I used another program called "Merge Plugins xEdit Script" to merge a lot of my mods. I used an earlier version to merge most of my armour and weapons, as well as a few very basic mods like a banner one and one for retexturing potion bottles, that sort of thing. I believe more up to date versions allow you to merge major mods with scripts, but I decided to play it safe and just merge the basic stuff. As far as I can see through testing it did a really good job. However, in the earlier part of my playthrough I used some heavily scripted mods that weren't working right, ones I had to uninstall because they were causing CTDs; that and several changes of hard drive seems to have been the main culprits in corrupting my previous playthrough. Never fear though, 'cause not everything went totally as planned for my character; almost, but not quite. I also wanted to do my diary from the very beginning. I didn't have my character fully developed when I started first time, but now I do this gives me the perfect chance to play a hardcoe version of my character.