It has to do with discarding items.
I played Oblivion at both xbox360 and PC,and I have to say that the way someone could drop something from the inventory is far more better and easier at xbox than on pc.
At xbox,you have to push a button and the item just drops to the floor.
That's all.
At PCs you have to position the mouse pointer atop the item,press and hold left button mouse and then drag it to the space out of the GUI and then leave the button.
But sometimes the pointer doesn't catch the object,and doesn't drag it,meaning we have to do it again and again until it finally catches it.
And if that wasn't enough,most of the times we want to drop something the message that "there is not enough room to drop" is showing up,and it's frustrating.
So what I'm asking from Bethesda is to make it easier for the player to drop items from the menu.
Imagine being over-encumbred during a battle and wanting to drop an item quick so we can move and maneuver,and having to pause the action to get at the inventory menu,and having to do all the drag and drop right,and if it not work the first time having to unpause the action so we can move the mouse so the player can look at another angle,while the enemies keep attacking us,and then open the inventory menu once again to do it all over.
And all this frustration can be avoided if the only thing we have to do to drop something is press a single button,or if we could "right click" on the item,and then select "drop" from a sub menu.
Please Bethesda,I know you can make it !!!