I admit, "hardly any" is an exaggeration, but still the head count of female Dunmer in positions of rank is thin (and more than half are in House Hlaalu), and except for Almalexia (who isn't exactly Dunmer, and started out as Nerevar's consort, before she attained divinity by foul means), there are none in positions of command. The Ahemmusa are seen as weak in part because they have no ashkhan and are led by their wise woman. The two female Telvanni councilors are batty, the two female Hlaalu councilors are puppets of Orvas Dren, and the one female Redoran councilor has her title by being the recent widow of a councilor. Barenziah, popular as she may be, holds power as Queen Mother through her influence on her son, rather than in her own right.
This is a large number in comparison with early real-world societies, but it is nothing at all like the matriarchal Drow, and that is the important point.
Mostly. Add that I killed Orvas Dren. Oops - umm, the Nerevarine killed Orvas Dren, I of course would not harm a fly ...

And that the Redoran Councillors were puppets of the other guy I ... umm, the Nerevarine killed. Seems everyone needed to be liberated.
When you say matriarchal that needs a bit of qualification. The Matriarchs of the Drow are totalitarian dictators - they have a lot worse than leather whips to enforce their will and their 'Goddess' is very, very intrusive. Basically what the big spider says goes - or you are spider-fodder. munch munch
The dunmer might have become like the Drow if Dagoth Ur had prevailed ...
There is an RP currently running in the fan fic section that is based on what might have been had the Nerevarine arrived in Morrowind too late ...
I would not underestimate Bahrenziah - it's more that her son holds power because he is her son. When she started out everyone made use of her because she was naive - but that changed. Her first husband Symmachus is merely a memory now, but when Symmachus died Bahrenziah actually had to state that she had no desire to hold power in her own right in order to avoid inheriting the throne - she never really desired power in the first place, she just wanted to be naughty and have fun. :twirl: Eadwyre is passed on too. There have been female Emperors in Cyrodiil so there is no impediment to Queens - see Bretony - Bahrenziah's son was shown the door there by his older half-sister. It is just circumstance that the ladies of Morrowind were not in their prime when the Nerevarine arrived. It is possible that the Nerevarine was actually a woman

The Dunmer are Chimer with a Daedric sun tan - same people - Almalexia was a Chimer-colored Dunmer - she was a murderous ..., as were the other two members of the Tribunal, but I believe that her insanity was as much to do with the consequences of holding power that she was unsuited to. Same went for Dagoth Ur.
Good and Evil do exist in ES - it is just that they are not locked into unalterable absolutes, and they exist as a consequence of the deeds that people do rather than as a fundamental of an individual's nature. Same with the 'Gods' and Daedra - granted it appears that the Gods are more inclined to represent the benificent side of things (from a human or mer's pov) and the Daedra the 'not-so-benificent' yet there are so many exceptions that are by no means trivial. In ES it's all in a point of view - and the same situation seen by several different societies or individuals can be said to have good or bad consequences - just a bit real, eh?
You might look into what Mer (elves) are in Elderscrolls - their origins are debated in some detail and are very different from those of AD&D chars. There was another thread recently about this topic you might search for. But mostly you need to start readig the in-game books at the Imperial Library and the UESP wiki. One post or one small thread cannot cover it all. Play as much ES as you can too ... that should help.