Here's the CS's for your convenience

I'll begin:
Belan Indarys: speaking in
Light Cyan. Spoiler Name: Belan Indarys
Gender: Male
Race: Dunmer
Age: 227
Birthsign: The Lady
Bio: Belan does not like to talk about his past, and there is very little known about him. Even if you were to research the name, you would find little to no information about him.
Belan Indarys is old, but he is not helpless. He is a blademaster, and even at the advanced age of 227, he can still wield his Daedric Katana with amazing grace. Still, he must walk with a staff, but there is a fire in his eyes, especially whenever he speaks of Morrowind, longing to see Mournhold, the city of light, once again.
He is, well, a realist. Two centuries of hardship have tempered his spirit, and he knows the world is not a friendly place.
He has white hair tied in a long braid that stretches down to his shoulders tied at the end by a string with two feathers. His face is very wrinkled, but you can still see the tattoo of the Urshilaku Ashlanders, and though he is beginning to go blind, and his eyes are turning a milky white, you can still see that his eyes once shown a brilliant red.
He fights with only one sword, and wears little armor, preferring to stay on the offense than count on pieces of metal on his chest. All he wears is a tattered, ash-stained cloak, and a once finely made robe that has faded with age.
Even after all this time though, he still believes in honor in battle.
Quirinus Latartus: Speaking in
Light Green Spoiler Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: The Lady
Grew up on the harsh, unforgiving streets of late Third Age Imperial City. From an early age, he learned how to manage himself, and he learned that good and evil are sometimes hard to distunguish. In 3E 427, he was arrested and sent to Morrowind to help the blades defeat Dagoth Ur. However, on a mission to Ilunibi, he got Corprus, and fell to Dagoth Ur's power, and became one of his servants. Quirinus swiftly rose in the service of his new master, eventually becoming the captain of the armies of the Sixth House.
Later that year though, the Nerevarine destroyed the Heart of Lorkhan, killing all of Dagoth Ur's minions as well as himself.
Azura spared Quirinus though, seeing that he could be useful to her. So, she cursed him with immortality until he could forever put his mark on Tamriel.
At first, Quirinus was happy with this curse, believing it to be a blessing. Still though, he tried to do good to redeem himself for the evil he had done while working for Dagoth Ur. That is how he came to be arriving to Anvil on a fateful day, and met a raving lunatic that set him on a path that would culminate in him becoming the Divine Crusader. However, as he did this, he was overshadowed by Caraulus, the Champion of Cyrodiil, and Hero of Kvatch. Because of this great hero, no one ever remembered Quirinus' brave stand with the Emperor and the Champion at Bruma, or how he lead the Knights of the Nine to victory against Umaril the Unfeathered.
After the fall of the Empire, Quirinus faded out of all history, retiring to a rural farm in Hammerfall, to spend an enternity farming and living, hoping for the day that fate would look his way.
He fought for Chancellor Ocato in the Imperial City as Titus Mede announced himself the new Emperor, and when the infernal Isle arrived, he was one of the many heroes trying to defeat it.
However, each time he tried to gain fame and save the day, someone else always did. Titus Mede won the day in Imperial City, and Prince Attrebus defeated the Infernal Isle.
Now, he is a wandering Crusader who, along with his faithful knights, are assisting Vivec to liberate Morrowind.
Jahron: Speaking in
Off-Yellow Spoiler Gender: Male
Race: Khajiit
Age: 28
Birthsign: The Thief
Bio: There is not much to say about Ja'rohn, he was raised by his father, a blacksmith, and a Skooma addicted mother in a house near Solitude. He lived a largely uneventful life for the most part.
He is a quiet person but when speaking he is sly, being able to get his way easily with a few sharp words. This is useful as he trades a lot, bartering with people almost every day.
His trade is as a blacksmith. Trained by his father, a respected blacksmith, Ja'rohn is an adept blacksmith, making daggers and shortswords as a speciality. A few members of the Dark Brotherhood took note of this and now Ja'rohn acts as one their main suppliers of weaponry.
