OOC: Hello.
Name: Susanna Renette
Nickname: Zanna, "That Freak with the dragon"
Race: Breton
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birthsign: The Apprentice
Physical description: Zanna is a pale, unathletic, bookish-looking girl with a heart-shaped face, pointy chin, thin nose and sweet smile. Her eyes are large sickly green orbs full of innocence and inquisitiveness, and her body is like an energy explosion waiting to happen. Her hair is thick honey-blonde and worn loose. Her build is curvy, having not lost them to a warrior's way of life. On first glance, she is fairly average, but at a closer look she can be quite cute.
About the character: There are few spells that are safe from Susanna Renette's experimental hands. What is peculiar about Zanna is how she applies them- Zanna deals mostly in close-range and touch spells, though she can make the effects pretty large or minute. As a grandmaster enchanter, you'd think Zanna would get a lot of interest, but as it is her great skill is kept a secret. She is an amazing inventor and is fantastic in her knowledge of history and ancient magical spells. She is also obsessed with Ayleids and Dwemer in particular. Though highly skilled, being an inventor is highly experimental, and thus most of her projects fail- and fail spectacularly. As Zanna has devoted all of her time to magic, she is completely skilless in other areas- something she doesn't seem to mind at all.
Weapons: Zanna carries a glass dagger.
Armor/Clothing: Zanna wears a blue-and-green plaid shirt with a brown bodice over the top. She also wears a long tan skirt and green velvet shoes. Atop her head sits a pair of enchanted dwemer goggles and she often wears a brown cloak when travelling.
Misc. Items: A mechanical/magical dragon by the name of Erloire. Erloire is about as big as a cat, and is made of scrap metal. His body resembles the skeleton of a dragon, but it is filled out with cold blue fire, stemming from the varla stone at his centre. This fire does not extend to his wings, which are simply metal frames. Erloire communicates mostly by whistling (letting off steam),(snapping his jaws) and by his actions. Whether or not he understands people is unclear, and Zanna uses spells to give commands.
Short History: Zanna is an inventor, and thus was often discredited at school. Apprenticed to the Arcane University, she was bullied young for her eccentric nature and bizarre magical theories, and for her many failures. Since then, she has advanced to the rank of Wizard in the guild, and has been shunted from chapter to chapter, nobody wanting to keep her long as explosions and disasters seem to follow her wherever she goes.
Susanna Renette stumbled through the door in the inn, her ragged blonde hair in disarray and a metal dragon clinging to her shoulder. It would not take anyone long to tell she was a mage. The expensive dagger on her hip looked as if it had never been used before, the relic goggles perched on her head appeared highly impractical, and apart from everything else, she was as pale as if she had just been pushed from the womb.
What would not be apparent was that they would be looking at the secret grandmaster of enchantment- a secret because nobody in their wildest dreams would believe Susanna Renette was grandmaster of anything more than unexpected explosions and weird obsessions.
Zanna wandered aimlessly around the inn for a few moments, as if uncertain as to what to do. She seemed to hardly notice the bosmer and argonian sitting cosily nearby. Eventually, she wandered up to the bar- quite as if by accident- and asked in a high, nervous voice, "Can I have a glass of water?"
The dunmer serving stared at her for a moment, his jaw clenching and unclenching, as if trying to exactly how much he hated this breton, then said, "That'll be twenty gold pieces."
The girl blinked. "Well, that's expensive," she said conversationally. "I suppose you're going through a drought, are you? Here you are..." And she handed over twenty gold pieces.
The dunmer's lips twitched against his will. Considering she was one of the most intelligent people in Vvardenfell- on a scale of one to one hundred, she'd probably be one hundred and ten- she could be extraordinarily dim. This was due to an extreme naivety.
She collected her glass of water and sat down at a table. To the surprise of the bartender, the metal dragon leapt down from her shoulder to clatter onto the table. He clacked his jaws at her in a creak of metal hinges, and proceeded to stare at Zanna, who was quite unperturbed as she sipped from her glass.
EDIT: Corrected the appalling layout of my CS.

Sorry for the long post.