» Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:02 am
It seems more like you're the one ignoring the facts of the matter in your efforts to be an apologist for EA/Bioware. The base problem was that EA Community bans would also lock people out of being able to download and install their games (and it seems these bans could be issued automatically, simply as a result of people hitting the "Report Post" button). If your information is to be believed then EA and Bioware were aware of this issue, yet took no steps to correct it. This particular case started with with http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/141/index/6459941/1 thread, in which someone on Bioware's forums tried to bring attention to the fact that an EA Community ban had resulted in him not being able to install his freshly purchased copy of DA2 and asked for the issue to be addressed. That thread ended with a post from a Bioware moderator that basically amounted to "That's the way things are, tough luck" followed by locking the thread. It was at this point that Kotaku, Slashdot, and other news outlets started running with the story, and from there the [censored]storm just grew until Bioware went into damage-control mode and fixed (this particular instance of) the problem.
Now, maybe if the guy had kicked off the whole thing with an barely coherent, hate-filled rant, or if the initial Bioware response had been along the lines of "That definitely shouldn't have happened, let me look into it and we'll try to get it fixed" then I'd be willing to cut them quite a bit more slack. However, given the way things actually played out I'd say the backlash was not only fully called for, but absolutely necessary, and if the underlying issue hasn't yet been fixed (I haven't seen news one way or the other on this) then I'd also say that there hasn't been nearly enough of a backlash.