Hey all,
I'd really like to give Duke Patrick's a try but I'm conflicted - interested in using SkyRe but as I understand it doesn't work well with it.
Any idea if Duke's is compatible with things like SPERG, morrowloot, Skyrim Unleashed? Any idea if these things are compatible with each other? Basically I want the combat of Duke's and the perk trees, the other perk overhauls of SPERG and the non-linear encounter zones (similar to what's in SkyRe) of Skyrim Unleashed or a similar mod. Since the difficulty is vastly altered with Duke's, does it mean that you don't need to bother with leveled dungeons/enemies, or does level still have an effect when it comes to total health and combat danger?
Also, does Duke's change stats the way ACE does based on whether or not you sneak up on an enemy, an enemy is sleeping, an enemy is flat footed, etc?