But he is bored. He loves his work but longs to feel the finest snow between his paws, the finest clothing and armor upon his body, the finest air in his lungs. It had been a long time since he had been outside of the Solitude area.
An idea formed in his head. At first he thought it was ridiculous but the more he went over it the more he started to like it. He decided one day to take his leave and travel to Riften by foot. During this time he enjoyed all the delights he longed more and more. Arriving at Riften he feels slightly saddened but hopeful, as he looks forward to meeting new people and new experiences.
He stands at the city, pondering what will happen.
Charon - Speaks in
Medium Blue Spoiler Name: Charon.
Age: Unknown, estimated to be in late twenties.
Race: Imperial
Class: Night Blade Assassin
Birth Sign: Thief
Hair: Shoulder length, black
Eyes : Dark blue almost charcoal
Appearance :, minus the bird and symmetrical pauldrons.
Weapons: From his past travels (in previous RP threads) he has Gold Brand and Ebony Mail. He also has a black steel wakazashi that he uses for close stealth kills and dual wielding with Gold Brand. He has a bow and quiver that he keeps on his back as well as few throwing knives.
Spells: As for spells I had a knack for alteration, illusion, destruction and a little restoration. I'm no mage but if used in the right ways the most basic spells can be handy. My main ones I use are invisibility, chameleon, fire, water breathing, night eye, basic healing (just enough to help with minor cuts, stabs, and other injuries so don’t ask me to put your intestines back in and seal it shut, I'm not that good), and some stamina and fatigue fortification for a pick me up during the long tracks and battles.
Bio: I am Charon, I was orphaned at a young age of 6 when my parents were killed by a clan of vampires. We were setting up camp when we were attacked. My father tried to fend them, actually killing a few of them, but he fell to a blade through the chest. My elder brother was helping him in the fray and managed to kill a couple himself. But they soon swarmed him and as they left him and came for me and my mother I saw his limp body torn and broken upon the ground. My mother set me just inside the tent that they had just set up and began to charge up fire in her hands. she managed to kill three of the 10 remaining but they decapitated her only a few feet from me. As they turned towards me I could see them and the endless hunger in their eyes, I knew I was going to die, and then something in me seemed to awaken. I don’t remember much after that, after the realizing something within me had changed but when my memory picked up again I was surrounded by a band of gypsy traders who were in complete shock. I looked at my hands, and then my arms and body, and then all the way to my feet. There didn't seem to be a spot on me that wasn't covered in ash or blood.
As they travelled to the nearest town they're trackers returned in disbelief. They wouldn't let me listen in but from what I could gather they had tracked me back to the camp I came from, which was about 2 days from where they had found me. All that remained of the camp were the tree's everything else was burnt to an ash. Even my family was barely there.
I was soon adopted by a Lord in Cyrodiil who had his own personal band of assassins, from what I learned, he had picked up and adopted and were trained from a high ranking Dark Brotherhood defector. Though we were assassins we learned many different arts. Everything from archery, to hand to hand combat, to swordsmanship, to studies of magicka and how to wield various spells. Our leader believed it was best to know a little of everything so to best be utilized in any situation.
Faire Nalesdane- speaks in
Yellow Spoiler Name: Faire Nalesdane.
Race: Imperial/Ainmhi.
Age: 16.
Class: Warrior.
Weapon(s): Two simple steel shortswords.
Personality: Forever cheery and upbeat, Faire always looks on the bright side, even when in really bad situations. She's quite the runner and climber, having done a lot of that in the hills surrounding her town, which puts her hyperactivity to good use. She's quite naive and impulsive, which can lead to some interesting situations, but is surprisingly knowledgeable and interested about history and blacksmithing. She loves a good bard's tale, even if she knows the events didn't happen quite like that.
Appearance: She has long blonde hair tied up as a ponytail so it doesn't get in the way of fighting and deep violet eyes.
Preferring something practical to something pretty, Faire wears an old enchanted Ranger's coat inherited from her great grandmother. She's never really been one for wearing dresses, so dislikes any situation that requires that she wears one. Her build is athletic as she depends more on speed than strength.
