No......That's're not necessarily better off using two hands but they were commonly held this way.
:facepalm: I love the way people draw attention away from the opposing point(or completely miss it) when they don't have a sufficient counter point.
Lets recap shall we:
You can't even dual wield two longswords, so that seems incredibly unlikely.
It's an extreme misconception that dual wield automatically = dual attack. You can duel wield
any one handed weapon but effectively attacking with both at the same time is a different story.
True but a "Longsword" in real life is typically referred to as a "1 and a half" hand weapon. You can wield it with one hand but due to it's length and weight you would be better off using two hands at least some of the time. You could dual wield it but it would be terribly innefective. It still differs from a claymore in the sense that a claymore is so massive and heavy that attempting to wield it with one hand is as effective as throwing an arrow.
According to that logic using a shield renders your longsword ineffective. Try again.
All was lost once this person started talking about real life and ignored the fact that in games a one handed sword is just that a
ONE handed sword.
My point is valid and still stands unopposed.