» Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:08 am
I'm curious to see how they balance this.
A 1H weapon / Spell combo with no blocking capability makes sense, as there would be limited viability in anyone going 2 handed. Edit: (I'd still like to see a blocking animation regardless of the dmg % reduction. The block animation would help in both immersion and general flow of combat).
2 Handed weapon you do have the block capability, but lose an enchantment spot from dual wielding as well as no spell slot, and the slowest (unconfirmed) swing speeds.
Dual wielding you gain an enchantment spot over 2H, no spell slot, I'd imagine (speculate) the blocking won't be as effective as a 2HW.
Sword and Shield no spell slot, 2 enchantment spots, the (unconfirmed) best block capabilities, and an AC slot at the expense of damage.
I'm mostly curious how they will balance 2H weapons, and if they will be a truly viable and balanced option in comparison with the others.