[RELZ] Duke Patrick's - Safe Save

Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:57 am

Duke Patricks - Safe Save

get it here:


OBSE 20 or better needed.

This mod monitors your combat and other game progress and calculates a Save Score based on how hard of a fight you had and other factors. Once you reach the Save Score Objective number or more the mod will Autosave your game under 1 of 4 savegames called DPSafeSave, but ONLY when it is most likely safe to do so unlike other types of autosaves.

This SAFE Autosave will be delayed if the game conditions would corrupt the file or result in a " moment of imminent death " save.

Some of the factors that are detected and delay the DP autosave are: Dangerous Water, In Combat, falling, Knocked State, near by traps (20 feet or less), player health is dropping such as from poison. The calculation logic to accomplish all this is clever but simple, as such the mod is not 100% full proof. But this mod was made as a personal mod just to patch this irritating issue in my game with Autosaves.

The Combat aspect of the Save Score only advances when you are in combat and in physical contact with your opponents ( being hit or hitting them.) This includes range combat and spell casting.

I plan to expand this over the next few weeks as well to include such things as number of chests opened, time passed, distance traveled and others. More scripting to prevent corrupt files and I may add more INI settings to allow control over the entire system as much as I have time to do.
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Jade Payton
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:00 pm

Wow, I think this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:
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matt white
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:15 pm

I just uploaded Rev 1, it checks the frame rate to be sure it is not too low before attempting the safe save. I need to ask the OBSE guys or some other really smart moders what other tests I can do like that.

As it is now the mod "side steps" a lot of save file corruption issues by delaying the save once the common "pitfalls" are detected such as load doors and combat.

I think tomorrow I will add detection to skip Safe Saves when in less dangerous areas like towns as going thru lots of load doors and then waiting for the autosave in safes ares can get annoying.
OR maybe a timer in between load doors would be better?

Wow, I think this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:

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Emily Martell
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:23 pm

Sounds very interesting alright, a timed save would be great combined with the checks your mod already does?

EDIT: Also will it purge Cell Buffers? I still use Kuertee's auto save mod at the moment which also purges cells and it also removes "crucified poses"...although i have no idea what remove "crucified poses" should do? :blink:
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Stephanie Nieves
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