Nah, I played Morrowind first. I was never a D&D fan, so the Dunmer / Drow thing wasn't an immediate with me. I knew a lot more about Smurfs then Drow at the time.
Low quality TV when I first played on XBox. Snow elves are something else all together depending on which scholar you're going to believe. .
Yes, well I'm sure you played Blood Moon - bet I played it first

- and read that book about the snow prince in that barrow? What the post above was referring to is the general lack of thought that made a nonsense of stuff in Morrowind. A confused attempt on the part of an ill-educated dev/companyman who never played Morrowind but heard of snow elves and tried to change DUNmer into Snowmer makes as much sense as anything else I can think of to explain the DUNmer's weird colouring in Oblivion. Or maybe the dev was stoned and playing with colours and decided 'THAT' was pretty? You choose.
Gez and Durza
As for the wiki I suspect that they only scratched the surface of the Orcney 'drow' - the real story behind that is little nocturnal sea-birds called orcs that only come to land to breed in the underground caves beneath the main Island - the ancient Orkney men only hearing their cries and never seeing them took them to be evil spirits - that came to be called orcs. Nice theory that the Scandinavians may have renamed them to fit with beings of their own Mythos, but, umm, they didn't - want proof? Get ahold of a really old volume on Norse Myths and legends. NO DROW. What happened was that enterprising folk of the Isles wanted to drum up American tourist interest by linking them to AD&D

Well you are both correct Gez and Durza. Gygax said both things. Because he did lift the idea of the evil underground beings that never came to the surface from the Mythos of the Orkney isles, and then had trouble with the name because he also had Orcs in-game. Likely he had done his research and discovered the actual source of JRR's Orcs. But anyways, one night he was thinking of a word so he kept writing 'word' down, and then he thought about everything about his underground people being the opposite of good and that led to looking at things backwards, so in his drug-crazed state he wrote 'word' backwards and was mighty pleased by the result.
The rest is history. Gez 1pt, Durza 1pt