Last night I sort of, I guess, rediscovered that if you don't smith two identical weapons you can favorite them, they stack, then you can hotkey, and low and behold when you hit your hot key number it works perfectly even when switching to dual casting and back to one hand melee then dual wield and back again. You never have to open the menu. The sword works just like a spell in that hot key slot.
To make it work it well, I think it best to have Elemental Flurry active, and some fortify one-handed enchantments.
Has anyone else done this and have any notes from their experience?
I loaded a level 46 character last night to test. An unsmithed Ebony sword did 97 damage for her with 100 enchant and 45% fortify onehanded included on each available slot. She also dual casts destruction. It worked fine. Of course she can kill stuff any number of ways at her level.