It's a fantastic MOD which really makes you want to play with bows. :goodjob:
About the quiver I really like the idea but I'm not too found of the implementation. I feel it should be the other way around. You can only use/shoot what's put in it.
The way it is set you have to do the operation everytime you come across an arrow. And each time you put arrows in the quiver you have to re-equip your arrows. Plus you can't do the whole operation in sneak mode. I understand it would certainly be too complicated to do it the other way around and that it's an optional feature, but just giving my feelings about it.

Also I understand the whole quiver/container is to simulate a real time action to get around that stupid froze time inventory menu, but have you thought about triggering a player anim once out of the inventory instead? Forcing an anim (generic use idle anim) would simulate that
action takes time and could open other leads.
Otherwise I experience a problem with the endurance consumption when drawing a bow, there isn't any. I can stay all day long with the string pulled without any fatigue effect.
When i installed Your Archery mod, i was testing different mods to BAIN them before a clean install.
So I had Oblivion XP installed, but Archery was BOSSed and loaded last except for Streamline.
Des-installed Oblivion XP, no change. Installed nGCD loaded before Archery no change, installed Extended Game Mechanics aswell to try it, configured the ini so it let your mod handle the bow endurance part still no change.
The Combat Archery INI is set to default .005.
The characters were fresh made, played with rusty and iron bows and got a daedric bow via console to check but no matter what, my endurance refuses to drop when drawing a bow.