the bent legs and the raised heels, the feet and toes were way too long, the legs too far spread apart to make room for the huge feet, and movement was looking aweful, walking worse than frogs or ducks, yet more ugly than the often-complained-about Morrowind-style Argonian movement. But still it was a first-timer and apart from that the result, especially my first rigging, looked quite promising ingame,,,,,,,,,,,
Then I improved the clothing a bit more, getting it closer to look like the clothing from my imagination,,,,
fiddled up a partner-look uniform scheme and did some action shots of me and my companion,,,,,
and some rather civilian shots,,
Actually all those shots had an ingame story to go with them, but I posted them in context already in other threads. They're only here to show the race and my work in use, and believe me, I have fun playing it.
Lately I gave his textures another overhaul, as this bloody red color scheme wasn't really fitting my imagination. I only did the upperbody and just "recolored" the lower to fit better, but results were looking fine... although it's still not quite the right color somehow... I also overdid the normalmaps' shinyness and bumpyness I fear... absolute overkill... but still the shape it gives the textured body is priceless and I will search for a way to keep most of its structure while adding in more details and toning down on the shinyness.,,
Then I came up with the idea to create my own wings, better fitting my imagination, as anatomically correct as possible
(think along the lines of those wingfingers folding in to end parallel to the lower wingarm, while the lower wingarm and upper wingarm fold in to end almost parallel to the upperbody)
My own new feet meshes got a workover, reducing their length a bit, narrowing down their size, the legs slighty less bent for existing animations to look better with them and the spread-apart nonsense removed, and the result was really worth the effort. I think I got rid of this hilariously ugly look when they're moving.
YouTube videos of them ingame (bad quality, I apologise, another first-timer): (just for the fun of it)
Now do those still look hilariously ugly? :hubbahubba:
A better tail mesh was in order and I made all new meshes connect seamlessly to the existing Robert's body (V4 Muscular),
The wing webs had to be worked out and the texture improvement got to the next step, adding some structure to the claws' fingers and giving new textures to the new feet meshes and the wing webs
The texturework is finally completed, at least I think it is, at the very least the current texture is a release candidate already.
Using the simple method I learned from Ghogiel to "merge" normalmaps correctly, I actually managed, by simply merging my own normalmaps with themself just with different grades of bumpiness, to keep the bumpiness and well defined structure of the first try while also adding in the smaller details I lost last time, and of course I also reduced this shinyness overkill drastically this time.
The result is really looking fine in my eyes and was well worth the effort, I think. I even like the colors somehow.
Don't mind the tail, I haven't rigged the new one yet. Now on to rigging the tail and completing the wings next.
Now also the new tail is finished and properly rigged, looking good ingame.
But see for yourself:
Video Documentation downloadable from (higher quality) or viewable on (lower quality)
I'm still a beginner with creating videos and it seems my editing software can only create this "crappy" quality. I don't know if I'm really interested in something more advanced though, as I'm really only uploading small video clips to present the state of my work.
I swapped two entries in the planned development timeline. In my late screenshots I could live with the wings not showing, as they would have been too large to fit in anyways. One thing though I couldn't stand any longer... this Breton head on top of it all! It was just... out of place. I just had to make something really creative to get back into the mood for continuing working down my todo lists, so I gave it a try and created a dragon head fitting my imaginations. It started as a deformation of the Argonian head mesh with the goal to keep FaceGen animations intact... while I failed miserably at that, because I didn't know how to do it right (still don't btw.), I created a really nice helmet or some sort of stiff mask static dragon head this way. I only had to make a new head texture fitting my body textures (aligning as seamlessly as possible around the neck), plug in mouth, tongue, teeth, also static, rip apart a "hairstyle" (actually these are horns) and hand-place the seperated horns and spikes all over the head (original didn't fit my head at all), retex the horns so they blend in better with the head textures and match the "painted" spikes located all over the body in the textures, and last but not least take two Argonian Eyes, plug them inside the eyeholes, retex them as well, as the originals didn't provide my style in color and glow, and rig every single part to the head bone (the head itself however was already rigged properly), and I was set. As a little cosmetic nit-pick I deformed the teeth a little bit so some of them stick out here and there, looks more realistic that way.