Skills: Faire fights with two swords, and prefers to use them offensively than defensively. She's very fast, which can win her many battles quickly, but her current lack of skill limits her. If she fights someone with both speed and skill, she's in a little trouble. She uses Restoration magic when forced to, but much prefers healing potions if they're available. Apparently they taste like strawberries. She has a "soul of a thief", and as such is not afraid to fight dirty against an opponent. She is a natural blacksmith and made her swords all by herself. Her sweet nature makes people naturally trust her, but she is not particularly good at persuading people.
Maximillian: Speaking in
Orange Spoiler Gender: Male
Race: High Elf
Birthsign: The Mage
Sorceror, Wizard, Necromancer
Abandoned on the Artaeum in 3E 325, the high elf Maximillian (last name unknown even to himself) was raised as a Psijic wizard, and by 3E 390 had become one of the most powerful wizards of the order. However, it was around this time that Maximillian began to research the forbidden art of Necromancy, fascinated by the incredible powers harnessed by the Worm King Mannimarco.
Maximillian managed to sit out the darkness of the Imperial Simulacrum in his safe position as a member of the Psijic order, but he was supremely interested in the methods that Jagar Tharn used to imprison Uriel Septim. After the Dragon Break in Hammerfall and High Rock, Maximillian was reportedly, "disheartened" by the disappearance of Mannimarco.In 3E 420, he was discovered, and was cast out of the order, and declared an exile from the lands of the altmer. Shortly afterward, as he drank away his sorrows in a bar in Anvil, he was arrested by Hannibal Traven, a young and up and coming wizard trying to find a way of becoming the head of the Anvil Mage's Guild.
For the next seven years, he rotted in the Imperial Prison, formulating escape and revenge schemes.Then, in 3E 427, a break! Maximillian was set free and sent to Morrowind with orders to see Caius Cosades.After burning the note in his hands after leaving Seyda Neen, Maximillian quickly joined the Telvanni, the only magical faction that had no qualms with necromancy, and other decidedly dark arts. Maximillian swiftly rose through the ranks of the Telvanni, due to his Machiavellan political strategies. After barely three months in the Great House, he was appointed the Mouth of Master Aryon, and after the next two, was made a Master of the Telvanni.
Around this time, a Maximilian heard of a mysterious Dark Elf named Belan Indarys, and immediately took interest. This Dark Elf was apparently trying to fulfill the Nerevarine Prophecy, and was, against all odds and reason, actually succeeding.
When Belan Indarys came to Sadrith Mora to adress the council, Maximillian arranged a private meeting with this young hero. While no one knows what these two future greats discussed in this meeting, the results were undeniable.The next day, Gothern was in a pool of his own blood, Maximillian was Archmagister, and Belan Indarys had been appointed Hortator.This alliance between the Nerevarine and the Archmagister would continue to flourish as both grew in power.By the end of 3E 427, Maximillian had assasinated Duke Dren and the head of the East Empire Company, replacing them with with pro-Telvanni puppets, survived several assasination attempts, established four new Telvanni settlements, created a Telvanni consolate in Ebonheart, and helped Belan Indarys, now revealed as the illegitimate son of King Helseth, become the new Prince of Morrowind.
Now with official government support, the Telvanni managed to take over all of Vvardenfall, placing Maximillian in the odd position of having more power than the Duke of Vvardenfall. For 5 years, he held this post, until Frathen Drothan staged a military coup with the help of his Drothmeri Army.After Frathen left for Cyrodiil with fancies of conquest, Maximillian regained control of the Telvanni, and began to rebuild the ruins of Vvardenfall following the Oblivion Crisis, becoming the shadow ruler of the entire island.
A few months before the red year, Maximillian foresaw the impending destruction and conquest of Morrowind, and moved his tower's personnel to a strange, vacant tower in the Jerall Mountains. Here, he maintains a massive shadow empire that extends across all of the former empire. His tendrils have been in every major event, Daedric and none, for the past 200 years. He has fought wars with Daedra Princes, and won. He is a dangerous, ambtious, and heartless man who has plans in the future of expanding not only in Tamriel, but perhaps even invading and conquering a Daedric Realm.
