The first era? That sort of thing looks as nibenese as you can get outside the Imperial City, possibly more so these days. What do you think a 'fjyron' is? Is it the whole spirit or part of it? Being a moth or shawl might be preferable to losing your ego. And what's all this about spores? Some sort of Hist/Telvanni (or better yet, Hist-Telvanni) trick? - units of dreamsleeve communication. See for an example. By these texts, it seems that dreamsleeve communication is performed by recording thoughts or memories to a 'memospore', which are then stored in the dreamsleeve for access by others with the know how. See the following quote:
'(A.) any draconated Tower Scroll(s) or Dreamsleeve-stored Memospore — including writings, drawings, eyegraphs, charts, inscriptions, echopages, images, and other chronocule or chronocule compilations — stored in any medium from which Memospore can be obtained either directly or, if necessary...''
Before I proceed, let it be known that I abide by the Council's wish to move the quadragraph further along. I rescind memo-spore lessonate sendings IV-IX from the dreamsleeve. They are become un-present at this session.' - Nu-Mantia
As shown above, memospores also seem to be a somewhat enduring form of record. Not long, likely, considering that the dreamsleeve is designed to degrade, but longer than instantaneous communication. Really, I think this functions a lot like email, and I'm pretty sure that was MK's intent.
I have not read the books, only summaries, alas.
Its a bit hard to find when bookstores wont stock em and youre too old fashioned to ever have ordered anything off the internet.
Maybe one day Ill pluck up the courage and get a debit card and figure out amazon.
The summaries are of higher quality than the original text(s)*. Honestly, all you need are Lady N's
*Parenthetic because I have read the Infernal City but not Lord of Souls. I can't see the second one improving much over the first, though.