Drake Knights Armor for Morrowind v1.0
About this mod:
Jojjo's stuff again, this should tell all about this armor sets quality, package includes whole armor set
(male and female), a sword (both one hander and claymore) and a shield, all that a cliched holy warrior/paladin can
need, again this needs MCP and its fixes
All i can say, its swimming near a smashed daedra Daedra Lord who drank too much
To display models properly you have to install folowing fixes from Morrowind Code Patch:
-Bump/reflect map local lightning
-Enable reflection effects
-Gloss map fix on skinned models
If you don't have MCP, the links are on the bottom of this readme.
You can chose the flame color of the sword, go to "Textures\dragonspirit\w" there you have folders that include flame
texture colors, chose the one you like and copy it to "Textures\dragonspirit\w" overwriting the old ones.
If you eighter dont like the reflection map or cant use MCP, replace the ref map with blank one from
Come clipping might occour (mostly 1st person gloves), nothing serious.
-Jojjo, for again pwnzing the mod scene with these models,
-Hrnchamd, for MCP with all of its cool features,
-Phijama, i used the flame circle and texture from his Dragon Blade
MCP links:
About this mod:
Jojjo's stuff again, this should tell all about this armor sets quality, package includes whole armor set
(male and female), a sword (both one hander and claymore) and a shield, all that a cliched holy warrior/paladin can
need, again this needs MCP and its fixes
All i can say, its swimming near a smashed daedra Daedra Lord who drank too much

To display models properly you have to install folowing fixes from Morrowind Code Patch:
-Bump/reflect map local lightning
-Enable reflection effects
-Gloss map fix on skinned models
If you don't have MCP, the links are on the bottom of this readme.
You can chose the flame color of the sword, go to "Textures\dragonspirit\w" there you have folders that include flame
texture colors, chose the one you like and copy it to "Textures\dragonspirit\w" overwriting the old ones.
If you eighter dont like the reflection map or cant use MCP, replace the ref map with blank one from
Come clipping might occour (mostly 1st person gloves), nothing serious.
-Jojjo, for again pwnzing the mod scene with these models,
-Hrnchamd, for MCP with all of its cool features,
-Phijama, i used the flame circle and texture from his Dragon Blade
MCP links: