this whole new skeleton, would it remove the dependency of the dragon race on the robert body?
Edit- might want to think about starting a new thread drake, it's getting close to 200
Sure. I'm always keeping an eye on the post count when it's getting close to the maximum. But as long as I get thread #200 to post the link to the new one, there's no need to hurry. And my threads have never been that active anyways. But thanks for helping me keep it in mind.
As for your question, I fail to see how it possibly could do that. Skeletons never created such dependencies on body mods to begin with, so they neither can remove them.
It's my meshes like the feet, claws, wings, blades, spikes, tail, etc. (all created from Robert's base meshes) which is making the other body meshes required to be fitting to Robert's meshes as well. This and the textures I created being Robert's Male full-body maps. For the females it is of course the same, TFF is the base of all meshes.
All the whole new skeleton idea actually achieves for me is a yet more custom shaped unique body, stand-alone animations no longer clashing with any existing ones in your folders, and almost 100% freedom of choice in my design decisions.
Oh and don't let us forget they will actually "move" like my dragons and not like some petty humans which just look like wearing dragon "costumes" all the time. :whistling:
To remove these dependencies I need to add in full support for other bodies, which means everything I ever created or will create for this race has to be done twice, thrice, 4 times, 5 times, I don't know how many times in succession, each time with/for a different body.
Quite honestly that's nothing I'll even consider while I don't even have something complete so far for 1 single set of bodies to begin with.
Oh and just to get this right, what's a cause for not wanting this dependency in the first place? Using Vanilla Male bodies, the only alternative to Robert's Male? Due to me using the hand texture slot for the sophisticated wing-membrane textures doing mesh and texture support for Vanilla will be a real pain. I'm simply running out of texture slots, because Vanilla needs them ALL for itself, none left for me. :shakehead: