The legions want what the Emperor wants. Stop dancing around the statement. Re-read it and replace "legion" with "empire" if it is that confusing to you. Again the Empire/Legions wanted Morrowind. If Hlaalu accommodates, it means to give what is desired, provide help, help one adapt, appease, etc. Which one of the definitions of accommodation would you place in the sentence?
To appease, which is to negotiate a compromise, which is to throw a bone so as to avoid giving what the other really wanted.
You earlier: "Says the people who have pointed out several times already that what Vivec-the-God-with-ultimate-authority did induced suicides in the house that was the most religiously-inclined to obey him."
You want to give that one another try slick?
You earlier: "Says who?"
The proper meaning has been established. Like there was some sort of meeting where you were invited and a majority of intellectual elite decided what accommodation means? Sorry they already did that and they put it in a dictionary and when you wish to accept the fact of what is written in there I think this conversation will move on. Until then you can debate the meaning of what it means all you want.
"After a period of accommodation, his eyes could finally see in the gloom."
OMG HIS EYES ARE GIVING SUPPLIES TO THE GLOOM THEY ARE TRAITORS TRAITORS TRAITORS!!!!!Thank you, Mr. Context-is-Irrelevant-and-only-the-first-definition-applies-
every-time. This was highly insightful.
Let's put it this way, i'm assuming you are American and if you are not I will make a more proper example. The example with my countries seem to be ignored or go over your head. So let's say Iran invades America. If you accommodate the Iranians, what would that mean to you? "Here you can have North Carolina. Want to buy an orange or two?" That fits under "Giving a piece fo land and providing trade."
Rather than this ridiculous and stupid example, let's try a historic example of accommodating a hostile foreign power. You'll be happy, you love them. When Hitler wanted to take the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, the other powers convened to let him have it and pressured Czechoslovakia into giving away those lands, so as to avoid conflict escalation and preventing a war.
By your logic, it means that when later Hitler started invading Poland, Great Britain and France sent him troops and supplies to help. Oh no, wait, they didn't. They declared war on him instead.
You should be happy, this example casts the Hlaalu strategy into a pretty negative light, doesn't it? A cowardly and na?ve strategy. But even then it doesn't mean helping the enemy if war breaks out.
I just want to know, and i mean no offense, are you in high school? My logic isn't accommodation means betrayal. Accommodating an enemy is betrayal. It's like me saying, six with a stranger when you have a spouse is advltry, and somehow your mind conjures up the notion that six = advltry all the time. Your disk must be skipping.
They weren't an enemy yet, but a threat. The war had not yet really started, so the Council was trying to find what attitude to adopt, how to prepare for the coming war.
How yeah, Vivec's armistice only covered the land owned by Houses Dres, Indoril, Redoran and Telvanni. House Hlaalu made its own armistice at the same time. Silly me.
"By giving a slice of our land." Who's slice was Hlaalu going to give? Maybe they were going to spread the wealth around a bit?

If someone invades your block, and you want to resist but the guy living beside you says "how about we give them a piece of your apartment" would you fancy that? I doubt it.
I don't know, look at a map of Tamriel. Which Great House has a border with Cyrodiil? Which border lands could be concerned? Maybe the Telvanni, Indoril and Dres, far to the East? Or the Redoran, far to the North? Which House is in the South-West, again?
When he wants to stay a god; which is always. These rules aren't like speed limitations on a highway. They are what define and constrains godhood. Wishing not to follow them anymore is like wishing to get free of gravity and then finding yourself suffocating in the cold vacuum of space. Great idea you had there, sir!
In your eagerness to see the Hlaalu as the House of Pro-Imperial Anti-Morrowind Traitors, you seem to have forgotten that they're also the guys behind the Cammona Tong. You know, the anti-Imperial mafia.