No, but it would be cool to be able to save various loadouts
Weapon swap from level 15+ is similar to dual-spec in WoW, in that it can effectively enable a player to use an entirely separate set of abilities and potentially fill an entirely different role.
So, having dual-spec would be redundant.
Not redundant per se. I might have a PvP setup with my two weapons, a PvE setup, a tanking setup, and a healing setup. Would be nice to be able to switch those "loadouts" without having to drag skills every time. Not a must, but it would be nice.
The fact that WoW have used the idea doesn't by definition make it a bad idea does it?
I posted an idea a while back (probably on the beta forums) around the same sort of idea....sort of..
The idea is to have a place that holds a Mannequin (house?) where you can store an alternative set of armor/weapons/accessories.
By activating the mannequin, you & the mannequin exhange gear, and possibly with a way of activating a pre-designated skill-set to suit the armor/weapons you had on the mannequin.
Maybe if housing becomes part of the game, you could also buy miniature shrines to place in the house for specific buffs, or even the shrines that allow you to respec.
Weapon swapping is dual spec It's a way to save and quickly change between two skill sets. Satisfies the OP's definition.
So why are people saying it's not in?
Of course it's different from WoW's version, but since they're completely unrelated skill systems it would have to be.
Anything more could possibly be added via UI mod... maybe... if the API supports that kind of thing. Seems to me it probably would though, since swapping skills in and out is something you can do manually through the menus.
not necessarily, but being on the forums for the 2 days i have been, ive seen maybe about 10 different ideas that are straight out of WoW, to here. I feel like people are trying to make a clone out of these devs. and it steams me.
As long as its different, ill never complain. I thought the weapon swap was just that, only a weapon swap. i didn't know it was already implemented to have dual spec.
Oh I get that, don't get me wrong. I just feel like if an idea is good and functional, by all means use it. A lot of what made GW2 such a fun game for me was their "new" way of doing a lot of the stuff that is so tedious and "chor-y" in other MMOs. So since they have re-invented bank-access, mail-access etc why not use their new and improved way of doing it?
I think that might be because it's not. As I stated earlier swapping weapons will not change your setup.
What I would like is 10+2 skills in a saved setup, and another 10+2 skills in another saved setup, and another, and another, and another.
It's not dual-speccing by any means as it will not require me to reset my points, but it will let me have a dps, pvp, tank, and heal setup I can switch between. Out of combat and all that of course.
Very true, but there is a difference between implementing different ideas, rather than simply dragging them straight outa the wow book. to each his own my friend, but i do not want another wow clone. I do not want to log on ESO to simply be reminded of an old mmo with elitist jerks with there arenas, xmogs, cookie cutter builds, fotm playstyles, (these all btw, i have read on this forum, or a different fansite forum) and that is just the tip of the ice berg, last one i read on a different site was on flying mounts.....
People want to fly Dragons....and have done since Skyrim allowed you to ride one as transport to a quest.
If you want a wow clone your more than welcome to push for one, i will however, fight it. to each his own.
Flying on the back of a Dragon is all TES/ Skyrim. Nothing to do with WoW.
That's fine, mate, no quarrels here.
In The Secret World, a game trying to achieve much of what's going on here in respect to the whole "all skills for all players" there was a function for you to have various "load outs". This way you could, push-of-a-button, change from being a tank to a dps to a pvp'er and so forth. It really helped given that you only have 5 buttons to click, so you could still fulfill the role needed without having to browse all your skills and drag n drop every time you needed to change roles.