In case people think I'm crazy/trolling I've done some googling and I'm not COMPLETELY alone here:
First off, the movement. I feel like my character is running on a treadmill.
This is a complaint I've had over Bethesda's open world games since Morrowind, and to my horror, it kept on going into Oblivion and Fallout 3. It's so distracting it's kept me from fully falling in love with their games.
My character in Skyrim can just jump, jump.. jump... and jump... and he looks like a complete idiot doing it. There's no... I don't know how to explain this, there's no feeling of gravity almost, like my character is just some dude levitating about Tamriel.
Footsteps have most certainly improved from Oblivion and Fallout 3. Those were 100% treadmill. I look at the movement of my character in The Witcher 2, or Splinter Cell (the newest one.. forgot what it's called) and my character is firmly planted on the ground, and each footsteps animation shows that. On Skyrim it's just.. a footstep. It has no connection with the ground what so ever and my character just moves flawlessly about the terrain.
(The full article will probably make you rage a bit if you're a fan but he does have some good points)
I think he really describes the way it feels, excluding speed issues, well.
Then there’s the way the characters move. Movement in any of those games, maybe less so in Skyrim is amorphous, it lacks any mass, any girth. It seems as if you are static and the world moves around you and not the other way round. Not even if you increase the movement speed you don’t feel like you’re traversing the game. There are stamina indicators, the speed varies, and other things of the sort but they don’t have any physicality attached, it’s just numbers changing.
And I found one mod that will hopefully address it:
352 endorsemants so I feel less alone.
A vid comparing the mod vs. vanilla(should show you consolers what I'm talking about):
Though it's more noticeable in first person.