Now, he has ascended to CHIM (a form beyond gods and mortals) and has not taken much of an interest in mortal affairs, but that can easily change...
Veronica: Speaks in
Light Pink Spoiler Age: 24
Race: Breton
Class: Berserker
Birth Sign: Warior
Hair: Shoulder length, Honey blond
Eyes : Blue
Appearance - Something like this, but no head band
Weapon - Something like this
Spells - Even though she is a Breton she was raised a warrior. She might not be as talented as other Bretons but she does have natural talent for being a healer. If ranked she would be called a expert in restoration, she is talented in healing and fortifying ones atributes and skills, which is why she has strength that is not her own. Being from the same clan as Charon she was also trained in Illusion, Alteration, and Destruction.
Bio - Orpaned at a early age she was adopted by a traveling Redguard warrior who taught her in the ways of the sword. When she got older (11-12) he would allow her to go on assignments with him instead of sitting in a inn. To their amazement she had a natural affinity for 2 handed blades and showed that she could be just as deadly as any warrior.
When she was 13 he was killed and she was captured but a group of mercs who sold her into bondage. She was bought by a merchant who had tastes for girls of her age. Fortunately she found the knife he hid under his pillow before anything ever happened. She was imprisoned for killing the merchant, who she didnt know had friends in very high places, she was sentenced to death the following week.The day before her execution the guards hooded her and brought her outside where she could here them talking to a man about exchanging her for coin. She knew that she had probably just been sold back into bondage and thought that she would rather the gallows. finally they came to an agreement and coin was exchanged and the guards walked away. The man took the hood from her and pulled out a knife. She looked to the knife and then to the man, "if you get your jollies by cutting up kids your a sick bastard!". He laughed and asked her to hold out her hands. She then realized that he only meant to cut her bindings. After doing so she asked him what intended for her.
It was that night that she was born into the Crimson Assassins. The guards were instructed to claim that she fell ill to the plague and passed that night. Her life was now bound to the order and thus serving it. She has a strong since of duty to the order and especially to Charon.
Amiel Vantus- Speaks in
Maroon Spoiler Amiel Vantus
Allegiance: Idealistic Empire
Occupation: Former Knight of the Imperial Dragon, now drunkard (or so people believe)
Amiel grew up in a noble family loyal to the empire. His parents instilled in him a love of the empire, and this caused hm to join the legion as soon as he came of age. His skill, charisma and family connections caused him to shoot through the ranks until he was knighted the Grandmaster of the Knights of the Imperial Dragon. When the current emperor began to work to eliminate all traces of the Septim Dynasty, the Order of the Imperial Dragon was one of his first targets. Amiel awoke one night surrounded by several armed guards. He and the others were arrested, beaten, tortured and imprisoned. Their families were executed for heresy. They had been targeted for their reverence for the first imperial dragon, Tiber Septim. Finally, Amiel and his Knight-brothers were led out for public execution. Amiel's men sacrificed themselves in order for Amiel to escape, and escape he did. Following a long chase, Amiel broke into the imperial prison and stole the greatest artifacts of the order: Chrysamere and the Lord's Mail. He then fled north to Skyrim.
Amiel now spends his time in a bar in Riften, drinking ale after ale. The town knows him as the local drunkard, but he receives full protection from the thieves' guild due to his reputation (and his "visit" to their base). His shack contains a secret compartment with a Talos shrine and his armor. He waits for someone to reintroduce meaning to his life. While his trust in the empire has been shattered, he maintains his sense of honor.
Amiel wields Chrysamere in battle, wearing the Lord's mail as well as the fists of Randagulf the Great with the rest being full ebony enchanted with healing enchantments. All together, his armor makes him a virtually invincible Paladin, and with Chrysamere's power, he is deadly. He is also skilled with a bow, wielding a Ebony bow and a complement of Ebony arrows. He does possess a weakness however: His hands are still shackled in enchanted Daedric shackles that have bound his hands since his imprisonment. Using illusion charms, he has concealed them, but he has yet to find some way to destroy them. As he is shackled on the front, he can still draw his sword with no difficulty, and the one foot of chain separating the cuffs allows him to perform basic functions and get his armor on and off. But the enchantment on the cuffs has caused his strength to diminish for years. Without a key to free him, he will be much less useful to the group.
