Combat Magic Hand to Hand Summery
(This H2H feature is now 75% working. And it has turned out to be a lot of fun to fight this way!

Each punch (power or normal) will be buffed using your magicika. The amount of magicka used and the amount of increased damage is dictated (kinetically spell casted) by your combat geometry and your movement.
Movement forward while punching = about 1/5 the maximum.
Power Attacking = about 2/5
Moving left or right will increase the damage/consumption depending on how far around you are relative to your opponent. So If you swing around directly behind them this will give you about 2/5 the maximum. If you only get half way around them to attack their left or right side you will get about 1/5 the maximum.
Therefor if you manage to swing behind your opponent while throwing a power attack and move forward at the same time you will have an outrageously devastating magically buffed kill shot at 5/5 of your current magicka added to your attack !
This is then reduced by your opponent's magic resistance.
Remember also that CM damage is modified up or down (does any one modified the weapon damage down?) depending on your chosen scale of damage for your mêlée weapons. In this way Combat Magic will be automatically and perfectly in balance with the rest of your game. So if you have a mod that scales your weapons 2 times normal than the damage done in Combat Magic is also scaled up 2 times.
Moving backward while attacking will use no magicka at all but will not buff your attack either. Even if you are power attacking or back behind your opponent.
If you hit your opponent with a power attack at the time they are staggering, or stagger them with the same power punch, you will swat their bodies away from you in the same manner you see people go flying when hit with a shotgun blast in the movies. They will go flying backward on a mostly straight trajectory until they hit a wall or tree or other solid object.
They will be flung more or less straight back thru the air FAST and hit the wall viciously! This is a great move against multiple opponents, thus briefly incapacitating one opponent while you deal the other.