Duel sheath redux + XP32 skeleton + FNIS + IA

Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:32 pm

Hey guys, does anyone here have any experience using these mods together? I'm having a problem where everything seems to be working except for the left hand animations are missing. So when I have dual swords on my back or dual daggers on my hip, when I change stance the animation plays correctly for the right side but the left hand side the weapon simply pops into the left hand. There are others who have the same problem and I can't find any solution on this.

I installed in this order using NMM and each one overwrites the previous files when asked:

1. Realistic ragdolls and force (prerequisite for XP32)


3. XP32 skeleton

4. IA

5. Dual sheath redux

Then I generated the animation files using the generator from FNIS

I chose 1H weapons on back and daggers on hip versions for both IA and dual sheath redux.

So yeah, any ideas?

Edit: could a mod correct the typo in the title. Dual not duel, lol...

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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:34 am

I have the same thing with the same set up. I've been meaning to check it out, but as my chars don't really use dual swords I always forget to.

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Kelly John
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:26 pm

You have to pick the correct options or else you'll get some weird overwritten anymations between XP32's and IA.

You need to active IA first and select the least intrusive amount of animations you can. I can't remember the exact names of all the options, but the ones you want to choose are main module, sneaking, sword/shield on back animations, and female walk fix. If you pick any of the options that do things which XP32's will also do, then you'll get a conflict of some sort. When you active XP32's, be sure to pick the options for both back node placements and back animations (for both sword and daggers).

(Also, I use Nexus Mod Manager, if you do it manually you have to place the specific files, which I have no clue what the names of them are)

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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:28 pm

I guess I have a couple of suspicions:

First is the mods overwriting each other. I understand that XP32 should be overwriting realistic ragdolls and force (says so on the mod page), but what about IA overwriting the XP32 files?

Second is the animations IA add which requires XP32, FNIS and Dual sheath redux. Dual sheath redux provides its own animations but when installing IA it overwrites some of them if the optional files are picked (i.e. animation for dual dagger on hip). When I get back I'm gonna test it by uninstalling IA and see if the problem persists.

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Austin England
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:48 pm

Well awesome. You just confirmed my suspicion. So we shouldn't be using the animations for Dual sheath redux from IA. I wonder why would it even have those options then?

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keri seymour
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:23 am

You basically just want to make sure XP32's animations are all on top and it should work fine. It seems to be some sort of conflict with the skeleton and animations from IA, so that you get a sort of "2h sword on back" sheath/unsheath animation for one handed weapons or simply just a one handed draw from back.

And you might have to play around with the options a little bit if that doesn't work. Eventually it'll all work together the right way. Trust me, I spent at least an hour and a half trying to get XP32, IA, and Belt-Fastened Quivers to cooperate and it was a PAIN, but it finally just sort of fell together picking the right options. I wish someone could just make a custom skeleton for that stuff.

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