Erik Steelsong: Speaks in
Dark Cyan Spoiler Race: Nord, Daedra, God, or something. Not even he knows now...
Specialisation: Combat, Meddling, and all sorts of various Princely duties.
Age: 42.
Occupation: Daedric King
Erik was born to a poor Nordic couple who could barely afford the farm they owned, but they never let their poverty show to their precious son. Erik lived a quiet life as he grew up, learning to care for the animals and the crops and doing the chores. He became quite accustomed to life on the farm until he turned 13. On the eve of his 13th birthday, Marauders attacked and killed his parents while they tilled the field. Finding nothing of value, they took Erik and sold him into the slave trade, as a way to make a profit. Erik was sold to a pompous Count of High Rock, who abused his slaves by having the men work for days without rest, while taking the women to be his own harem. Erik worked hard for his master, slowly building his hatred of they way he and the other slaves were treated. One night, while the Count was ****ing one of his harem women, Erik snuck into the bedchamber, and stabbed the Count through the back without harming the woman. As the Count's body fell to the ground, Erik grabbed the woman, had her get dressed, then he and the other slaves all made their escape. They all hid in a cave in the mountains while the guards searched for them, eating wild deer and plants. When the investigation showed the hidden nature of the Count, a pardon was issued for the slaves. When they heard of this, the slaves and Erik returned to the town and went their seperate ways, except for the woman from that night. She and Erik fell in love and married. Two years later, they had a country home and a baby daughter.
But all was not to be perfect. Umbra escaped the realm of Clavicus Vile and took host in another body. He began prowling the woodland, hunting for those to fulfill his lust for souls. He came across Erik's cabin while Erik was off hunting. When Erik returned, he found his home ablaze and his wife and daughter slain. Overcome with mindless rage, he took his sword in hand, and hunted Umbra, finally cornering him deep in an ancient ruin. He and Umbra duelled fiercly, until Umbra knocked the sword from Erik's hand. As Umbra swung for the Deathblow, Erik grabbed his hand, turned the sword around and stabbed Umbra with his own sword. A grand soul gem in Erik's pocket filled with the energy of the demon Umbra and both the sword and the body turned to dust instantly. His fierce enemy destroyed, Erik wept bitterly, for he knew his wife and child would never return. He searched for and found a shrine to Clavicus Vile and bargained with him for the gem with Umbra inside. Clavicus Vile granted his wish to avenge his loved ones against those who dare take life from others by making him Dovakiin, a dragon-born, and telling him to go to Skyrim when he was ready to take those who had taken his parents lo so many years ago. However, Erik first went about High Rock, righting the wrongs he could for many years. His prowess with the blade earned him the name Steelsong, and he became a hero to the people. However, he gained the attention of the local chapter of the Dark Brotherhood, who sent many a silencer to kill him.
But he would not submit. Ever so slowly, he killed the Brotherhood's Silencers and Speakers, until the Listener himself lay dead. As the guards learned of his deeds, thinking him to be a serial killer because they didn't realise that the Dark Brotherhood agents were Dark Brotherhood, they left Erik with no choice but to flee. He fled for the border to Skyrim, summoning Clavicus Vile when he reached the border so that the Daedric Prince would show him the way. Instead, Clavicus Vile betrayed him, alerting the border guards to his presence. The Daedric prince had never intended to fulfill his promise, but to instead have him executed so that Clavicus wouldn't have to deal with the complications of creating a Dragonborn. Enraged, Erik swore an oath to slay any worshipper of the Daedra if he encountered them. The guards seized him, and on conversing with the guards of High Rock, sentenced him to death.
Soon after, Erik escaped and hid out in the countryside, killing bandit raiders who tried to steal from helpless merchant caravans. He became known as a vigilante who protected the poor and downtrodden. Little did he know that life would soon deal him a new hand.
