Duel weilding, ambi dexterious, Etc.

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:32 pm

Things that appear to be in the game now.
Duel wielding- you can now equip whatever you want to either hand, spell in your right, sword in your left, a spell in each hand, a sword and a board, etc.
Ambidextrous- you can now equip the sword or shield to either hand.
Sprinting- seems like it's there, would make stamina more useful of a stat.
Shouts- bad ass sounding(especially like the sound of the teleporting one.
skill perks- sounds like it could lead to some seriously specialized characters.
spells- seems you can now target, sustain(think flame thrower), place as traps, charge up. major upgrade in my opinion. spells were terrible in oblivion. these seem to be all doable in just one spell.
Enchant- the enchant skill makes a return(they removed it in oblivion but it was present in morrowind)
alchemy- moves outta the arcane set of skills and gets attached to the stealth/ assassin set.
Finishers- finishing moves are present now.
cooking- doesn't seem to have an associated skill with it but apparently it'll be in the game.
Improved ranged combat- sounds like they took a page from all those mods that upped the power of ranged combat in oblivion. archers will be feared now.
guilds- seems like they will be much better then in oblivion.
companions- generic compared to fallout 3 and new vegas, but apparently you'll be able to have multiple following you(makes sense with dragons( more targets means your less likely to be lunch)

things that have been removed.

no classes- seems like a step backwards at first but seems incredibly powerful after some thought. besides who ever played a default class? i usually created my own.
mysticism- no longer a skill, but the spells that normally would belong to it have been moved to other magic sets.
spellmaking- it's kinda up in the air, todd's not sure if it's coming back or not due to the way majicka now works in the game since each spell can be target, touch, area effect, etc all in one spell.

things that are still missing.

spears/pole arms- why? seems that with such large foes as dragons that a weapon with longer reach would fit really well into game play. plus imagine the finishers....
crossbows- actually im not sure if they are in it or not. seems to me they'd be a good fit, more powerful but slower for follow up shots.
thrown weapons- funny how they say they want you to play the way you want to yet don't give you the tools to do so... lol.
rideable horses- although one appears in the game play trailer, todd has said they are not sure if ride-able mounts will be in the game. if they end up like the horses in oblivion then i can live without them. (come on even twilight princess had horse back combat!!!)

levitate- will it come back?
mark and recall- very handy spells that were missing in oblivion.
intervention spells- nothing like a panic spell to save your butt.
horse stuff- if horses do make a come back will they finally have saddle bags to store extra loot and supplies in? will companions have horses? will there be horse armor?(lol)
un-armored- does this skill return?
un-armed- see above.^
armor skills- how will they work?

if i've missed anything, if i'm wrong about something then let me know and i'll fix it.

source for most of this is from the game informer site's skyrim hub.

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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:54 am

EDIT: removed due to accuracy concerns.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:17 am

also of note is that todd howard states the the pc version is always their main focus for game play. then once they have the pc version pretty much done then they create shoe horned versions for the other platforms(usually with lower rez textures. good to know.

He said that? The PC was their main concern with Oblivion?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:48 pm

also of note is that todd howard states the the pc version is always their main focus for game play. then once they have the pc version pretty much done then they create shoe horned versions for the other platforms(usually with lower rez textures. good to know.

I thought Todd specifically said in the game informer pod cast that Skyrim was not focused on PC. In fact he said he prefers to play it on the xbox and a lot of development happened to get the right feel for the platform.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:21 am

i based that statement on what i read at the GI site. not the podcast.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 pm

i based that statement on what i read at the GI site. not the podcast.

Yeah Bethesda tests the game mainly on the Xbox 360. The Gameplay trailer was done on the 360. They have a team for the PC version, but mostly they do all their testing on the Xbox.

Todd confirms this = True.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:56 pm

Traveling, especially with mountains, will be very annoying without horses i think. But I've only played Oblivion, an I think horseback combat would be cool.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:27 pm

I thought Todd specifically said in the game informer pod cast that Skyrim was not focused on PC. In fact he said he prefers to play it on the xbox and a lot of development happened to get the right feel for the platform.

This sounds worrisome for us PC players.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:50 pm

This sounds worrisome for us PC players.

I don't think that PC version will lack anything.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:06 am

I don't think that PC version will lack anything.

I hope not.

I would like for them to have a little higher texture resolution etc, and perhaps some DX11.

The resolution part is pretty important since we PC players play usually on a higher resolution.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:27 pm

Regarding horses, it sounds to me as though they want to put them in. There was a piece of concept art which features a man leading a horse which appears to be saddled up with saddlebags. However, they don't want badly implemented mounts again, so unless they can do them properly, they won't do them at all. To me this seems like a good way of approaching it. The appearence of a horse in the trailer shows they are working on them, at least. The question remains however whether they are cosmetic or functional.

EDIT: Found that http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim/media/conceptart/whiterun/
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:44 pm

Yeah Bethesda tests the game mainly on the Xbox 360. The Gameplay trailer was done on the 360. They have a team for the PC version, but mostly they do all their testing on the Xbox.

Todd confirms this = True.

Probably has a lot to do with the fact it's incredibly easy to make a PC game that won't work on the current (weak) XBox. They got to plan and test on those lowly consoles extensively to make sure the game still fits in their limited hardware.
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