» Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:41 am
Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes! Take me!
Ahem. Now, I usually have been for common sense, and actual viability in battle, however, I feel people are looking at this the wrong way. Swashbucklers (the originals, who used swords hanging loosely at their side, smacking into their bucklers, not the pirates) have always been a rather interesting combat type. To take that a step forward, and use two bucklers? T'would be a close-combat nightmare if the sides of the bucklers were sharpened, or shield spikes were included. I imagine it working something like Brass Knuckles and Boxing Gloves in the Fallout games, though with extra protection as well as increased hand-to-hand combat power.
It'd be quite the interesting tactic for a brawling Nord. (He can pull out his axe when he wants to get choppy, but why not use the twin-bucklers for pounding Dunmers' pointy noses in, when drinking at the local pub?)