While on a routine patrol, he came across a caravan under attack. After off the attackers, he was shocked to realise that the occupant of the main car of the caravan was none other than the High King, who was taking his son to be buried in Windhelm. The assassins had attacked in the middle of the night and killed the kings guards. Erik had singlehandedly saved the High King. After the wounded were tended to and the dead buried, the High King thanked Erik for saving him and made him the new Jarl of Solitude on the spot to replace his son. Erik soon became used to life as a Jarl, and navigated the political waters surrounding the position with ease. On the death of the High King, he was elected the new High King almost unanimously in the Moot. The sole man to oppose him was Heinrich Stormcloak, father to Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm. Heinrich wished for himself to become High King, but was generally disliked by the other Jarls. That night, Heinrich commited the black sacrement, and when the Dark Brotherhood arrived, ordered Erik's death. When Erik learned of this, he fled into hiding, and began seeking several objects that would allow him to stand up against a new onslaught of Dark Brotherhood assassins. One of these objects was known as the Amulet of Daedra's Call.
After several adventures regarding the amulet, Erik and his friends Raize, Charon, Kiva and Quirinus found themselves fighting the Dread Lord himself Sithis. Sithis possesed Erik for a time to manipulate the others into activating an ancient Dwemer machine hidden away under the Throat of the World in and ancient Mer capital. The machine had been designed to absorb the pure essences of the Daedric princes and infuse them into a single person. When Raize destroyed the device, it released all of its energy and the energy wormed its way into the only three beings to survive the blast: Sithis, Erik and an Altmer mage Maximillian. After Erik and his allies defeated Sithis in the dimension of the Dwemer, Erik inherited the powers and responsibilities of the Daedric Princes while Maximillian gained the powers of their realms.
Crowned the Daedric King, Erik went about adjusting to his new position. Not wishing to lose followers, he began to impersonate all the various Daedra the people had come to know, never revealing his true form. Though tiring, this has worked thus far. When Erik received word of the return of Vivec, he began to meddle in the affairs of mortals, as the Daedra are apt to do. But this time, he was doing it in his own great glory...
Lleyartus Olvidadus (Azriel): Speaking in
Purple Spoiler Race: Altmer
Gender: Male
Age: 29 (appears, believes, and acts like he is 17 due to Altmeri lifespan and his personal memory loss)
Sign: The Mage
Class: Aspiring to be a powerful wizard (to help unlock the secrets to his past), currently and apprentice of magic and very skilled at healing and shielding spells.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 117lbs
Build/Skills: Tall, frail youth; Clearly not suited for melee combat. Though he doesn't remember how, Azriel is fairly proficient at shock spells and is, through much applied practice on himself (due to his abusive masters) excellent at wards and healing magics, though uncertain of his actual abilities and has only just mustered enough confidence in himself to seek tutelage.
Face: Large, slightly protruding nose (looks as if it's been broken at the upper bridge); Shadows under eyes indicating sleep deprivation; Thin, almost delicate, mouth; High and graceful cheekbones (typical of his race); Pronounced chin, slightly protruding; Oblong and overlarge head in proportion to the rest of his body; Eyebrows unusually large for an Altmer.
Hair Color/Style: Dark Golden Brown hair, usually shorn off around shoulder length and worn down, always messy and unkempt (contributing to the volume at which his head appears to be).
Eye Color: A bright, almost glowing, green; piercing, intelligent, and yet timid with a nervous quality about them.
Scars/Markings: Various scars and permanent welts on back and legs from abuse by his adopted "guardian", thick calluses on hands and knees from years of manual labor and service; large, mysterious puncture-shaped scars at temples and at back of the head.
Weapons: Iron Dagger stolen from Thalmor Embassy
Armour/Clothing: Stolen Thalmor Robes, Gloves, and Boots worn under hooded grey robes; Jeweled Golden Locket (his family's, unbeknownst to him) that was in his possession when he was spirited to Solitude (confiscated by Elenwen upon her "adoption", but stolen upon his flight from the Embassy).
