Because the other games are the pinnacle of gaming.
Tactics is garbage.
Why do i even need to explain this?
A concept that is inanely hard for others to grasp it seems.
I never have been a fan of dual wielding. It's clumsy and inaccurate, for in line with a spray and pray, bullrushing into a fray with reckless abandon approach, whereas I prefer a more tactical approach.
I wouldn't mind it as long as it's done right.
Skyrim's attempt was garbage. One click has to spam both weapons, the left/right thing is clunky as hell.
Opinions are like ********* everybody has one and most of them stink.
Except for mine. And possibly Scarlett Johansson, lol.
EDIT: sorry, tmi
Okay, I had a little laugh at that, I've got the image of the Lone Wonderer (Wanderer) walking around trying to debate philosophy with Raiders, feral ghouls etc....
LW: What is the meaning of life
Raider: to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Dual wielding what? Melee weapons or ranged weapons? Isn't dual wielding ranged weapons just aiming down ironsights?
Kind of silly that dual wielding would be a perk. If anything, you should be able to dual wield from the very start of the game like in Skyrim. It would make more since to unlock perks that improve accuracy or faster reload times when dual wielding,
...Why? High level events from Tactics are canon.
As for the validity of the article...I call bs. He's very unaware of the proper lingo and thinks Behemoths are new to the series along with an incorrect release date. Not to mention a site I never heard of releasing more information than the popular sites.
No, it's not silly. Dual wielding (assuming it is in game) ought to be as a perk only (with real drawbacks...aim, accuracy, reload times), and not something that is just given to you at the start of the game. Even under the best of circumstances, dual wielding (IRL) isn't especially effective to most people, but certainly possible to learn how to do. Naturally, it'll never be quite as effective as with just one weapon, but it can be done with lots of practice...much like most everything else we do can be done with enough practice.
I disagree. That would be like unlocking a perk that allows you to jump, when you could instead unlock a perk to wall jump. It would make more since if dual wielding was available from the start. Drawbacks like aim, accuracy and reload times are fixable by perks, if you chose to focus on that. Besides, this isn't real life. It's a video game.
Must of missed it. But just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a valid game in the series. I don't like F3 but still acknowledge it as a Fallout game.
Besides, Dual wielding without any drawbacks, amounts to an I win button. Set it to a perk, and everybody gets something out of it. Those that want it, can still have it, and those opposed to it, can safely ignore it.
You sure your not confusing Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel for Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel aka The Burned Game?
Instead of saying that it's objectively bad and being an [censored] about it (and you are being quite the [censored]), you could have said "I don't like Tactics."
actually he didnt get the date wrong, as the game will be released in the USA on the 10 November 2015 and in africa, Europe, Australia on the 11 of november 2015 due to timezone differences
If you ever see the person that told you life would be fair, put a cigirette out in their eye.
Are you sure about that? If it's a midnight release in the Eastern time zone (where Bethesda is based), then it will still be the 10th everywhere east of there--the international date line is 17 hours ahead, so it will be 5pm in the farthest reaches of Asia.