Hi, this mod does indeed rock XD but,
i have a problem, every time, while i am already playing, when i load a save game, it says blabla password ini file bla not found and so on.
The popup repeats itself continuously, and i have of course set that password.
This only happens if i load a savegame from within the game.
Now i have to restart oblivion every time i want to load a savegame.
Is this a bug? Is it suposed to happen? Am i doing something wrong?
I think maybe my savegame is broken somehow -,-.
That was a problem a few releases back, are you using the latest 3.1a http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/514-duke-patricks-combat-archery-31a/
Depending on how old your version is you may have to find the password again, and read up on changes. Dont forget the clean save routine too

(Un-install old verion, load game, wait couple of minutes, save game. Install new version, enter password in ini, boss load order, rebuild bashed patch if using wrye bash, and play).
It was moved to that site because people were not reading the included readme.