[Movement] It's driving me insane

Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:00 pm

Every time I start up a Skyrim game I have the immediate urge to just quit over the annoying movement. Wondering if others have noticed/feel the same. I can eventually kind of get used to it, but it always feels wrong to me.

I feel you definitely run too fast

I feel sideways and backwards movement are also too fast relative to your forward speed

I feel in general, the movement just feels strange regardless of speed, especially noticeable in combat with NPCs moving around bizarrely and almost acting as if they're sliding across a slick surface

and I feel the walking speed makes walking pretty much a non-option as it's way too slow

So currently I'm mainly sneaking pretty much everywhere as it's the least annoying option. Which I guess...isn't the worst thing, but I haven't seen many people note these issues, and considering how much they bother me I am I curious if I'm some unusual case and most players don't notice these issues.

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David John Hunter
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:15 pm

I only agree with you on one thing. the walking speed. it should match the NPC speed.

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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:40 pm


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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:28 pm

Movement seems fine to me, but I use a controller, where movement speed is determined by how far I push the anolog stick.

If walking speed is anything like being over-encumbered, then I can see how people would feel that it's too slow. I always make sure to avoid making alchemy potions in dungeons (if there's a table available), in case I get over-encumbered and have to crawl back to town.

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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:41 pm

And to think that the community has found all there is to complain about . . . :bonk:

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phillip crookes
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:27 am

I wonder if this is why many people don't notice. On PC it feels absurd how fast you run, and there's no gradual momentum.

I feel if someone did the math on how many MPH Skyrim characters move at standard run it'd be something ridiculous. Sprint makes more sense and seems fine to me, but the default move speed is practically a sprint.

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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:36 am

You sure you're not playing Oblivion? Because movement there is insanely fast, whatever the direction.

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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:13 am

lol it may seem like that. but the walking speed is really annoying if you are following an NPC to a location. you cant run because you'll get ahead of them and you cant walk because they'll be ahead of you.

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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:43 pm

I think the jogging speed (not sprinting) should be a little bit faster, but other than that I have no qualms.

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Liv Staff
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:29 am

Perhaps too many TES players got used to running at insane speed and Skyrim feels normal in comparison.

I really am confused by how many players seem to think there's nothing wrong with it.

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Rodney C
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:05 pm

It feels natural to me as well with a control stick, slight push is slow walk and full push forward is jogging. Then there's the run/sprint button for full speed which burns stamina...all very realistic imo. The NPC sliding away from arrows is another matter.

Is there no way to have a speed between encumbered walk and jog on PC?
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:46 pm

If there is I can't find it. Didn't even know it was a feature for either version. Now I feel like the poll should've been PC specific.

The sprint speed is fine, maybe a bit too fast but not too bad. The regular run/jog speed is what pretty much ruins the game for me, been trying to get into a replay since I never tried Dawnguard/Dragonborn and I start up the game, move forward, and often I'll just quit right there or shortly after. There are a few PC mods that address it to varying degrees but I just can't get it to feel right.

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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:26 pm

I think the jog speed is a little fast, just a tiny bit too fast, and the walking speed is WAY too slow! It reminds me of people at my high school that I pushed out of my way because they walked like they were being sent to the chop block; it is way too slow. The walking speed is like me when I wake up at like 6 in the morning and feel like a zombie.

I think the sprint speed is fine also, it isn't too fast or slow. However, and this is a conversation for a different thread, but I will say it anyways I think races should not all move at the same speed that makes no sense. Just my personal opinion.

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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:14 pm

In case people think I'm crazy/trolling I've done some googling and I'm not COMPLETELY alone here:


First off, the movement. I feel like my character is running on a treadmill.

This is a complaint I've had over Bethesda's open world games since Morrowind, and to my horror, it kept on going into Oblivion and Fallout 3. It's so distracting it's kept me from fully falling in love with their games.

My character in Skyrim can just jump, jump.. jump... and jump... and he looks like a complete idiot doing it. There's no... I don't know how to explain this, there's no feeling of gravity almost, like my character is just some dude levitating about Tamriel.

Footsteps have most certainly improved from Oblivion and Fallout 3. Those were 100% treadmill. I look at the movement of my character in The Witcher 2, or Splinter Cell (the newest one.. forgot what it's called) and my character is firmly planted on the ground, and each footsteps animation shows that. On Skyrim it's just.. a footstep. It has no connection with the ground what so ever and my character just moves flawlessly about the terrain.


(The full article will probably make you rage a bit if you're a fan but he does have some good points)

I think he really describes the way it feels, excluding speed issues, well.

Then there’s the way the characters move. Movement in any of those games, maybe less so in Skyrim is amorphous, it lacks any mass, any girth. It seems as if you are static and the world moves around you and not the other way round. Not even if you increase the movement speed you don’t feel like you’re traversing the game. There are stamina indicators, the speed varies, and other things of the sort but they don’t have any physicality attached, it’s just numbers changing.

And I found one mod that will hopefully address it:


352 endorsemants so I feel less alone.

A vid comparing the mod vs. vanilla(should show you consolers what I'm talking about):


Though it's more noticeable in first person.

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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:25 pm

In terms of actual animation, Skyrim is leagues and bounds better than previous TES games. Compared to other RPGs and games, the animations still need a lot of work.

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Dan Endacott
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