First tests ingame resulted in the eyes behaving strange when in inventory menu. When some other mesh (f.e. the horns) was to be seen behind them, it was like an x-ray effect, they were visible as if rendered in front of the eyes, but everything looked right when just the inside of the head should have been seen. That's when I realized eye textures don't have normalmaps, but ones made static to be part of a helmet sure do! So now my eyes even have some faint "structure" inside those shiny eyeballs. The horns received some better normalmaps as well while I was already on it, closely matching the head normalmaps which themself are identical to the body normalmaps, for maximum seamlessness.
All in all the whole process took me only about 2-3 hours until it was working ingame. This time I didn't have any references for the shape of the head other than the pictures of Drake I have in my mind. I'm quite surprised it turned out so well on my first try actually.
Remember, this head is NOT animated, no facial expressions, deformations in CharGen or any other FaceGen-related activities. However, I sometimes got the impression it shows different facial expressions from different points of view... maybe I was too sleepy already, but I could swear he blinked once and moved his lips! :lmao:
I think I'll stick with that for now though, as actually it's still a Breton body just occasionally wearing a dragon head. This way you can be still partly human but already have the head of a dragon. 2 animated heads on 1 race is not possible by all I know, so that's the best solution. If I don't want to fall back to forcing my users to also use Wrye Morph to actually change their race when transforming into "full" dragon shape, that is. Because Wrye Morph is way more complex nowadays than just the basic functionality I would need of it, to switch between exactly 2 stored character setups of fixed races, each appearance defined once during CharGen.
Anyways, on to the screenshots:,,,,,,,,
Now there are also some nice spikes going down the spine and Drake's tailblades finally made it ingame... quite a handy weapon, or rather a "tool", that's for sure.,,
I finally finished rigging the wings and the results are really pleasant to my eyes.
(that's what I envision the gliding motion to look like)
Gliding or flapping not fast enough?
There's nothing better than to dive down at your opponents on high speed just to spread your wings again shortly before hitting the ground, and while shooting along at the speed gained from the freefall above their heads, letting loose an inferno of flames to fry them... I love it "toasted"!
Got my head into animation business the first time of my life:
Just uploaded this to YouTube today
Enjoy the little! The weather was quite cooperative this day and Drake looked just marvelous in this sky. :woot:
And as a little bonus here are some pics of me playing around with in-flight combat and a certain Midas Magic spell. (actually that's wrong, he can't stand meat at all, but it was so fitting.
... poor thing didn't know when it was better "not" to attack.
...just wait for the first combat animations making use of these. :woot:
While I was at it, the tail blades, which form a tong or something like that, were of course also intended to be movable all the time...
Wanna make some matches out of trees with these? :hubbahubba:
A while ago I was asked to release the things there are as some form of Hybrid Dragon Race. I got past Testinghall on my quick way out, as you can see.
I went a bit overboard with the sliders on this one, way too red and not fitting the "non-skin" sections of body parts occasionally... but this is something neglectible I think.
I gave the head mesh another try and did make marvellous progress.
Here are some pics of it being used on Argonians:
(following pics are animated GIFs, might take a minute or 2 to load) I'm somehow proud of this shape...
Now here are a few pics of the new head mesh and stuff and also of the issue that's currently holding back a release:
(I like the shine-through of the wing-membranes)
(is that a better wingspan now?)
And now to the funny part...
...well, you can clearly see the issue I guess...
Fearil created and released many adapted files for Vanilla armor pieces to be used with this race.
Every armor except the Arena Raiments was covered.
And here's a release of the old helmet-type dragon head I used in the old shots:
Next update, sorta, is the new Dragon Head and fitting mouth, tongue and teeth meshes I was working on, now completely animated and morphable during CharGen.
