OH ok, let me try to flesh out this idea a bit.
so at random times in the game you have dreams, dreams are sometimes interactive and other times are cinematic.
dreams could be prophetic, memory, nightmare, sensual/love
, deep and meaningful, odd or just plain f**ing crazy or another variation of dream i haven't thought of.
examples of interactive dreams
Memory example
a memory it could take you to another time and part of the empire to re-live something about your past,
ill propose a memory of a time you visited highrock to speak with your old master.
he/she wishes to see how far your training/learning has progressed over the years, and proves to you that you are still naive in your use of [insert skill here]
in this dream you learn a bit of combat/spell/etc. knowledge and gain a point in the skill you trained.
Nightmare example
say in a nightmare you are being chased by faceless man with a torch and a dagger [or a fearsome beast that can smell fear], YOU have to hide or fight back to survive, fighting is a bad idea because if you die you wake up, but should you win you gain a level [opponent should be HARD], but if you hide properly you can overhear him talking about something- this piece of information is useful in guiding you to a treasure/quest location of relevant importance and you leave with a new entry in your journal and a day long stat buff. OR if you escape you gain a point in the skill of your choosing.
and cinematic variants of dreams also. that may or may not effect you physically but may provide a quest or information on a subject.
i would say prophetic dreams would be the most valuable of the cinematics
or in a crazy dream sheogorath may come up to you and wabajack your dog into an orgrim and make it give you a big fat kiss. XD
or would that be considered sensual/love