I am not a "buff" by any means, but I was thinking about making a drug-related quest/faction mod for Oblivion, so I looked up some stuff. Moon sugar comes from Elseweyr, where it's been used for quite some time as a means of contacting the Khajiit god of the moon. Skooma is refined from moon sugar, obviously, but I don't think it holds any religious significance. Interestingly, its primary distributors are the Renrijra Krin (spelling?), a group of rather irritable Khajiit gangsters with a ruthless reputation. It would be really awesome to get involved with that story arc, whether with the Renrijra Krin, a rival gang, or with the authorities taking them down, or, potentially, a storyline involving all three. I also seem to remember some dialogue between NPCs in Oblivion saying something about the Empire refusing to actively hunt the Renrijra Krin down for some reason, and a Black Horse Courier issue that mentions a guy nearly ODing on skooma from another gang. It would also be neat to be able to manufacture skooma yourself without the assistance of a mod.
That would be a great idea for a mod, maybe you could develop it for Skyrim when it comes out :thumbsup: Also, reading this reminded me of the quest at the end of the Fighter's Guild arc where you discover that the Blackwood Company has been selling bad Hist sap from a dying Hist tree, which causes people to have wild hallucinations and even leads to the player-character slaughtering a bunch of civilians because you hallucinated that they were all monsters while you were on the sap. That sure was a dark quest, and is also a reminder that there is another drug in ES lore that people can abuse (Hist sap)
I think drugs should be solely negative, there aren't any positive effects from taking them. If there is going to be a boost, like +10 Strength and +10 Endurance, there should also be -20 Intelligence, -20 Personality, and -10 Agility. And over time, the positive effect becomes weaker and weaker as your body becomes more and more destroyed by it.
Ah yes, building up tolerance to drugs. That would be a great feature for realism, good idea!