The biggest issue isn't "balance". If you're using it as an axe (which is mostly how a Claymore is handled), balance is far less important than sheer inertia (based on both weight and length). Sure, your insane Nord strength allows you to pick it up with one hand, but try to swing that much weight at arm's length, and you're a serious threat to everyone, including yourself. Getting it moving is a lot easier than stopping it, when you suddenly realize that it's now headed back toward you. Add a second half-out-of-control chunk of metal flailing around you, and you have a recipe for disaster.
The answer is not just "no", but "NO WAY!!!"
What the name means and what it refers to is different, a Zweihander are usually a reference to a specific style of sword originating from Switzerland. Infact Zweihander are greatswords what is not true of all claymores. That aside, A claymore has a very limited hilt length, Axes have far more to handle them by, more so diquexe's. Also there are multiple types of axes and they don't all handle the same way. Claymores are not amazingly heavy weapons, they gain "weight" because they are unbalanced, if you were to hold a claymore near the center of gravity, you'd much more easily be able to lift it, holding it by the hilt is where it becomes difficult.
However we both clearly agree on the NO WAY!!!