Thanks to ThrottleKitty for helping me out with invaluable knowledge and suggestions!
This release is meant as an add-on of sorts to the Hybrid Race, providing all necessary files and a new ESP to replace the original one, to get the dragon shaped head instead of the human.
fixes, fixes, fixes... why do things never work perfectly right from the start?... That's a new download link. Get the latest version with all vital bugfixes!
For reference here's the link to the initial Hybrid Race release which is required for the other things to work:
Requirements: OBSE v0016 or later, "Elys Pluggy" OBSE Plugin (I'm using v122, but I think any version with Array support will be suffice)
Overview of the 3 races (colorschemes) to be in the beta:
Due to the loss of my laptop's secondary fan, cooling the GeForce, I can't play-test anymore currently. Also I'm fearing a complete loss, which might be unlikely but isn't unthinkable. So here's a pre-release of the beta, lacking only a few more scripting functionalities I wanted to add but can't currently.
Requirements: Robert's Male body (any version should do, meshes designed to fit V4 muscular), OBSE v0017 or higher (Pluggy is no longer required)
currently male-only!
Still missing flight capability, draconic NPCs will run around with their wings spread apart in rigging pose, last known flaws of my scripting approach still persist.
Everything I did myself is free to use. My scripting approach is a Modder's Resource. Consult the readme for additional information about re-use of particular assets.
Comes OMOD-ready as usual, but there are no installation scripts right now. If you prefer other lowerbody alternatives (nvde ones or different underwear), you have to replace the "meshes/characters/drakedragon/male/dragonlegs_dcpart.nif" file with one of the alternatives (names are self-explanatory). By all means make backups!
Attention! There was a critical bug in the ESP of the release, keeping tails and wings from showing up initially! This replacement ESP will fix it.
Well, I'm back on track now, my laptop got repaired and everything's working wonderfully again on my side.
So due to there being quite a lot of bugs/flaws in the last release of the scripts here's a hopefully finally fixed one, as well as replacement skeletons with folded-in wings. (That way it's a lot safer, even if the animation to neutralize the wing pose fails some day.)
New requirement: OBSE v0018. I know it's still in beta... but then, this mod itself is not even in beta yet.
Alright, here's the MegaUpload link for the 0.0.7 pre-beta complete package:
You get all files directly from my drive in their latest state of development.
Male and female player characters and NPCs/companions are now supported.
OBSE v0018 beta 4 is highly required (I think I recompiled all scripts with beta 4 loaded before my laptop died, so they should all work with and require the latest OBSE)
Male meshes/textures are still made to fit Robert's Male Body V4 (muscular) and female meshes/textures are made fitting the TFF body.
But as I was reminded by RIF you should of course be able to use just about every body for your other races, my dragon race should still use those two, given all slots are configured to be controlled by my scripts and automatic unequipping of non-fitting items is enforced for all of them.
Updating of previous running games with my race to 0.0.7 is still bound to be error-prone unfortunately, but as soon as I finish the next script overhaul any updates from v0.0.8 on should be done easily and not cause any issues anymore. For now though expectedly-error-free usage is only given when starting a new game, or if you manage to make a clean update of your existing savegames following all safety preparations.
I was regularly talking about process of this project in my other threads. As of late not having much traffic over there anyways, my regularly posting process updates started looking like "bumping" my own thread, especially when about half of it was off-topic regarding this race WIP.
So now I created an own WIP thread for this race not to derail my Argonian Beautification or Scripted Argonian Feet threads anymore by posting this stuff (also to prevent some people complaining about "what I had done to Argonians" just because they looked at my pictures of "this race" without reading the post explaining that it's NOT an Argonian depicted in them).
From now on I will regularly update "this" thread instead of dropping lines into AB or SAF threads. (it was about time to start an own WIP thread for this race anyways... after all this development) -_-