[WIP] Duke Patrick?s Immersion Combat Archery

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

[WIP] Duke Patrick's Immersion Combat Archery"switching to a bow was me hitting the wrong button, but when I did draw the bow I was frozen."
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:07 pm

Wait wait - sorry I've not been able to get back to you.

This only happened a few times and like I said - I'm not sure it is this mod at all. Could be overload of cpu for all I know.

Using Super Hotkeys I set all my melee weapons to cycle on button 1 and all my ranged weapons and lockpick stuff on button 2. Running toward the Daedra with mace out I accidentally hit button 2 instead of button W and drew my bow out. Damn I thought well Maybe I can dodge behond my comrads and get an arrow off - but was frozen to the spot. Could not move or fire.

My load order does change, but it hasn't changed so much that there is a reason for that, thought I'd report it - maybe somebody else has too. I've no idea and the only way to get that to happen again is to get back into combat. Will do more of that tonight.

Sorry - not an emergency. Just asking.
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 am

2 other users have already confirmed this.

I do not like "reposting" about bugs in the OBSE thread as I start to sound like the bringer of bad news all the time.
And some of the bugs I have reported were ignored until other more well known modders also found them.

This one I will let others handle.

I love OBSE, but as I am not a programmer and OBSE is getting too "program language like"
it is getting out of my ability to commutate to the OBSE guys.

Bug is fixed. Thanks to shademe for passing it along - it was news to us.
We welcome feedback, especially bug reports, and would not intentionally ignore you; if you've gotten that impression in the past then I apologize.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:33 pm


So there is a new version of OBSE now or is that later on?
I ask because I just released a work around mod rev, and may need to pull this off TesNexus if you already released a new OBSE with this fix.

I retract that statement about being ignored, that has not happen to me for a long time.

I can understand not responding to every NEWBIE that posts something, and that was back when I was a relative newbie.
Because at that time (in may case anyway) half the time it was USER error not a real bug!
And yes of course I would rather you spend time writing code than writing response posts.

So really I owe you an apology for brining up OLD crap.

If you want me to,
I will email you the bug I found a long time ago, and at the time I was told I was either wrong or that it did not matter because it was
an old command not used anymore. (they could not seem to understand that it IS still used in older mods)
You did not say this, it was another poster on the bug report thread.

But the result was I did not want to post bug reports anymore.
Again this was a long time ago and it was NOT you.

My issues still stands with the new language, I find it intimidating now to try to read and post on OBSE thread as I am not a programmer.
I understand this is MY fault not yours not OBSE, but I feel many people...

(people like me with talent to do unique things in Oblivion because of a unique skill or experience "set", but did not learn programing because they spent most of thier time learning those other skill "sets"...that make sense at all?)

...that would have used OBSE will shy away from it now because of the new programing style language OBSE is using these days.
The benefit I guess is that only modders that really know what they are doing will mod now or just not use OBSE except for snippets that are written for them.

That is just my opinion, I still support OBSE and would never STOP using it.
I would bet OBSE has to be the number one mod of any game used in history.

Bug is fixed. Thanks to shademe for passing it along - it was news to us.
We welcome feedback, especially bug reports, and would not intentionally ignore you; if you've gotten that impression in the past then I apologize.

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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:59 am


So there is a new version of OBSE now or is that later on?
I ask because I just released a work around mod rev, and may need to pull this off TesNexus if you already released a new OBSE with this fix.
When he says "bug fixed", he usually means that he's just fixed it and you'll see the changes in the next release.

My issues still stands with the new language, I find it intimidating now to try to read and post on OBSE thread as I am not a programmer.
I understand this is MY fault not yours not OBSE, but I feel many people...

(people like me with talent to do unique things in Oblivion because of a unique skill or experience "set", but did not learn programing because they spent most of thier time learning those other skill "sets"...that make sense at all?)

...that would have used OBSE will shy away from it now because of the new programing style language OBSE is using these days.
The benefit I guess is that only modders that really know what they are doing will mod now or just not use OBSE except for snippets that are written for them.
I guess that is inevitable as better functionality invariably (not necessarily of course, but we're talking about a specific case here) points to more advanced code and syntax. But believe it or not, OBSE's implementation of arrays, strings and user functions are really intuitive, given the limitations it works under.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:29 pm

Ok I've been able to isolate a save where I'm in front of the White Stallion Lodge ready to talk to a Tamriel Traveler to sell items.

Every time I load that save I get the message not to move while the archery mod loads yet that message never goes away and the HUD is completely gone. My character can look around but not move or act.

If I open the console and close it the HUD re-appears for a split second, but nothing changes.

Again not sure if this mod is the cause except that when I deactivate the mod the save game loads normally and all movement is available. There was no combat present and all that is happening is loading the save game.

Could be a conflict. I could send you the save game but with 400 other mods it may not be loadable.

Is there anything you have done to make the character stop or freeze till the mod initializes? The last thing the OBSe log states is 'Loading array variables.'
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 pm

The mod looks to see if the highest bow in vanilla oblivion has been set to the correct damage.
This bow MUST be changed of the rest of the mod will not work properly as it is used as the standard "maximum factor" in calculations.

If the bow is not changed then the mod holds you (disable controls) until this is done.

This should only take a few seconds.

If this bow is not changed the message will not go away.

So the only explanation is were the batch INI file is not running(not in the right directory or some other reason)
and therefor it is never changing the bow.

OR a conflicting mod is charging the bow on the fly as well.
Any mod that does this will NOT work with my mod.

Edit: no I forgot I change this, it only looks for the symbol {} now not th damage, so the only thing left is the INI is not running for some reason.

Anyway I load the most up to date ver now on TesNexus.

Please switch to that public Beta release ok?

Ok I've been able to isolate a save where I'm in front of the White Stallion Lodge ready to talk to a Tamriel Traveler to sell items.

Is there anything you have done to make the character stop or freeze till the mod initializes? The last thing the OBSe log states is 'Loading array variables.'

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emily grieve
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 pm

Switching now with clean save and will comment further there.

But didn't want the first post to be a nitpick about the fact that there is a jpg file in the sounds folder. fyi
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Pawel Platek
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