-23 septims (managed to steal from the Embassy before escaping)
-Dried horker slabs
-some rotting fruit
Timid, jumpy, and shy, Azriel has a hard time opening up to anyone after the tortures he has endured at the hands of his own people. Despite his typical aloofness, Azriel, in his naivete, has made it his goal to be more open about himself with the whatever teacher will take him, hoping familiarity will inspire kinship and kindness (something he is not altogether familiar with). Azriel is, unlike most Altmer, astonishingly humble and rarely acknowledges he has any talents whatsoever, let alone telling others of them. However, despite his humbleness, if he takes on a task (no matter how complicated or difficult), Azriel will either finish it or punish himself to the point of violence for his mistakes. This fear of failure, however, is not uncommon for someone who has spent ten years of their life working for the Thalmor (even as a slave), any negligence or failure whatsoever is not tolerated and results in severe abuse.
Azriel has lived his entire life (that is, as much of it as he remembers) without any strong parental figure and, as such, has a deep desire to be loved (and taken care of) by someone. This desire causes him to latch on to anyone who will open themselves up to him as a maternal/paternal figure and a deep corresponding trust and loyalty. Though he cannot forsee it, his desire for attachment may lead him to disaster down the road, for not everyone is as innocent as this child at heart would like to believe.
In spite of himself, Azriel is uncannily intelligent and has a knack for logically working his way out of any fix he might find himself in. Azriel is also incredibly scholastically (and possibly magically) inclined and, whenever he gets a spare moment from his Thalmor masters, wastes no time in devouring any tome he can get his long, thin hands on. Another talent he has gained through years of work under emotionally unstable masters is the ability to read people's words, emotions, and motives (both revealed and hidden). Azriel is, above all, a very confused young man. Having lost his memory at 19 years old has taken its toll on his identity and, despite his best efforts, Azriel cannot find any evidence as to his true identity or what is inside his locket (as he does, by this point, suspect that it has something to do with him).
Born in the shimmering city of Alinor, Lleyartus Olvidadus was the son of two prominent Mages of house Olvidadus. His mother, Aluina, was a teacher of restoration in the Crystal Tower College (a high-class school of magic for Altmer, centrally located in Alinor) and a public servant who spent her free time healing the poor and sick in Alinor's lower-caste district. Lleyartus' father, Alaertes, was a well known destruction mage and also a well known advocate for the faction opposing the Thalmor. Personally tutored under both of his parents, Lleyartus was very proficient at both of their crafts and had a natural ability for casting wards that was uncanny for one so as young as him.
Around Lleyartus' 19th year (4E 191) it was clear that the Thalmor, victorious in their war (which ended the year before Lleyartus' birth), were no longer tolerant of any voice of opposition. After all, if they could manage to stomp out all voice of opposition in the Empire, they should certainly have no trouble quieting Summerset. And so, on approximately the 22nd Frost Fall, Thalmor agents stormed the Olvidadus clan house and killed Lleyartus' parents before his eyes, but not before his mother managed to give him the family amulet (which was rumored to contain the knowledge of the Olvidadus' family history and their one claim to fame, the Area Ward [a spell which, used by a restorer of sufficient power, had potential to protect entire squadrons in battle; knowledge long since lost to the Olvidadus line]). Not wanting to waste any more lives than necessary, the soon to be promoted Master Interrogator Elenwen decided to use secret Thalmor techniques to wipe the young boy's memory and brought him along with her (as her "charge") to Solitude when she was promoted to ambassador. Elenwen, not wanting to give the boy any hints of his past, renamed Lleyartus to Azriel and subjugated him to indentured work as a servant in her embassy.
Ten years (and much abuse) later, Azriel had already deduced that he was not who Elenwen wanted him to believe he was and that, somehow, his past was linked to the magic that he seemed to have a natural aptitude for and the locket Elenwen kept from him. Disgusted at the thought of having to live the rest of his life under the rule of his oppressive masters, Azriel seized the moment during a particularly severe blizzard and set out on his own, looking for answers and training to harness his true potential. It was a new life he was headed to, Azriel sure hoped he was ready for the challenges that it was sure to present.